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Topic initiated on Saturday, November 17, 2007 - 8:14 AM
The National Council of Imams and Masajid
The National Council of Imams and Masajid
British Government has been frustrated that a large number of Imams were born and educated in Pakistan, speak limited English, but well versed in their mother tongues, Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, making it difficult for the Government to know what is going on in the Masajid. The drive to encourage British Muslims to become Islamic clerks and to teach English to Imams is planned by British establishment with the help of so called Muslim leaders. Imams were accused of being out me grown”. The home grown Imams are neither well versed in English nor in Urdu or in other community languages. The Imams from the Sub-continent must be freely allowed to come to satisfy the spiritual social and emotional.
In reality, Islam isn’t about beliefs, it’s also about culture and identity. According to BNP, Islam has become a toxic racial proxy. Atheists and fundamentalist Christians are using popular slogans to incite against Muslims whom they see as the new source of danger for Europe. Pope Urban 11 in 1099 called the faithful to join the first Crusade and expel the Muslims from the Holy Land. It is now high time to react once again and defend Western civilizations as well as everything else which is threatened by radical Koran-Islam. The modern Crusades plan to save western civilization from Islamisation. Islamophobia is a deliberate defamation of Islam and discrimination and intolerance against Muslims. It is the worst type of terrorism the world has ever witnessed. British education system has already eradicated the languages of the young generation of Muslims. Now the British establishment is trying to kick out Urdu and other community languages from the Masajid. Bilingualism is an asset and not a problem.
Education experts say that a celebration on community languages in schools is one way of riding Britain of its reputation as the world’s language “dunce” and promoting better relations between different ethnic groups. The study of such languages is considered important for the future health of the economy. Research by CILT shows a revolution in the take-up of non-traditional languages in secondary schools. Experts say promoting community languages could also persuade native Brits to take an interest in them. The linguistic map of Britain was changing, with multi-linguals spreading from typically multi-ethnic areas to more “traditional” parts. By encouraging children to develop their existing knowledge we will be building up an important skills base as well as raising educational achievement. There is a huge body of research testify to the benefits that bilingualism has for educational development. The future of Britain is multi-lingual, and this needs to be reflected in the school curriculum.
Unfortunately with the rise of anti-immigrant sentiment, racism and Islamophobia, bilingualism has been neglected and ignored intentionally. Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of a child states that “the education of the child should be directed to the development of respect for the child’s parents, his or her own cultural identity, languages and values.” Article 30 states that “a child belonging to an (ethnic, religious or linguistic minority) should be educated in a manner that affirmatively acknowledges their native language abilities as well as ensures their acquisition of English. The Education Act of 1944 clearly states that children should be educated according to the needs and demands of the parents. The silent majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to state Muslim schools. Dcsf and OFSTED must take the responsibility that all schools must abide by the human rights issues. Iftikhar Ahmad |
Posted - Saturday, November 24, 2007 - 11:00 PM
We believe that the criteria of imams' selection should be based on knowledge, communication skills and non-sectarinism rather than on geographical grounds. |
Posted - Sunday, November 25, 2007 - 9:08 AM
quote: We believe that the criteria of imams' selection should be based on knowledge, communication skills and non-sectarinism rather than on geographical grounds.
Except sectarinism, "Any reference of Koran and the Sunnah?" |
Posted - Monday, November 26, 2007 - 10:03 AM
Give us the reference otherwise! |
Posted - Monday, November 26, 2007 - 10:13 AM
Posted - Monday, November 26, 2007 - 10:25 AM
Sorry oosnam I'm NOT sure WHAT reference do you need from Koran & Sunnah. Plz Explain. Thanx |
Posted - Monday, November 26, 2007 - 12:43 PM
As per StudyingIslam UK Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2007 at 9:08 AM
criteria of imams' selection
1. should be based on knowledge. 2. communication skills.
Theses two reference only. |
Posted - Monday, November 26, 2007 - 8:18 PM
Qura'n gives laws in the matters where there is a risk that common sense can err. We have asked you to give reference otherwise! So do that without wasting any further time as before.
If you are really interested in further details, you may check out our special issue 'The Islamic shariah of Preaching' Feb 07 |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 2:37 AM
I endorse here the following quote of tilawat somewhere.
I am sorry to say that the site you referred me to is, in my view, a blatant misinterpretation of the Quran Hakeem and Hadees with intention only………. |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 7:20 AM
I wonder why would one require a proof for such a common sense issue. In fact, it is not even an issue. Aren't knowledge and communication skills the basic qualities expected from any teacher? Why would Imams be treated differently?
About the article, I haven't read it but there was no objection raised. Just disregarding anything without presenting your stance with arguments is a strange behaviour!  |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 7:26 AM
Dear oosnam well, everyone has the FREEDOM to form an opinion about any thing as he's answerable to GOD only on the LAST DAY. Never the Less, i wud like to ask that wud U mind Highlighting SOME points that have LEAD u to Have Such a Strict Opinion about that Site? I Do hope that U'll start a +ve Discussion (here or by creating a NEW topic) where EVERYONE will describe the BASIS of his/her pt. of view. اللھم ارنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعہ وارنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابہ
Edited by: ibrahim on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:28 AM |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 7:41 AM
quote: criteria of imams' selection 1. should be based on knowledge. 2. communication skills. Theses two reference only.
The Imam
The prayer can be offered behind every person whether he is pious or impious. However, if it is possible to select an imam, the Prophet (sws) is reported to have said that this responsibility should be given to the person who reads the Qur'an the most. Then if all the people among whom the selection is to be made are equal as far as reading the Qur'an is concerned, then the one who is the most aware of the Sunnah should be selected and if in this aspect too the concerned individuals are equal, then the person who was the first to migrate and if in this aspect too they are equal then the person who is the eldest. He further said that a person should not lead the prayer when he goes to the place of some other imam; in such a case, he should pray behind that imam.1
The Prophet (sws) has said that an imam should not prolong the prayer because there can be sick people behind him, and the weak and the elderly.2 Anas (rta) reports: "I have never seen anyone offer the prayer lightly and yet in a thorough manner than the Prophet (sws); such was his concern that he would shorten the prayer if he heard a child crying thinking that his mother would be apprehensive for him."3
An imam should straighten the rows of the prayer with great care and vigilance. Nu'man Ibn Bashir says that the Prophet (sws) would straighten our rows of the prayer as if he would be straigtening arrows from them.4
1. Muslim, No: 673. 2. Bukhari, No: 671. 3. Bukhari, No: 676. 4. Muslim, No: 436.
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 9:19 AM
Thanks brother ibrahim for the reply!
quote: I wonder why would one require a proof for such a common sense issue.
I disagree with you.
eg what is the basis of your common sense that you avoid eating the flesh of horse, donkeys, cats, crows, parrots etc but not chicken, camels etc. |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 12:22 PM
We can not justify any matter just on the basis of common sense. There is no harm if anyone asks to know the reference of Qura’n and the Sunnah. Near Allah subhanu wa tala piety (taqwa) is important. It is not necessary that anyone having piety (taqwa) is full of every sort of knowledge and the communication skills. |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 12:49 PM
quote: eg what is the basis of your common sense that you avoid eating the flesh of horse, donkeys, cats, crows, parrots etc but not chicken, camels etc.
Lets agree on one point: If someone claims that a particular issue can be resolved through common sense then it does not imply in any way that all other issues (in fact any other issue) can be also resolved through common sense. 
Edited by: affan on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 12:50 PM |
Posted - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 1:28 PM
You couldn't hereby understand what I have pointed out. Please try to know the point after having gone through the text again. |
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