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Topic initiated on Tuesday, October 19, 2004  -  3:28 PM Reply with quote

Medical Queries for Doctors @ Studying Islam may be sent here.

In a message dated 18/10/2004 11:44:55 GMT Daylight

sr henna
need to ask a question regarding Haidh – menstruation.
Is spotting regarded as haidh. A woman menstruation starts on the 16th of a month. She notices a light brown discharge. Then there is nothing but spots for 16th and the 17th. The full bleeding only starts on the 18th and may last for three or 4 days and than there is spotting again till day 10. Is all 10 days regarded as haidh or only the 4 full days of bleeding. Please note I am part of the hanafi madhab.

Jazakallah in advance.


walaikumassalam dear sister, and thankyou for your query.

Gynaecologically, your period/haidh days will be considered as per your routine cycles. If your routine bleeding days are 4, you may ignore the spotting days.
However if you bleed in the similar pattern every month then you will have to consider all ten days as part of your haidh.

I am forwarding this to our islamic scholars on this site for their special input and clarification.

P.s the Prophet (S.A.W) did not perscribe a seprate set of rules for hanfi or anyother madhab- but only for 1- muslims.

The nuisanse of spotting you mentioned most likely is due to lack of hormonal support to your ovaries for which you could use norethisterone(progesterone hormone) tablets 5 mg three times a day from day 19 to 26 of your cycle ; or if your cycle is shorter, from day 15 to 21.

Check with your GP/personal doctorwhether you have any medical history which could contraindicate this progesterone hormone for you.

Although progesterone hormone is much safe and has less side effects compared to estrogen hormones. If you do not wish to take hormones regularly though, just take them in the months around Ramadan e.g. for three months keeping the Ramadan in the middle

Hope this helps.

wassalaam 'n regards

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Edited by: hkhan on Friday, September 25, 2009 7:29 AM

Posted - Tuesday, October 26, 2004  -  8:53 AM Reply with quote
I have about 18 months of PQE (post qualification experience) I cannot start my own practice until I have acquired 3 years of PQE. Insha'allah I will then start my own practice with a "Halal Checklist".

I have recently been considering leaving the profession for the above reasons but on thinking about it I feel that I can use my profession for the good of Islam rather than abandon it. Sadly I have to wait for another 18 months or so (and some capital) to be able to do this.

I hope that one day I would be in a position to represent only the muslims in Britain in pursuit of causes which are allowed/recommended in Islam.

Allah knows my motives.

I suspect that as a doctor you may need to be alone in a room with male clients. How do you deal with this?


I understand the problem you have mentioned to some extent as per the commonality we face e.g. gender interaction.
I feel that the laws gioven by Qura'n n sunnah/Prophet sws are most simple and modest in this regard but there is no doubt it is difficult to stick to them always.
Regarding shake hand I tend to simply convey the fact that this practice does not fit into the common laws of modesty re: gender interaction regardless of religions and cultures, not only Islam.

At the same time I humbly request them that this does not at all give us a reason to be rude to eachother; infact we can talk to eachother normally and kindly and help eachother in relevent matters keeping the limits of modesty.

alhamdulillah so far I have never come across any nonmuslim including british/american male who disliked this info. or got annoyed. Rather many express thnx and say that surprisingly they were never told about this by their muslim friends and known ones, including females; and that they would definitely mention this to them.

It was a great trial for me when I had to receive my postgraduation degree from the Royal college but I prayed to Allah and mentioned my concern to the administration before the ceremony and the problem was easily solved when the concerned person just left a sticky note on my degree that"this dr. does not wish to shake hand" and the college President happily presented the degree to me with a big smile.

Yes I did have to give up my favourite speciality of general surgery in order to have least interaction with male patients and I decided this in the final year of medical school when I got male inguinal hernia to deal with as the exam case and it really looked and felt funny and illogical to examine a male's body while covered oneself in hijab;

The thought behind this decision was that male drs were available to deal with this and patients would therefore not suffer; it was the matter of sacrificing my interest only, and one may have to sacrifice certain interests in favour of bigger interests; jannah for a believer .

However God was very kind to me as then
I got enough opportunity to perform obstetric and gynaecological surgery atleast; and I feel this speciality is more suitable for me as per gender interaction.

In UK we do attend patients mostly with their husbands/partners but that is limited to gentle explanation of the disease and treatment in a friendly but limited ways n attitude.
There have been occasions when I have to talk to the male attendent in isolation in order to give info about their female patient but as you mentioned, intention and duty always leads these situations and our beautiful deen has given us beautiful manners to deal with such situations.

May Lord be with our efforts to gain the Purification of body and soul while living in every situation, the key to Paradise. amen.But we ask Him to keep things easy for us.

Posted - Thursday, October 28, 2004  -  10:41 PM Reply with quote
This is a best example of Taqwa/Piety that I mean by my post in the discussion forum. You are right; abandoning the profession is abandoning the tool given by God for His pleasure. Imagine the difference of output between “with a tool” and “without a tool”, in general.

Posted - Thursday, November 11, 2004  -  3:24 PM Reply with quote
In a message dated 08/11/2004 00:02:26 GMT Standard Time, -------------------------writes:

Assalamu alaikum, sister. I hope you have nice and easy time during this Ramadan. May Allah accept the best from our deeds!
Thank you for your willingness to help me. Well, it is a long story. I think I might be pregnant. And now the puzzle starts. It is possible I am around 20 weeks. But I am still getting periods but last 5 months they have been very different - very light in color, not at all my ussual menstruation, and i get cramps not just before but also after my perid finish. I have all the time heavy pain in my back and in my abdomen. With my previous pregnancies I had not morning sickness, so i have no now too, just once i felt dizzy and nausea, but this can be something else off course. Last few weeks i wake up all the time during the night and just turn and turn...I know it is possible to be pregnant and still bleeding, but i made 2 home pregnancy tests and they came negative. But the last few weeks i feel movements inside and my abdoment is bigger(maybe from fat as my husband suggests). And this Ramadan i am very hungry during the day, when ussualy other years i didn't feel anything like that. Do you think I can still be preg. after 2 neg. tests and they are not done early, rather late or is it all my imagination. I think after my period finish - after Ramadan - to go visit my doctor - do you advise me to? And if not pregnant do you think those symptoms show some other illness? Please answer quickly and calm me down as I think i become crazy from thinking.

waalaykum assalaam and apologies for delayed response sr with jam packed ramadan schedule

You must hv a scan first of all
Around 50% ladies can bleed in pregnancy, despite all being normal.

Are you trying to/ and willing to get pregnant?

Sometimes you can suffer from 'pseudo pregnancy'. due to your psychological status of extreme willingness to get pregnant and surprisingly your body can then have all the symptoms of real pregnancy like feeling sick, getting bigger, breast tenderness and engorgement etc.
subha'n Allah
and we need to remember 5 Fs in all such cases
fluid,foetus,fibroid,flatus,fat in order to keep different diagnoses
Besides we should not omit the possibility of sinister causes of bleeding in pregnancy like placental reasons, cervical pathology, etc. which can be dangerous to mum and baby. So do visit an obstetrician for further consultation.

Best wishes

(am posting your anonymous query n reply to our Communities forum for others to benefit)

wassalaam 'n regards

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Edited by: hkhan on Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:58 PM

Posted - Tuesday, November 16, 2004  -  1:38 PM Reply with quote
I am a female surgeon and if any one has a query i will be glad to clear there doubts.

Posted - Wednesday, November 17, 2004  -  10:47 PM Reply with quote
Thats great sister! I 'm sure many would benefit from your presence here.
could you pls reply to the following query of one of the patients I came across in a routine antenatal clinic.many thnx/j.k.

Dear Doctor
I am only 19 but my obesity makes me look years older. I have come across " Tumy Tuck" surgical procedure in journals and internet used in order to reduce fat. I feel that may be an answer to my worries.
But I have heard that its scar is dreadful. What other bad aspects does it have? Specially in my age. Can I go for it after my pregnancy is over?
J. Gold.

Re: female surgeon
Date: 18/11/2004 01:36:15 GMT Standard Time
From: smitasssharma@rediffmail.com
Reply To:
To: HKhan135@aol.com
Sent on: 18/11/2004 01:36:15 GMT Standard Time

Sent from the Internet (Details)
Internet Address Card Attached

Assalaam Walaikum,
Thanks. good to hear from you.
About the query she is only 19 and to undergo any operative procedure at this age for obesity i wont advice about the tummy tuck operation here the fat is removed and yes there are many complications of this procedure rt from anaesthesia too bleeding ,hematoma to bruise . And mainly its a short term procedure the fat is going to accumulate again and again the operation will be recquired .
Ther are other procedures where the ctomach capacity is reduced by operative procedure so the pt has less satiety and also eats less and in future this might help her in future.
Thanks again for the query and mail.Looking forward to other similar queries.

Thank you sr for your precious time n advice.Plz keep us posted i future as well as n wen .

Edited by: hkhan on Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:57 PM

Posted - Sunday, December 5, 2004  -  9:11 PM Reply with quote

I am glad to find here, a new surgeon Dr. Smita and she is most welcomed. We can help the needy people by mutual cooperation, in a better way, Insha’Allah. As the patients are not in front of us, we can only guide them in the light of the information they provide.

I want to add to your advice regarding treatment of obesity in 19 years old girl, as following.

First of all we have to rule out the causes of obesity then proceed further according to the cause. If cause is removed the obesity will go away. The causes, for example Cushing’s syndrome which is three times more common in the females and the age incidence is 15 to 30 years. So in this case Cushing’s syndrome needs to be ruled out first. The other cause of weight gain in the young females is hypothyroidism.

These two conditions are at the top of the list of differential diagnosis, then others like familial, overeating etc. Kindly advise the patient to consult the concerned specialities. First of all she must go to a physician then accordingly.

Posted - Monday, December 6, 2004  -  6:25 AM Reply with quote
Asalaamalaikum It is wonderful to have a doctor on line Please do make it a permanent feature.Please let me know why i have heaviness in the lower abdomen I am in the menopause stage which is awful and I hate going to the doctor Could it be a growth or a prolapse.Waiting I read a lot of shifa duas and surah fatiha and do sajdas of hajt.

Posted - Wednesday, December 8, 2004  -  8:38 PM Reply with quote
Waalakum’asslam, Dear Shehla,

Sorry for being late.

With you prayers we will, InshaAllah make it a permanent feature.

You have said about the growth or a prolapse, which seems to be the cause of heaviness in the lower abdomen. If the growth or prolapse is through the vagina then Dr. Henna khan who is a Gynaecologist, can guide you in a better way but if through the anus then is the domain of the General Surgeon and you will have to go to the General Surgeon for proper history, examination, investigations and the treatment as at this time we can only guide you properly.

You must not worry, as female General Surgeons are now also available in Pakistan. After seeing the surgeon you will have to follow the advice or some procedure accordingly. Dr. Smita may add something.

The cure for the heaviness in the lower abdomen is after treatment of the cause whether the growth, prolapse or some else. But most probable the cause seems to be the growth or a prolapse you mentioned.

Meanwhile in both the cases (Surgical or Gynaecologal), you must AVOID eating things, which cause constipation kneading flour, all the works by sitting on the feet and lifting heavy weights. Treat the cough immediately if sometimes present and reduce your weight, if overweight. Furthermore control some associated problem like high blood pressure or Diabetes (sugar) etc by the concerned doctors because it will be must if some procedure is required either way.

Dr. Henna khan is requested to please advise her about your speciality.

May Allah help and solve her problem, Aameen!

Edited by: hkhan on Friday, April 01, 2005 11:46 AM

Posted - Wednesday, December 8, 2004  -  11:08 PM Reply with quote
Many thanks/j.k. Surgeon Akhlaq for your consultation.
I am waiting for some of our Gynaecologist colleagues to post an advice as they have written to me; and I wish more of our colleagues could come in insh'Allah.


Posted - Thursday, December 9, 2004  -  2:28 AM Reply with quote
Assalaam Walaikum,
You have mentioned heaviness in lower abdomen .Is this all the time or after meals. Is there a sense of fullness or bloating of the abdomen. Do let me know if you do have these symptoms then we will be able to guide more and as Dr Surgeon has mentioned that advise is to be followed

Edited by: hkhan on Friday, April 01, 2005 11:47 AM

Posted - Thursday, December 9, 2004  -  3:26 PM Reply with quote
Assalamu Aliekom sister,
Like my collegues said here previously, u need to answer so many questions before stating whether a prolapse or a growth. I don't go for the growth option much, although it is never impossible, but the signs of growth are usually different than that, and since it's a lower abdominal, then we should check that your abdomen as a whole is free from everything possible causes of heaviness. You need to ask yourself, is it food related or not, is it time related, is it stress related. Is there anything else in your body that is acting strangely as well, or is it just your abdomen? Like other collegues asked, is it related to your defecation habbits or not? First come up with all these answers, then go to the next step, but honestly diagnosis can't just be made so roughly like that.

InshaAllah you will feel better soon.

Posted - Friday, December 10, 2004  -  11:19 AM Reply with quote
Many thanks/j.k. my dear colleagues for your valuable advice.
uhmmm ...cough cough. I'm a bit surrounded by surgeons here! May i have a bit of space for gynaecology plz as has the gynaecological organs in a female pelvis, besides our dear bowel n bladder

I pray for your health and comfort as well. Besides following the above advice plz note the following as well. You wouldn't have thought you would have so many consultaions available on line
Hope we are not overdosing now.

It is common to have such feelings around menopause more so due to changing texture of body and general heaviness due to some weight gain. It would be nice to try some light exercice, brisk walk and watching diet i.e. avoiding fat and sweet in diet.
However at the same time it is best to have a scan done atleast to make sure there isn't any growth in uterus or ovaries like you mentioned.

(We may hate going to doctors. However some time we don't have much choice but to see them. I wish we could scan you on line ) )

Edited by: hkhan on Friday, December 10, 2004 11:52 AM

Posted - Wednesday, December 29, 2004  -  7:25 AM Reply with quote

To: info@renaissance.com.pk
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2004 4:37 PM
Subject: In the name of Allah,Please help me !!!

Assalam-o-alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu,
My name is and iam a student, aged 23years.
This is regarding an Islmaic remedy for my bodily ailment.....Please do not back my request.

i was affected with Filarial hydrocele(as doctors say) since 3 years.
I was operated after which the doctors promised me a normal sexual life.
Although i do not know about the real potency i have....but the real problem is that.... even after my operation I HAVE MY SKIN OVER MY TESTICLES WHICH IS SWOLLEN & ALSO SWELLING EXISTS OVER MY PENIS ROOT.
I have been trying all the presciptions since (last 10 months) that doctors gave me but no affect.

i have lost all belief in these medicines & the only way for me is to beg Almighty for SHIFA.Please suggest me some SPECIAL PRAYER OR SOME SPECIAL DUA OR ANY OTHER ISLAMIC MEANS so that i can get rid of this abnormality as soon as possible & strengthen my sexuall strength.

Please help me in the name of ALLAH & gift me a normal social life.


w'assalaam brother

Please note that the treatment of the above condition is possible medically as well as surgically and of course it is Allah who is al Shafi and who can make it effective. ameen.
You may have completed the antibiotic course but for these after effects, i.e. hydrocele(swelling on the scrotum and the penile root) surgery would help insh'allah so you need to contact general surgeon in your area.


Let me know of any further help and references.

We have a surgeon in our Communities at Studyig Islam who lives in India and may be able to suggest a suitable general surgeon

Dr Smita Sharma smitasssharma@hotmail.com. Surgeon. India and

Dr.Kashif Seyed smitasssharma@rediffmail.com, General Surgeon India

The dua's you hav requested for are hazrat Ayub's(PBUH) dua'

anni massaniad duro wa anta arhamur rahemeen(an ailment has touched me and you are the most kind)

and hazrat Ibrahim's(PBUH) dua'

wa iza maridto fahuwa yashfeen (when i fall sick Allah heals me)

both from Qura'n

Our dua's remain with you.

Coordinator Communities @ studying Islam

Edited by: hkhan on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 7:30 AM

Posted - Wednesday, December 29, 2004  -  12:12 PM Reply with quote
The Duas are ofcourse allways helpfull.The filarial condition is a chronic longstanding conditionthat leads to thickening of the skin and also has lead to hydrocoele and which was operated the collected fluid has been removed and the operation has insured that it wont collect again but the thickened skin remains the extent of which is to be seen if extensive than the scrotal skin could be excised . Regarding the sexual function the thickened skin doesnt cause problem but the expert advice regarding this can be taken. A normal healthy life can deficately be had and many of my patients do so dont worry and Dua will also help.

Posted - Friday, December 31, 2004  -  10:22 PM Reply with quote
In a message dated 22/12/2004 18:06:38 GMT Standard Time, AA...... writes:

Dear Dr. Khan-
I read your article while researching SAA. (splenic artery aneurysm)and I have been looking for a doctor who has experience with this disorder. I was diagnosed with a SAA of 2.3 by 1.9 a few months back as an incidental finding during a cat scan. I also just found out that I am newly pregnant (unplanned). My concern is, of course, for both the well being of myself and child. In your experience, can a person with my condition continue the pregnancy? Can surgical intervention be an answer during the second trimester?

Thank you for any input you could provide.

New York

Assalaamualaikum/Peace Dear A.A.

In your condition, you must consult your obstetric consultant who will refer you to a general surgeon . the general surgeon may decide to operate during early pregnancy because chances of rupture of this aneurysm are very high in later pregnancy.
You may write to our surgeon colleagues as well whose email addresses are given on page 1 Lend A Hand"

I pray that all goes well for you

Let me know of any further queries and would be nice to know progress.


Dr HKhan

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