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Where is our one and only sister Moderator?
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[quote][quote] You will find our brothers aslammir and atifrafi extremely keen to end this thread. This itself reflects the oppression and control psychology. I have found out that sadly they also represent Almawrid in one way or the other. Hence together they are only giving one bad impression about Almawrid when it comes to a fair dealing with women at religious work places as colleagues, which otherwise is a noble Islamic Educational Institute. [/quote] I think you have completely misunderstood me, I am not oppressing rather I just want EQUAL OPPURTUNITY for both parties on this thread. I have a very simple point, Either Call Madam hkhan on this thread and allow her to post her point of view or close this thread as only listening to one way story doesn't help anyone. For reference please see my earlier posts like [quote] I think either the mods should call sister Henna Khan here as well and let her speak or this debate should be stopped now. Its really shocking that this issue was not resolved earlier. I don't think that appointing some new female mod will solve the actual problem... We are not talking about mangoes, which can be replaced by a new one. Where is Al-Mawrid Team???? Are they involved to resolve this issue???? [/quote] Sister, I am in so much favour of Madam Henna Khan that I ONLY want her back, I do not even support any other female mod here.... I don't know whether you will believe it or not, But I am a big admirer of Her. About the fact that I represent Al-Mawrid or Not, I think i have already clearly mentioned my point in many other threads as well... I am a big fan of Ghamidi Sb and WHOLE Al-Mawrid Team ( Including Madam Henna as I do consider her as part of this team) I think you have completely ignored all of my previous posts... I suuported brother abunoman's comments LOUD and CLEAR to bring back Madam Henna... [hl]I will not enter into any sort of arguments, I would simply and humbly request to the admin to bring back sister hkhan. Please don't deprive your site from such intelligent person. I wish hkhan best of luck.[/hl] [quote] Excellent Post... I also support brother abunoman on this and request the admins to bring back Sister hkhan [/quote] And, now the most inportant point... Why I asked this thread should be off now? This is for one simple fact.... brother Aboosait and Sanwal are settling some of their personal issues on this thread. I just wrote that they should not use this thread to settle some personal issues... If we cannot discuss the actual issue ( Regarding madam Henna ), its better to stop posting here. [quote] WOW!!!! Great posts from Aboosait and Sanwal... Excellent mates, keep it up. I thought this thread was about Sister Henna's Absence... Why don't both of You start a new thread or use your personal emails for all this ******** I want to say much more than this, but again this thread is not meant for this. By the way, Any progress on the actual issue... Where are the Forum Admins??? Any response from any concerned party? [/quote] If after reading all this, you still thinks that I am trying to control anything, then I can only say that I am sorry for not being able to clarify my situation and point of view. And please do share if you have any update from Madam Henna. Edited by: atifrafi on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:38 AM Edited by: atifrafi on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:41 AM[/quote]
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