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Topic initiated on Sunday, June 19, 2005  -  12:50 AM Reply with quote
Islam – excellent

the religion islam is excellent but the muslms are not so……. most of them are more bad even than nonmuslims because they do more cheating, dishonesties, adulterations etc etc…….

my question is why it is so?

Posted - Tuesday, June 21, 2005  -  8:00 PM Reply with quote
Quote:...most of them are more bad even than nonmuslims because they do more cheating, dishonesties, adulterations etc etc…….
I think most of the muslims are not cheaters, not dishonest, not adulterers than most of the non-muslims are. Despite the fact that muslims today are not fully following Islam, yet whatever limit they follow, is certainly make them loyal to their families.
Islam tells us to be aware of Satanic prays, muslims do fall in it but remember you are talking about "Most muslims", and most muslims in the regard you mentioned, don't.
Where in the world these days, teen pregnancies are getting common? and the most cases of sexually transmitted diseases? Its certainly not the Islamic Rebulic of Pakistan where you live. Its the non-muslim world where i live.

However, if Muslims were following the greatest religion Islam they are blessed with, we would be the greatest nation today.

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