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Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 6:21 AM
The Qur’an maintains that human beings have not been created blind and ignorant; have we not shown him the two ways [that he could understand the good and the evil]? (90:10). Religion does not provide guidance on all aspects of life but maintains that human beings have generally been endowed with sufficient ability to solve their everyday problems (inborn guidance). Religion acts as a reminder (Revealed guidance) for men. A reminder about things and concepts which deep inside, he is already aware of, yet, due to the influence of the external world, his society and surroundings, he tends to forget. In light of above it is incorrect to suggest that Islam provides complete guidance in all aspects of life. Islam is a direction finder and influences our way of thinking and steers us to the right Path. |
Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 8:46 AM
quote: Allah ahs given us inborn or innate guidance to delinate right from wrong.
. How much innate guidance have those who are absolutely unable to understand a very simple question which is put many times and further augmented by the examples?
If you have all the guidance, for what you are here at this site? |
Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 8:54 AM
Salam Brother rimsoo,
It is no exaggeration to say that most of the income of most of the doctors is Hara'm! |
Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 4:05 PM
Quote:It is no exaggeration to say that most of the income of most of the doctors is Hara'm!
it is one person's opinion unsubstantiated by any fact or figure. |
Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 4:07 PM
Quote:How much innate guidance have those who are absolutely unable to understand a very simple question which is put many times and further augmented by the examples?
I agree with you that as is evident from your question, the level of innate guidance varies from individual to individual. We agree on something atlast |
Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 4:11 PM
quote: Salam Brother rimsoo,
It is no exaggeration to say that most of the income of most of the doctors is Hara'm!
Thank you brother Rakhtal for the response. |
Posted - Friday, August 31, 2007 - 4:40 PM
quote: Religion does not provide guidance on all aspects of life…
In addition to the Koran, the religion has many other sources which are Sunnah of the prophet (sws), Fiqqah, Ijtehad etc. So I request someone else who has substantiated knowledge of the religion. Thanks anyhow. |
Posted - Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 3:16 AM
As requested I will not answer your queries again. Is fiqqah and ijtehad a source of deen? |
Posted - Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 1:46 PM
quote: As requested I will not answer your queries again.
Thanks a lot!
quote: Is fiqqah and ijtehad a source of deen?
Yes! |
Posted - Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 9:44 PM
what are all of you rowing about? none will accept that he is defeated. there is a slight differece between halal and haram. and that difference is based on intention and situation. there are some departments that cannot be taken as profession as for example health and education. if a doctor cures a person for fees, his fees is haram. and if he gets fees for curing a person his fees is halal. |
Posted - Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 9:45 PM
what are all of you rowing about? none will accept that he is defeated. there is a slight differece between halal and haram. and that difference is based on intention and situation. there are some departments that cannot be taken as profession as for example health and education. if a doctor cures a person for fees, his fees is haram. and if he gets fees for curing a person his fees is halal. |
Posted - Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 2:56 AM
Do note that my actual question is not what you have tried to reply BUT, ‘What is the maximum limit of a doctor’s fee (with best intentions) in the light of our Deen?’ Otherwise with bad intentions the matter is certainly clear i.e. Hara’m. |
Posted - Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 3:40 AM
quote: Religion does not provide guidance on all aspects of life.
Are you trying to charge sheet the religion Islam? |
Posted - Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 7:02 AM
quote: Do note that my actual question is not what you have tried to reply BUT, ‘What is the maximum limit of a doctor’s fee (with best intentions) in the light of our Deen?’ Otherwise with bad intentions the matter is certainly clear i.e. Hara’m.
mr rimsoo, islam give principles(usul) not details in daily matters. for example, islam gives basic principles for dress as it should be: 1) covering the "satar", 2) protecter from intensity of weather and 3) prestigious. islam does not emphasise about other details. if the dress is according to these principles having any color, pattern, design etc, is acceptalble. likewise islam does not fix the rate of any article and fees for any job and sevice, it gives only "usuls" i.e; it should be based on fearing of Allah and welfare of humanity. if a person can afford 5000, doctor can get it, and a person can affrod 5, doctor shhould cure that person as carefully as former. if a coctor gets 5000 from a person who can afford it is not haram and if he imposes the condition of 5000 on a person who can afford 5 and does not cure carefully, his demand, his fees and his earning is haram. |
Posted - Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 7:03 AM
Quote: If you have all the guidance, for what you are here at this site?
for which you all keep returning to this site  |
Posted - Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 9:40 AM
quote: islam give principles(usul) not details in daily matters.
In the religion, if anything is not clearly described then this never at all means that it (religion) has no at all any guidance! Do keep in mind that in such conditions the religion NEVER allows anyone to do anything by hook or crook or what he/she likes for himself/herself. But the religion does demand to follow strictly the guidelines regarding the Allah’s and the human’s rights. |