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Posted - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 4:16 PM
aslamalikum.... all i can say is that congratulations... |
Posted - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 10:50 PM
OH MY GODDDD i cant beleve it another muslim i cud jus smile  and smile  AND SMILE!         ouch now my face hurts...
now you know how happpy i am for ya.
salams dude happy living
loadsa luv
XxbasxX |
Posted - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 12:14 AM
Wellcome, brother in our wonderful world. Best wishes to you. How nice is to have yet another Muslim. Your story of embrasing Islam was very interesting and sure Allah has many ways to show us the truth. Thanks for sharing it with us. |
Posted - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 12:15 AM
Wellcome, brother in our wonderful world. Best wishes to you. How nice is to have yet another Muslim. Your story of embrasing Islam was very interesting and sure Allah has many ways to show us the truth. Thanks for sharing it with us. |
Posted - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 2:21 AM
ALLAH bless you my brother and guide you to the paradise.
A-Sallamu-Alekum. |
Posted - Friday, July 2, 2004 - 9:35 AM
Salaam Daniel
Heartiest congratulations...though I know I am rather late :)
May Allash bless you always and increase you in knowledge.
Best regards. |
Posted - Sunday, July 4, 2004 - 1:44 PM
asalamualaykum brother sorry i'm bein v. inquisitive about ur personal life what is ur age r u married and hv children? thank you and many prayers for udr bismeen |
Posted - Monday, July 5, 2004 - 1:24 PM
salaam brother
welcome to Islam.May Allah bless you with his guidance. |
Hischam khan
Posted - Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 7:51 AM
Praise the Lord; we have a new brother in faith. May the Almighty bless you! |
Posted - Friday, July 16, 2004 - 10:17 AM
Please can you explain to me the critical differences between Islam and Christianity (broadly defined).
Many thanks
Brian Kettell |
Posted - Friday, July 16, 2004 - 6:09 PM
Assalamu Alaikkum! Brothers and Sisters: Basically, from my experience and studies, Christianity relies in the assumption that God has incarnated into man, and became a savior through his life and blood (crucifiction and resurrection). This particular belief makes christianity a religion fully appart of the line of judaism, and consequenly, closer to the pagan conception of gods, sons of gods half divine and half human. Even though the prophet Isa, in true menaning, was an extraordinary prophet, he was delivering a message for the sons of Israel, and limited to them. A simple approach to the gospels (even in their actual form) leads to the clear idea that Isa (Jesus) was calling people to renew the belief in the only God, apart from human inventions and political interferences, and calling to follow the comandments. See Mark or Mathew and you'll see this is really clear. Consider that in a matter so important such as salvation for humanity, he NEVER said "worshipe me", "I am God incarnate", "from now on forget all about 10 comandments, I am the god now". By the contrary, it is written: "Believe in God", "Believe only in Him", "follow His comandments and you will be saved", "I am here not to abolish the Law but to fullfil it". So, Isa's teachings are according to the hebrew religion, part of it. But Paul's Theology transformed that judaic call into a new religion including pagan myths to "fit" Isa's teachings to pagan mentality. It became into what is today known as christianity,with myths totally apart form the jewish bible and judaic beliefs. Evolution and political interferences (Constantine and Nicea Council, for example) went even beyond that, making this religion very complex and more isolated to their enemies, particularly securing the church, the new empire now, by burning if necessary all prior documents and beginning with new translations and accomodations of the gospels and Paul's letters. The message of Jesus is partially lost, and corrupted now. And from its ashes Christianity has arisen as the new, "true", and definite religion of jesus.
Hopefully we can discuss more and more this. All praises be to ALLAH, the Only One True God with no partners or assocoates. HE ALONE is worth to receive all GLORY and Honor. Your Brother in ISlam, Daniel |
Posted - Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 12:55 AM
asalamualykum we wish 2 hear plzzz how bradda Brian came 2 peace-Islam   sooo cool  Mashalla mny many prayers 4 u all
n loadsaluv   |
Posted - Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 4:29 AM
While in college, I had taken a course about western religions..and I agree with Daniel, that Christianity has undergone major metamorphisis transforming true teachings of Jesus to concept of trinity and atonement invented by his apostles. It is astonishing that billions of people have embraced these concepts/beliefs. Of course with all those confusing concepts, no one dares to challenge these teachings and follow the flow...With websites like these, maybe some Christians will get opportunity to learn the truth...Islam.
Murad. |
Posted - Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 3:19 PM
No wonder why confusion among christians is so deep. As a former catholic priest, I can tell how many people, even within the closest practitioners, believe in Jesus with different perspectives. It is amazing but true: not all christians believe in Jesus as god incarnate. Some of them say he was a good man, or a prophet, only "incarnate" in a way of speaking. Some say "Son of god" but unsure by the time you ask them: "so, you really worship him as a Creator?" and they will say... "well....." Others say he was divine, but a little less than the Father, and so on. Only a few, very close to the dogma and the hierarchy will have a supposely clearer idea on this cofusion topic. For example: according to catholic dogma, Jesus had two wills. One divine, another perfectly human. But a man with two minds??? They know is crazy and you'll never find this in the Bible. So, they say: His human will and mind follow always and perfectly his divine will. But if this is, by some mistery, true, how it can be explained the fact that he was asking the Father to pass the cup of pain (the cross and crucifiction). He also didn't know certain things, and referes to the Father as the only one Who Knows. Just more ideas to keep thinking. Daniel |
Posted - Saturday, November 27, 2004 - 8:04 AM
Asalamu aleikum, one of my sisters is doing her dissertation based on reverts do you have any contact details for any of them in London? or do you know where i can get it from?
Y. (member Studying Islam)
pls email me if any br/sr is happy for me to pass on your email to this member who has requested
many thnx/j.k. Rep. UK Chapter Studying Islam
Edited by: hkhan on Saturday, November 27, 2004 8:05 AM |
Posted - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - 5:38 AM
Assalam Alikum,
May Allah (swt) give you a blessful life and lead you on sirat el mostaqeem. Congratulations brother Daniel. After reading your brief summary on your life story and how you reverted to Islam, all I can say is SubhanAllah , Rabana yhdy ma yshaa.. what touched me the when you said you picked up the Quran, started reading it and it touched your heart and made you cry, its simply beautiful.. May Allah(swt) strengthen our beliefs, and increase our knowledge in this beautiful deen. Ameen. |
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