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[quote]from the france burqa row, britain will atleast be thankful for just the scarves...... :) Listen on line (BBC Radio Berkshire) on Sunday morning 18th July 2010~ 8am GMT 'my experience - with and without burqa in uk' guest speaker Dr Henna Khan talks about the stance of Islam & various Muslim scholars on 'burqa' and face cover. She elaborates her own experience of covering her face in UK back in early 90's when she found local people tremendously respectful to her wearing the hijab with face cover and her husband with beard. As they scrolled the children on push chairs along the underground tube stations in London, everyone would come forward and help with the buggies holding them up to the stairs, holding doors etc. Since 9/11 and more so, 7/7- things have turned completely the other way around. Burqa and beard have become like symbols of death! Specially on London underground trains and planes, people would practically change their seats or even coaches away from a burqa and a beard;but that how media has played a negative role mostly hyping things out of proportion doing more damage rather than supporting the relationship amongst the various communities living together. They should rather promote the educational and research work of the Muslim Scholar who is working hard in order to build these bridges. Khan started covering her face in her teens at the Medical School being inspired by some of the fellow students despite strong opposition from her family as her mother comes from a modern city like Mumbai and was shocked to see her daughter in this state. She nearly fainted and said"My daughter has been brain washed by the 'Maudoodi Party' at the college!!" . Khan remained in face cover untill age 35 when she was a mother of 3 and was taking her specialist medical training & exams in UK(MRCOG) when she decided to open her face for the I.D. purposes in 1998 after 15 years of covering and her burqa converted into a head scarf without a face cover. Khan is currently working as a Medical Dr in the UK and also works for creating a better understanding between Islam and other religions, specially about Islam while trying to clarify the misconceptions built about Islam and Muslims in the West over the years. This she is doing in her own capacity as the current Vice Chair of a Faith Partnership in a rich multicultural town of the Royal County and as the CEO and Dean of 'Faith Anchor', a project of Renaissance Readers Club UK that she chairs and which works as an independent educational body recognized by the UK government. She thankfully admits in the draft of her book that she had a tremendous support during this venture from the research and educational work of Al mawrid by the direct tutelage of the Editor of of their esteemed Monthly Journal in the West( Renaissance) for about 7 golden years of enlightenment, as she describes it with heartiest prayers for the success in their mission, and thinks that it's time for her to move on and apply the knowledge further into practice in order to Serve Humanity inshallah; regardless of class, creed, gender or religion-in the footsteps of our Teachers and Guides, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, and all the prophets of the past who came to serve humanity (peace be upon them). Also listen to this 15 minutes of the inspiring talk by the inventor of Apple on 'moving forward' He is not quoting anything different from the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad sws when he says'Live everyday as if it's the last day of your life!' http://www.ted.com/talks/steve_jobs_how_to_live_before_you_die.html Edited by: samra on Saturday, July 17, 2010 6:58 AM[/quote]
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