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Topic initiated on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - 7:21 PM
Assalam o alykum, <font face='Arial'>Text</font id='Arial'><font color=blue>Text</font id=blue> The more advanced we are becoming the more complex our life is becoming , and with this we are growing far from religion which has made man feel alone and has caused so many psychological problems amongst which is what should be done for it ?
friend |
Posted - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 12:38 PM
When You're Depressed...
You feel sad or cry a lot and it doesn't go away.
You feel guilty for no real reason; you feel like you're no good; you've lost your confidence.
Life seems meaningless or like nothing good is ever going to happen again.
You have a negative attitude a lot of the time, or it seems like you have no feelings.
You don't feel like doing a lot of the things you used to like -- like music, sports, being with friends, going out -- and you want to be left alone most of the time.
It's hard to make up your mind. You forget lots of things, and it's hard to concentrate.
You get irritated often. Little things make you lose your temper; you overreact.
Your sleep pattern changes; you start sleeping a lot more or you have trouble falling asleep at night. Or you wake up really early most mornings and can't get back to sleep.
Your eating habits change; you've lost your appetite or you eat a lot more.
You feel restless and tired most of the time.
You think about death, or feel like you're dying, or have thoughts about committing suicide. Treatment For Depression
Having depression doesn't mean that a person is weak, or a failure, or isn't really trying... it means they need treatment.
Most people with depression can be helped with COUNSELING, provided by a professional psychologist, and some are helped with counseling and medication.
COUNSELING, or psychotherapy, means talking about feelings with a trained psychologist who can help you change the relationships, thoughts, or behaviors that are causing the depression. Think about it, you feel depressed because you think your life is bad. What if you're wrong? What if you're missing all the good things around you? What if your future holds a lot more promise than you think? When you're depressed, you're in a rut, and you can't see anything good. You need to talk to someone who can help you get out of that rut! Don't wait, ask your parents, or your school counselor for help today.
Medication is often used to treat depression that is severe or disabling. When depression is so bad that you can't focus on anything else, when it interferes with your life in an overwhelming way, medication might be necessary, in addition to counseling. You may only need to take it for a short period, it varies from person to person. Very often, counseling alone is sufficient.
With treatment, most depressed people start to feel better in just a few weeks. So remember, when your problems seem too big and you're feeling low for too long, (more bad days than good) there's help out there and you CAN ask for help.
If you know someone who you think is depressed, YOU CAN HELP. Listen and encourage your friend to ask a parent or a responsible adult about treatment. If you friend doesn't ask for help soon, talk to an adult you trust and respect -- especially if your friend mentions suicide. Your friend's life is more important than keeping a secret!
friend |
Posted - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 10:29 PM
Assalaamu Alaikum.
Yes, depression is a problem. And as opposed to what many would suggest, I do not think it arises out of lack of faith. That can be one of the reasons, but not the only reason.
I, for one, was attending university - a place I specifically hated to be at. One depressing day after the other followed. Finally, I just decided to take a day at a time. Rather than thinking that I was stuck - basically, that I was helpless - I started telling myself that this was just another test from the Almighty. Sulking over it, instead of praying and being determined to make it through, would never help.
So, in my opinion, thinking patterns need to be changed. Of course, you will still stumble time and again - as I do a lot - but in the end, taking a day at a time, and accepting the challenge that Allah has deemed you worthy of, are the best remedies, in my opinion.
I do agree, however, that in persistent, extreme cases - as Amby has pointed out - medical help must be sought. No harm, no shame.
Allah Hafiz.
Assalam o alykum, TextText The more advanced we are becoming the more complex our life is becoming , and with this we are growing far from religion which has made man feel alone and has caused so many psychological problems amongst which is what should be done for it ?
Posted - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 1:10 AM
assalamo alaykum/peace
medicines may b sorted out but proper counselling with correct concepts re. someone closer, i.e. the Creator, rememberin' and understandin' His names and therefore His powers has helped many, with good evidence so islamic psych counselling is a good area to concentrate upon medicines usually give temporary relief/sleep/drowsiness/forgetfulness. dug industries make lot of money out of that
open to comments
. |
Posted - Thursday, May 27, 2004 - 12:09 AM
Assalaam-o-Alaikum i agree that depression is inevitable. but somehow, i am sceptical. the more hype there is created about something, the more prominently it stands out. the media aids in spreading messages about depression and suicide. exposure plays a great role in determining the pshychology of people. if one is made to believe from an early age that hope should always reign supreme, no doubt it will. and that is what Islam teaches us. Only and only Allah can heal and help us. yes, seeking advice and medical help is commendable. but only if one's belief is really strong in Allah, life can become very healthy and fulfilling. no offence to anyone. this was just my opinion. though i also succumb to depression at times, i chide myself , and think that i should be stronger in faith. may Allah help us attain strong belief in Him. |
Posted - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 5:50 AM
Depression has been explained to me as a chemical imbalance in the brain. So, how come one day I am fine and the next day I can't stop crying. The stressors are unreal -- moved to new city, new job that is high pressure, husband that is not working. The brain took it for a year and then the flood gates opened. So, Doc started me on pill. Upped it last year to 2 pills. This year, less people at work means more work for those left, goals still have to be made or else managerment is not happy, husband still not working, not doing much of anything and the pills are not really working.
Faith -- I got lots of it, it is what keeps me with my husband; Belief in Allah, got lots of that too, He knows what I can stand so I put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
Now if these brain chemicals would just do what they are supposed to. |
Posted - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 9:33 AM
"a chemical imbalance in the brain." hmmm, anyway, lets pray that this imbalance does not occur too frequently. depression cannot be avoided sometimes. but there must be certain triggers to set it off. and once those triggers are identified, it would be a tad bit easier to address the problem. i am not saying that we should totally eliminate depression. that would make us... mad? inhuman? yes. but what i want is, and what i believe in is, that it can be lessened to an extent. please, i want you all to be comfortable and happy. may Allah bless you all, and may your troubles be over, suecornish. Aameen.
and anyway, losing hope is 'Kufr'. ok, so losing hope is different from depression, but, they are related somehow. another thing i believe in is, that once you start getting depressed, you should let it happen, and not instantly try to avoid it, as sometimes thats impossible even to think of. but, it should not exceed for over 5 minutes. then one should start trying to 'come back to life'. gosh! if i learnt one thing from studying 'Hamlet' it was this that a depressed person cannot even do good deeds properly. i mean, what if one is depressed over the atrocities faced by so many people, and starts wallowing in sadness? yes, sympathy must be there, but a person with a positive outlook and faith can address the problem much effectively.  again these were just my thoughts. no offence to anyone.
Allah help us all. Aameen. |
Posted - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 7:16 AM
Just think of it. The brain. Millions of cell created to help the body function, to learn, to rationalize. Einstein, Di Vinci, Hawkings. Allah created a near perfect biological computer. A child starts out with this organ at the top of their body that can do wonderous great things along with dastardly vile deeds. You, me, others in this forum, growing up a reasonably normal way with reasonably careing and attentive parents, we can overcome bouts of depression. Besides faith, we have copeing skills along with a reasonably undamaged brain to guide us through depression. No new brain cells are generated after late teens; by the time we reached 20 we had all the brain cells we are ever going to have. In the late 40s these cells start dying. Either because of age, lack of use or additives that we introduce into our bodies.
A child does not comprehend this biological fact.
So, child grows up lacking enough food, little to no nurturing from the parents, physical abuse, gasoline gets sniffed to get high, weed gets smoked to escape, beer and liquor gets consumed. Through each act some brain cells die until there comes a point in time when this child becomes an adult and embraces Allah with all their might only to find that they have not enough brain cells left to reason their way out of depression. (No, I am NOT talking about me.)
How do you know the good times if you don't have the bad? How do you know something is sweet if you don't taste sour? We, you and I, know that depression will soon pass. But there are those who don't have enough "little grey cells" to beleive that. |
Posted - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 6:23 AM
few people hv latelt posted me queries as well as asked during routine meetings re: treatment of depression. looks like it is something growing not only among our non muslim patients in west, rather among our muslim brs n srs as well all over the world . ps following which helps hopefully and u cn also write to our
Psychologists @StudyingIslam communities in which case
pls send ur query via
Question: I get depressed very easily and feel hollow. What should I do to overcome this problem? Answer: In remembrance of God, there is peace of heart. When one remembers God, one also remembers that the purpose of one’s life is to serve Him (51:65). Therefore, you must decide about how you are going to use your life in His service. For that you need to follow the Divine law and live in accordance with the principles of ethics and morality. But you also need to do more. The talent, the ability and the initiative that God has given us entail something more. Perhaps something for others. Perhaps something for our religion. Each Muslim must do something for the propagation of his religion according to his ability and circumstances. If he is a religious scholar, he should strive for the understanding, interpretation and dissemination of religion. If he has some position of authority, he should use that authority to implement the directives of religion. And if he is an ordinary Muslim, he should not only follow and implement religious directives within the confines of his authority but strive to propagate and disseminate his religion. One way you can do something for the propagation of your religion is to co-operate with scholars working for religion in whom you can trust generally. You can co-operate in many ways: by providing financial assistance to a cause, by helping in raising finances or by contributing personally in understanding and disseminating religion. You will find that the ardour of your involvement in such activities will rekindle the feeling that you are part of Muhammad’s (sws) Ummah and are doing your bit for the revival of its commitment to Islam and for the revival of its lost glory. In that feeling you will find the fervour and the stir that will not let you feel hollow as long as you live. |
Posted - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 1:15 PM
Asalamoalaikum According to my understanding and knowledge,their is nothing wrong in becoming advance in technology and education, since advancement in the field of industry and technology is pretty important and imperative due to the fact that entire world especially the first world countrie(Industrialized Countries)are moving forward in these fields and we have to keep pace with them since the competition has increased to a great extent and if we donot keep pace with them or try to overcome them in these fields ,then iam pretty sure and afraid that we will lag behind in economy. But what we should keep in our mind is that we should not let our wordly progress takeover our religion ,we should also try to keep our religion over this world, the depression that you are talking about results from many important factor offcourse it also includes advancement in technology and Science but if you read the history ,you will find out that during the Caliphate of Umar(Ra), lot of improvments and advancements were made in administrative system as well as in the security system of the cities, but the life of the civilians under his Caliphate was pretty peaceful and tension free,and this was because Hazrat Umar(ra) always ruled his state in the light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh) and even the civilians living under his rule always preferred Islamic duties over wordly duties. May Allah guide us so that we may prefer Islamic duties over wordly duties.
Regards |
Posted - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 11:15 PM
Bismillah, For me many times depression set's in because I would allow it to. What I mean is depression emanates from my self-centeredness. Usually, I would focus on everything that I don't have instead of focusing on the blessing's Allah(a.w.) has bestowed upon me. |
Posted - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 11:18 PM
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem, Fa'inna ma'al-'usri yusra. Verily, along with every hardship is relief. Noble Quran Surah:94 Ayat:5 |
Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 8:41 AM
Assalam o alykum, yes u r right with every difficulty comes assani ... and another thing that what ever befalls on us is due to our own deeds "laha ma kasabat wailaha ma kasabat" .. we just have to ask forgiveness from ALlah swt and when ever in depression alwasy try to thank Him for His soo many bouties adn look below that we realize how much we have ... we muslims have one coin which we should hold strngly that is sabar and shukar . if we hold it we wont have any problem. |
Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 8:48 AM
Assalam o alykum, yes u r right with every difficulty comes assani ... and another thing that what ever befalls on us is due to our own deeds "laha ma kasabat wailaha ma kasabat" .. we just have to ask forgiveness from ALlah swt and when ever in depression alwasy try to thank Him for His soo many bouties adn look below that we realize how much we have ... we muslims have one coin which we should hold strngly that is sabar and shukar . if we hold it we wont have any problem. |
Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 10:46 AM
quote: Assalam o alykum, yes u r right with every difficulty comes assani ... and another thing that what ever befalls on us is due to our own deeds "laha ma kasabat wailaha ma kasabat" .. we just have to ask forgiveness from ALlah swt and when ever in depression alwasy try to thank Him for His soo many bouties adn look below that we realize how much we have ... we muslims have one coin which we should hold strngly that is sabar and shukar . if we hold it we wont have any problem.
Yes you are right, we should ask forgiveness from Allah(swt) and should hold the rope of Sabar(tolerance) because Allah(swt) himself has mentioned in the Qur'an that He is with those who do Sabar(Tolerance),but on the other hand we should try to search for the reasons behind our depression and should not sit quietly. Their are many reasons for it and i have mentioned some of them in my last post.
Regards, |
Posted - Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 8:36 PM
wel i think that wen ur depressd u shud try sumthing relaxing. go to a beach/a park or sumthing and do sum YOGA. its amazingly relaxing. i took a class of about an hour at a time n then a break. it was soooo relaxingggg.
u cud go to a spa or do sum exercise. thers an email going round cald torta totem or sumthing like tha :P and its very good 2 spred happines and :D peace. xXx bas XxX bi bi depression :P |
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