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Topic initiated on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 1:20 AM
Muslims in UK and perhaps Europe
Asalaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters.
I am living in UK. I would like to invite any brothers and sisters living in UK or perhaps Europe, who agree or are familiar with the Understanding Islam approach of Islam as explained by the Understanding Islam web site and the Studying Islam courses, and are interested in giving sometime in the path of Allah or meet, have e-mail contact with other like minded muslims.
The correct approach of understanding Islam entails an understanding of beliefs and practices of Islam, based fundamentally on the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
It encompasses an understanding and interpretation of the Qur’an, primarily from within the Qur’an, emanating from its theme, context, sequence and language. It involves an understanding of the Qur’an which also acknowledges interpretation of the verses in the light of the time of revelation and the phase of the Prophetic mission of religious propagation, both of which are determined from within the Qur'an. Sources that are external to the Qur’an are secondary to its interpretation.
The organisation is called Undertsanding Islam UK. The idea is to inspire each other as well as present the understanding Islam approach to muslim and non muslims to the best of our abilities.
They undertake a fortnightly meeting where there is a dars urdu/english. as well as a talk for young muslims i.e young children , telling them about Islam. the dars is followed by an open question and answer debate.
We also try to invite speakers a couple of time a year to have an open public meeting. Last September we held a similar meeting in Manchester, The speakers included Moiz Amjad from Pakistan.
E-mail us:
Write to us: Understanding Islam UK P.O.Box 74 Stalybridge SK 15 2YG United Kingdom
Telephone us: 0161 304 7849
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to ask. |
Posted - Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 1:23 AM
Recent actitivities
On Friday the 4rth of May an open meeting was held at the sports hall of Ashton -Under -Lyne 6th Form college. The main theme of the open meeting was to introduce and make students aware of different happenings in society and cultivate respect and awareness about them.
On Friday , the 4rth of May, 3 members of the UIUK team represented UIUK at this meeting. We were allocated a stall. We put up information charts and during the meeting distributed brochures of our organisation and booklets which included frequently asked questions about God and fundamentals of Islam.We also tried to answer questions about Islam to the best of our abilities.
The atmosphere was very cordial. We had a lot of interest from students and teachers about Islam. The college administration arranged for us to offer our Friday prayers in a local class room. The students wanted to observe us saying our prayers and later asked questions.
We were there from 10.30 am till 2.30 pm. At the end the college administartion were very appreciative of our presence and have promised that they will invite us again next year also.There was a possibility that we may be invited to the college as part of religious education to introduce Islam and answer questions about it.
Our general feeling is that there is a lot of interest and ignorance about Islam and there is a tremendous need for engaging in such meetings with non muslims, even from the point of making them aware about the true concepts and beliefs of Islam. |
Posted - Thursday, June 21, 2007 - 11:34 PM
The Plymouth Islamic Education Trust(PIETY)have a public lecture on Sunday, the 1st of July. Insha Allah. The theme is "Community Building in Islam". Starting from 10.30 am, Venue is the Main Hall,City College, Kings Road, Devonport, Plymouth. PL1 5QG. This is an open forum with both muslims and non muslims expected. It is hoped that lectures like this will enable more people to understand Islam. You are all invited. |
Posted - Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 12:01 AM
thnx W and Z;may Allah bless every-1z efforts for the Right.keep it up!
Welcome to SI forums zkimam assalamu alaykum 
am also pasting an inv. recvd yesterday from a dr. colleague
Islamic Centre of England invites to
The International Conference on Proximity amongst Islamic Schools of Thought A necessity for Muslims in the contemporary era
23-24 Jun 2007
Sat 9.30 am to 7.00pm Sun 9.30 am to 1.00pm
Islamic Centre of England 140 Maida Vale,London W9 1QB
0207 604 5500
Abdulhossein Moezi Director of the Islamic Centre of England |
Posted - Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 2:42 AM
Today in our fortnightly meeting during the interactive forum with adults we discussed the topic; Can any source outside Quran alter its meaning? Although many examples could have been given but i tried to explain the issue giving examples of apostasy and Mutah. Children are reading surah Baqarah followed by a general discussion. In need of your prayers! Mujahid Zaheer Understanding Islam UK |
Posted - Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 2:55 AM
The topic for the next discussion forum will be; How to establish the adressees of a particular verse or group of verses in the Quran? People living in Manchester and around are welcome to the forum. Mujahid Zaheer UI UK |
Posted - Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 9:37 PM
welcome to the SI forums M, assalamu alaykum  do keep updated 'n our best wishes remain with your efforts. plz look after your health though;
also I take this opportunity to convey a very imp. and timely mesge for the muslims of uk, europe , rather whole world that the matter of salman rushdie's knighthood is indeed another test for us and out faith, for our love for the beloved prophet Muhammad sws whom we are supposed to love more than our blood relations; yet it is a test of our patience at the same time. we ought to hold tight to wisdom; we have to act no doubt but in the most appropriate way utilize this opportunity to clarify the situation.
myself as the VP of pak welfare association in a local community in uk, today we have passed a resolution in the association meeting against this decision and we have organized a meeting with the local MP in this regard for further details and to convey our concerns to the parliament.
every1 can act with the skills he/she has. we look upto our genius religious scholars to write about this matter for the general public as well as the state authorities.
am also copying below a mesge from muslim council of britain.
The Muslim Council of Britain is disturbed at the deliberate political decision to confer a knighthood to Salman Rushdie, who vilified our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and caused deep hurt to Muslims everywhere.
Today the Muslim Council has written to its affiliate mosques and organisations urging that they face this current provocation with dignity and wisdom and channel their hurt towards positive and peaceful actions. They must resist efforts by fringe elements in the community to exploit disappointment felt at the award.
The MCB has asked its affiliates and the community to convey their feelings on the matter through letters to their parliamentary representatives and through local and national media; at all times observing propriety and restraint.
“This ill advised decision approved by the Prime Minister should not divert you from your course of peaceful protest in the face of this deliberate provocation. Indeed, it should be used as an opportunity to correct the maligning of the character of the Prophet (pbuh) in the book which earned its author his notoriety”, said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, MCB Secretary-General.
Posted - Saturday, September 26, 2009 - 3:44 PM
Posted - Saturday, September 26, 2009 - 5:22 PM
weldone boys!now keep it up!(for ur reassurance,we added it to our site plus our Announcements the day u launched it:) you may add the Links to our interfaith forum and MediQ&A.also do join us in the forthcoming IFW in UK(interfaith week) which used to be IAW islam awareness week but this year Govt has decided to change it to IFW. Together we can do it insh'Allah! |
Posted - Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 9:06 PM
it also reminds me of dawud wharnsby's 'silent sunshine':
sleepy horses heave away put your backs to the golden hey; don't ever look behind at the work you've done, for your work has just begun;
there will be evening in the end but till that time arrives, you can rest your eyes and begin again... |
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