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Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 10:49 AM
I agree that the extent of love and fear can vary from person to person. Your conclusion is also appreciated and agreed on.
I will only want to add one thing. Having some characteristics innately or as an essential offshot of something does not mean you cannot/should not change them. For instance, a person, who tends to lose temper very easily, can only change if he is convinced that losing temper is wrong and is determined to change it. He will definitely develop the virtue of patience and staying power over time.
Similarly, whoever is intellectually convinced that he should maintain a balance between love of God and fear of Him will achieve this end over time. Being offshots of the belief will not hinder this change. Love of Him should not cause you leave for Jungles and fear of Him should not cause you lose hope.
You only keep this fact in mind and desist every notion that goes against it. You will find yourself living a balanced life. This is how I think this balance can be 'sought'. |
Posted - Friday, July 25, 2003 - 4:06 AM
Principally I am in agreement with your standpoint.
My point was that love and fear work in different capacities.
However, I would like to change 'obeying out of fear' to 'obeying out of love'. How can one achieve this end? |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Friday, July 25, 2003 - 6:34 AM
The right approach would be 'obeying out of both love and fear'.
I only suggested that anyone, who wants to strike some reasonable balance between emotions of love and fear, will eventually come to experience it.
This change takes place just as a lose tempered person, when makes a commitment to himelf, that he would try his best to hold his temper eventually succeed in his task. (if not completely to some reasonable extent).
I think a good suggestion or recipe for changing from fear to love can only be offered if specific information about the nature of fear is forwarded.
Generally, one needs to study the verses of the Holy Qur'an that talk about Allah's mercy and love. One needs to ponder over the manifestaion of God's love in nature, in humans, in the personalities of son and mother, brother and brother, wife and husband. |
Posted - Friday, July 25, 2003 - 7:54 AM
Posted - Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 4:39 AM
Assalam-o-Alaikum, The Quran and ahadith abound with tantalizing descriptions of Paradise and scary scenes of Hell. Sometimes I feel that it is not good to do good deeds and shun evil in the hope of paradise and fear of hell.But still usually I,m prompted by these motives. |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Monday, July 28, 2003 - 11:18 PM
Yes, this is what such descriptions are intended to do: to motivate and warn you.
I however would like to address an implicit point in your quote. Most people hold that it is more desirable that good deeds are done just to please Allah and not for Paradise.
I am afraid I cannot buy into that. Allah has created us to choose from among us those who abide in Paradise. Paradise is indeed the target which we are supposed to hit. In hitting this target, lies the pleasure of Allah. |
Posted - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 10:39 AM
Text TextTextquote:
Yes, this is what such descriptions are intended to do: to motivate and warn you.
I however would like to address an implicit point in your quote. Most people hold that it is more desirable that good deeds are done just to please Allah and not for Paradise.
I am afraid I cannot buy into that. Allah has created us to choose from among us those who abide in Paradise. Paradise is indeed the target which we are supposed to hit. In hitting this target, lies the pleasure of Allah.
Text Assalam o alikum. Well i am new here & i am trying to get in.I want to know should we strive for Paradise because we want it or because we should please Allah just by following His orders??
cousin in the US who is your student. |
Posted - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 8:22 PM
Assalam-u-alaikum, I have observed and felt this fact strongly that the hope of Paradise has helped me a lot in coping with the the adverse circumstances of this world.Whenever my spirits are down,I feel let down,my wishes and aspirations are thwarted,I,m beset by problems,I,m grieved by the thought of my deteriorating health and greying hair,the hope of everlasting bliss of paradise soothes me no end.The hope of paradise has endowed me with inexhaustible sabr(patience). |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 8:44 PM
The hope of paradise has endowed me with inexhaustible sabr(patience).
This is nice to read what you wrote, dear Aslam. May Allah bless you and reward you for whatever troubles that befall you.... |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 9:09 PM
Assalam o alikum. Well i am new here & i am trying to get in.I want to know should we strive for Paradise because we want it or because we should please Allah just by following His orders??
cousin in the US who is your student.
Well, you are welcome. I pray that you may find 'Studying Islam' as a gateway to learning Islam.
We should strive for Paradise. We are here in this world to strive for Paradise. Allah will be pleased with those who stand upto the criteria established for the dwellers of Paradise.
Actually, you should not think that striving for Paradise is some kind of mean action disapproved by God. The struggle for Paradise is what we have been assigned to undertake by God.
Reading the Holy Qur'an, what comes to view is that Allah has created this world as a place to test and try humans. The objective of this trial is to select those who will abide in Paradise. The Holy Qur'an is replete with the mention of reward in the form of Paradise. Entering Paradise is what has been named by God 'a great success'. In achieving this success, lies the pleasure of Allah.
This should be understood through the example of a teacher and student. A student works hard to get good marks. And the teacher experiences vicarious happiness when the student hit the target...Why should a student be made to think that he would work hard only to please his teacher?? |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Saturday, October 18, 2003 - 4:02 PM
Out of my experience,I have felt that the extent of love we feel and cherish for our close relations translate into LOVE for the Almighty,ultimately.
What do you feel/think? |
Posted - Sunday, October 19, 2003 - 11:32 PM
Hmmm... probably that's subjective. A man who earns his income through unlawful means for the sake of his children, for example, cannot hope to translate his love for his close relations into love for Allah ever.
Edited by - ayesha on October 20 2003 09:40:48 |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Monday, October 20, 2003 - 8:34 AM
You have a good point! I did not think about it in this way as I was concentrating on my experience. I must say you are right.
But one queston remains: Would you call the love of this person a GENUINE love? FAR SIGHTED love? Well, I have here the same point as you asserted vehemently, may I say. |
Posted - Monday, October 20, 2003 - 9:37 AM
Indeed!! I expected the very statement from you :)
Not far sighted at all....I agree. Hence, not worthy of being traslated into love for Allah. |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 10:03 AM
You expected the same statement from me!
Well, I should not be that predictable too!!  |
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