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Posted - Saturday, June 19, 2010  -  5:40 PM Reply with quote

Women's health affects her general performance and her comfort & discomfort, be it physical or mental has a direct effect on the whole family. If she is depressed the whole house will have a gloomy appearance. If a woman is in peace the house can present a picture of Paradise.

You are incorrect.
If any member of a family (male or female) is not in rest physically or mentally, the whole house will have a gloomy appearance.

The Creator has therefore laid a lot of stress on looking after women and we find the same reflection in the beloved prophet Muhammad sws teachings.

Allah has also laid a lot of stress on equality of both the gender. It is also proclaimed that a woman is independent. Now to serve your own will, nothing else, you are making a woman handicapped and begging and doing by hook or crook what you think.
Furthermore, “Aren’t you confusing between the relations of a husband and wife (regarding looking after) and between a man and a woman who have no such relationship.”

Similarly God has given a woman the right to be at rest and not to be disturbd by her husband regarding sexual activity which can be uncomfortable during this time, besides being unhygienic of course due to the presence of blood; but the translators must be careful to keep the illness and discomfort as a priority rather than 'impurity' which gives an unnecessary feeling of superiority to men in general, which actually is not there in this regard of purification.

Not all women have discomfort during menses. So in such situation (without discomfort), according to your very very limited interpretation and if you are not wrong, “A husband can freely do intercourse with his wife during menses” Isn’t it?

Posted - Sunday, June 20, 2010  -  4:49 AM Reply with quote
Sanwal this is an article by Riffat Hassan
Gender equality and justice in Islam tell me what you think of it.


Posted - Sunday, June 20, 2010  -  5:26 AM Reply with quote
Whoever he/she is.........

Posted - Sunday, June 20, 2010  -  6:06 AM Reply with quote

Sanwal this is an article by Riffat Hassan
Gender equality and justice in Islam tell me what you think of it.


The contents especially stressed (regarding purity etc), are not mentioned in this article. If mentioned in any way he is also incorrect.

Edited by: Sanwal on Sunday, June 20, 2010 6:12 AM

Posted - Sunday, June 20, 2010  -  6:13 AM Reply with quote

The word 'Aza' in Qur'an has been translated at all other places as 'discomfort' or 'pain' except at this particular place where it has been translated by most scholars including Maulana Maudoodi, Amin Islahi Sahib and Javaid Ghamidi Sahib as 'impurity' the Arabic word for which is'Rijs'

If so, In Sura Fatiha why “yaom-i-din” is used while at many other places, ““yaom-al-akhir” and “yaom-al-qiamat” is used.

………'impurity' which gives an unnecessary feeling of superiority to men in general, which actually is not there in this regard of purification.

In Koran (2:222) Hatta yatharn (until cleaned), Faiza tatharn (if become cleaned, are also used which you are deliberately ignoring keeping in your mind that nobody has any copy of Koran except you alone.

God has given the woman lot of concession during these days. She has been given a leave from the ritual of 5 times prayers schedule with ablution and all the formalities. Similarly she is allowed to postpone fasting and other worship rituals like Hajj and Umrah.

If it is only discomfort, surely men would also have been granted by the Creator the same concession in such situations (any discomfort). Or you are trying to say that men are more superior who are freely ALLOWED to appear before God (prayers, fasting, Hajj and Umrah and other worships).

Why your so called article was rejected, it’s now very clear even to a common man.

Posted - Sunday, June 20, 2010  -  9:09 AM Reply with quote

In Koran (2:222) Hatta yatharn (until cleaned), Faiza tatharn (if become cleaned,

sanwal====> u have valid point here (above).


which you are deliberately ignoring keeping in your mind that nobody has any copy of Koran except you alone.

sanwal===> this is the example u r making a gender bias???
let them (women) enter in discussion whatever in their mind and then u explain your version with decent and kind wordings.
by using yourrabove style is discouraging....

Posted - Sunday, June 20, 2010  -  2:15 PM Reply with quote
sanwal you disagree that is ok you give your own arguments that is good too but there is no need for being out right rude. Why the article was rejected can only be commented by the decision makers of this website. It certainly can't be because it differs from their official views, if that was the case then Ghamidi sahab's views and interpretations wouldn't be considered different from other scholars. Holding different views or even differing from age old interpretations doesn't automatically make it wrong or right, different arguments are given for and against the idea presented then on that the reader can judge and make a decision.

Posted - Monday, June 21, 2010  -  1:01 PM Reply with quote
Sorry I have this hadit in Urdu language. Khan has mentioned in her book( waiting to be published once completed) that interestingly the President of UIUK quoted the following hadith at the AGM 2009 while he supported Khan's Article verbally where she mentioned the difference between 'rijs' and 'ada', but when the practical time came to act, the brother did exactly the same as mentioned by Ayesha R.A. in this hadith. That is, he also blocked her not only from the team but also from his email, on no other reason but gender discrimination at certain level -more smiles :3

The hadith is about how Ayesha R.A the mother of the believers was upset that even the believers of the time would classify women with dogs and donkeys, as the three things that could break your prayer.

کتا ، گدھا اور عورت

حدثنا عمر بن حفص، قال حدثنا أبي قال، حدثنا الأعمش، قال حدثنا إبراهيم، عن الأسود، عن عائشة،‏.‏ قال الأعمش وحدثني مسلم، عن مسروق، عن عائشة، ذكر عندها ما يقطع الصلاة الكلب والحمار والمرأة فقالت شبهتمونا بالحمر والكلاب، والله لقد رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي، وإني على السرير ـ بينه وبين القبلة ـ مضطجعة فتبدو لي الحاجة، فأكره أن أجلس فأوذي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فأنسل من عند رجليه‏.‏
ہم سے عمر بن حفص بن غیاث نے بیان کیا ، کہ مجھ سے میرے باپ نے بیان کیا ، کہا کہ ہم سے اعمش نے بیان کیا ، کہا کہ ہم سے ابراہیم نے اسود کے واسطہ سے بیان کیا ، انھوں نے حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے ( دوسری سند ) اور اعمش نے کہا کہ مجھ سے مسلم بن صبیح نے مسروق کے واسطہ سے بیان کیا ، انھوں نے عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے کہ ان کے سامنے ان چیزوں کا ذکر ہوا ۔ جو نماز کو توڑ دیتی ہیں یعنی کتا ، گدھا اور عورت ۔ اس پر حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہ نے فرمایا کہ تم لوگوں نے ہمیں گدھوں اور کتوں کے برابر کر دیا ۔ حالانکہ خود نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اس طرح نماز پڑھتے تھے کہ میں چارپائی پر آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے اور قبلہ کے بیچ میں لیٹی رہتی تھی ۔ مجھے کوئی ضرورت پیش آئی اور چونکہ یہ بات پسند نہ تھی کہ آپ کے سامنے ( جب کہ آپ نماز پڑھ رہے ہوں ) بیٹھوں اور اس طرح آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو تکلیف ہو ۔ اس لیے میں آپ کے پاؤں کی طرف سے خاموشی کے ساتھ نکل جاتی تھی ۔

صحیح بخاری
کتاب الصلوٰۃ
حدیث نمبر : 514
( نماز کے احکام و مسائل )
باب : اس شخص کی دلیل جس نے یہ کہا کہ نماز کو کوئی چیز نہیں توڑتی

Posted - Monday, June 21, 2010  -  6:04 PM Reply with quote

Salam, a strong value system is in my opinion a distinction between right and wrong in basic principles of life eg. honesty, integrity,compassion, morality and responsibility.
I never answered your previous question of why I don't want to convince people if I am right, well I think dress is a personal thing and what makes you comfortable and happy should be each person's choice be it a burqa, chader a dupatta, no dupatta, just T shirt with pants etc. we have our religious guidence how we interpret it is our choice. I also feel state should not interfere with the dress code. A person should be allowed to exercise his/ her judgement.
I see so many people on this forum please add your views on " what in your opinion a Muslim woman should be"

I just wanted to add that muslim women should keep their identity concealed. Especially around non-believers because you don't want to give somebody the wrong idea about this religion. For instince if a women is more confortable wearing a tshirt and pants a non-believer could except the religion and think she can do the same thing. When muslim women are ordered to be in dresscode, Allah knows best it is for to not annoyed by the non-believer. I dont know if Im making any type of sense to you but what im tryna say is if i seen a muslim women in a pants and a tshirt. I would be tempted to advice her because Allah ordered us to cover completely as to not be annoyed. And for her to be in public with this type of dresscode a non-believer might see her as approachable. Allah knows best the third party is the Shaitan. Oppose to a women who is fully covered, it instills a barer between her and the non-believer. They look at her like shes not interesting and like you said "scary". Meanwhile muslims know mash Allah the reason why she covers. This is one of the qaulities a muslim women should always possess. This is also a call for taqwa(Fear of Allah).


Posted - Tuesday, June 22, 2010  -  6:55 AM Reply with quote
sister javeria1==>
what u said in particular scenario, is perfectly true, but I want to ask what if there is different scenario::

1) what if surrounding all males would be muslim???

2) how important IT IS that males themselves are also ORDERED BY ALLAH NOT to stare at woman or watch them in bad way???

3) what u say of a woman who is having decent dressing (not transparent and tight) but not wearing hijab and niqab??

4) The people who are against hijab (head covering) and niqab (face covering also with full burqa) are not SUPPORTER of tight, tranparent or exotic or provocative dressing.

what they say: that putting a woman behind burqa and face covering , you are projectingthat a woman is only an object of exploiting males' inner dirty emotion????

so that a little glimpse of her face or herself , would cause big thrill in males' mind???

you consider a female in this manner a commodity who cannot do anything except creating erotic emotion, so let her be there at home with her husband where such quality is required???

please comment....
these are not my doubts....these are the objections of western women which may misguide our young girls and they start to think in this way.

keep in mind!! i am not talking about the erotic, almost tranparent or bodily tight dress....i am talking the very decent and proper dress .....but without head and face cover and without burqa( like the black coloured abaya)..


Posted - Tuesday, June 22, 2010  -  6:10 PM Reply with quote

sister javeria1==>
what u said in particular scenario, is perfectly true, but I want to ask what if there is different scenario::

1) what if surrounding all males would be muslim???

2) how important IT IS that males themselves are also ORDERED BY ALLAH NOT to stare at woman or watch them in bad way???

3) what u say of a woman who is having decent dressing (not transparent and tight) but not wearing hijab and niqab??

4) The people who are against hijab (head covering) and niqab (face covering also with full burqa) are not SUPPORTER of tight, tranparent or exotic or provocative dressing.

what they say: that putting a woman behind burqa and face covering , you are projectingthat a woman is only an object of exploiting males' inner dirty emotion????

so that a little glimpse of her face or herself , would cause big thrill in males' mind???

you consider a female in this manner a commodity who cannot do anything except creating erotic emotion, so let her be there at home with her husband where such quality is required???

please comment....
these are not my doubts....these are the objections of western women which may misguide our young girls and they start to think in this way.

keep in mind!! i am not talking about the erotic, almost tranparent or bodily tight dress....i am talking the very decent and proper dress .....but without head and face cover and without burqa( like the black coloured abaya)..


If all the males are Muslim, its still important to cover. The majority of the Hellfire will be women. Because their disobedience to Allah and the disobedience to their husbands. When we are covered you cant lead a man to temptation because he see's nothing. Even when we speak to men we're supposed to speak in a sturn, straight forward tone. We shouldnt have softness in our voice because that could also lead a man to fantasizing or giving him the wrong idea that you want to be talked to. Even though you may not see it in that way but if speak in a soft manner, they may take as seduction. Men period have the same desires and 1 of the most biggest desires a man have (as well as some females) is sex or jus a intimate partner.

Its important men also lower his gaze and protect his private parts. As well as a women is led to temptation its the same with a man. Fearing your Lord and the punishment in the Hereafter should be sufficent enough. We all fall short sometimes but the best of the people are those who repent. But the same reason a man should lower his gaze is the same reason why a women should do tha same. Not to lead each other into temptation, protect yourself from the fire, and its pleasing your Lord and your husband.

Hamdulilah if a women has a over garb. But she should cover her hair all the time. If her hair is dressed in a fancy way that might attract a man. He might like tha way her hair is fixed. If he doesnt fear Allah enough a muslim man would probably go for a sis that doesnt fully cover. Meanwhile a true believing man and Fearful of his Lord he would go for a women who also fears her Lord and is obedient. So say if there is a women who doesnt fully cover and she see a man she wants to have a sit down with for marriage. The mans he wants to marry fears Allah. They go and have the sit down and her hair is not covered he would most likely deny her or probably ask you do you wear hijab or niqab. You know my opinion really doesnt matter concerning this but i think if a women is not married she doesnt have to where a niqab... jus to show her availability. But if a women is married i think she should wear a niqab to only conceal her identity to tha public and reveal it to her islamic sisters, family, and husband. But like i said my opinion really doesnt matter. Im not Allah and Im not the Sharia law. I dont set Islamic rules. And i dont want the punishment in the grave.

I think its good for a women to wear the whole face screen or the burqa because she fears that she may lead a man to temptation. Hamdulilah! Thats a good thing. It doesnt matter what kind of interpretation somebody has about women wearing the hijab, niqab, or burqa, islamic women should concentrate on pleasing Allah and pleasing their husbands. Because she doesnt want to attract the wrong man, especially if she's not covered. If Allah wills he will punish you in this world and in the Hereafter...

Women are 1 of the men biggest temptation in the Dunya(worldly life) This is why they are ordered to have up to 4 wives, IF they can afford them and if he can treat them equally. Think about this... If a women is always covered from head to toe whether she is with her husband or not, if a man looks in her direction happens to notice her, he cant fornicate with her because he has nothing to fulfil his polluted ideas. He cant even see the shape of her body, the way her eyes look, lips, butt, legs, nothing! So what are the chances he will try to fornicate? She's guarding herself from this so she wont be a victum or a suspect. The only way a man would approach her is if the Shaitan his companion and does nothing but obey the Shaitans whisper. But on the other hand tha man probably wont even notice her. I hope I clearified everything?!

Posted - Tuesday, June 22, 2010  -  6:21 PM Reply with quote


Women's health affects her general performance and her comfort & discomfort, be it physical or mental has a direct effect on the whole family. If she is depressed the whole house will have a gloomy appearance. If a woman is in peace the house can present a picture of Paradise.

You are incorrect.
If any member of a family (male or female) is not in rest physically or mentally, the whole house will have a gloomy appearance.

The Creator has therefore laid a lot of stress on looking after women and we find the same reflection in the beloved prophet Muhammad sws teachings.

Allah has also laid a lot of stress on equality of both the gender. It is also proclaimed that a woman is independent. Now to serve your own will, nothing else, you are making a woman handicapped and begging and doing by hook or crook what you think.
Furthermore, “Aren’t you confusing between the relations of a husband and wife (regarding looking after) and between a man and a woman who have no such relationship.”

Similarly God has given a woman the right to be at rest and not to be disturbd by her husband regarding sexual activity which can be uncomfortable during this time, besides being unhygienic of course due to the presence of blood; but the translators must be careful to keep the illness and discomfort as a priority rather than 'impurity' which gives an unnecessary feeling of superiority to men in general, which actually is not there in this regard of purification.

Not all women have discomfort during menses. So in such situation (without discomfort), according to your very very limited interpretation and if you are not wrong, “A husband can freely do intercourse with his wife during menses” Isn’t it?[/quot

When a women is on her menses she is impure... Its the reason why she cant pray. Because she cant reach purity when she's constantly bleeding. A man can not have sexual intercourse with his wife when she is not purified. It says it in the Quran. Once again she is not purified on the menses. And a women is to have sexual relations with her husband whenever he is ready. As long as she is not being disobedient to Allah when they do it. Such as on the menses, anal, oral, or in a public place, and something obsurd like 3 somes. If a women wants to have sexual relations with her husband he has the right to deny her. Thats just the way it is.

Posted - Tuesday, June 22, 2010  -  6:29 PM Reply with quote
javairea your point here is what?

Posted - Tuesday, June 22, 2010  -  7:22 PM Reply with quote

javairea your point here is what?

What do you mean? What are you refering to?

Posted - Tuesday, June 22, 2010  -  7:28 PM Reply with quote
When a women is on her menses she is impure... Its the reason why she cant pray. Because she cant reach purity when she's constantly bleeding. A man can not have sexual intercourse with his wife when she is not purified. It says it in the Quran. Once again she is not purified on the menses. And a women is to have sexual relations with her husband whenever he is ready. As long as she is not being disobedient to Allah when they do it. Such as on the menses, anal, oral, or in a public place, and something obsurd like 3 somes. If a women wants to have sexual relations with her husband he has the right to deny her. Thats just the way it is.

This was my point Saba.

Posted - Wednesday, June 23, 2010  -  6:28 AM Reply with quote
javeria12===> I am sorry that u r also influenced by male biased islamic scholars which want to prove that woman is created only as sexual commodity for husband and factory to produce children.

1) please tell me your gender?? from the username I assumed u r female?? is it right???

2) No i disagree with you in many aspects....apart from natural attaction phenomena between male and female AlhamduliAllah, i always try to give respect to all women wheather they are related to me or talking to me with soft voice or wearing unislamic dress....because males are totally responsible for any indecency with women.....

3) "most women would go to hell" is wrong interpretation of that hadees and the interpretation u made is totally false.

4) .

If a women wants to have sexual relations with her husband he has the right to deny her.
are u serious?? is it not on equal basis??? from where u got such conclusion??? any Quranic or hadees reference???


something obsurd like 3 somes
. .by the way what is 3 somes??? I never heard!!!

6) "women are biggest attraction for men"..so what is the problem..let it be ..."men also the biggest attraction for women"....this is a normal phenomena.... but also we are humans not animals, who have to control themselves....not wander on our basic instincts all the time???
and for that reason, u cannot put a gender (female) into a very difficult situation..... which is infact, not desired by Allah , instead it is desire of specific culture.....

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