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[quote][quote]further more: [quote] I believe women are created to bring peace, tranquilty, companionship, to reproduce, and to enjoy each other whether it be sexual or not. [/quote] I agree with you [b]100%[/b] here. but again I would insist that man [b]also [/b] created for [b]same[/b] purpose what mentioned above. Both [b]man and woman [/b] created for peace, tranquaility, companionship, living the life according to God's direction to get Jannat (heavan) in akhirat and enjoy each other.... [u][b]companionship[/b][/u]: there is a myth that God created Adam and then when he was little sad, mother EVE was created for his companionship???? there is no basis for that. It was decided that [b]both[/b] would be created for each other's companionship with [b]equal rights [/b] to [b]live[/b] in the world and [b]make[/b] a society or family [b]thru which [/b] all humans would be sent to the world for their imtihaan or test. [b][u][u]reproduce[/u[/u][/b]]technically reproduction need [b]both[/b] male and female. I sometimes hear, people saying: that "if there is no female, there would be no children or reproduction" ??? ok!! but if there is no male also , there would be no reproduction or children.... [quote] Women will be few among the inhabitants of Paradise because in most cases they prefer the immediate pleasures of this life, as they are less wise and unable to keep the Hereafter in mind. They are too weak to strive and prepare themselves for it, and are more inclined towards this world [/quote] [b]it is shocking to me[/b]??? I am a male and I have more interaction with males and [b]these above mentioned qualites (prefer the immediate pleasures of this life, unable to keep the Hereafter in mind and are more inclined towards this world)[/b] [u]too much in our gender as well.[/u] the whole [b]history[/b] is full of such male [b]mentality[/b] ; all by male kings, fighters , scholars and common man etc.. this is also brain washing of women done by gender biased male scholars and rulars.... infact!! [b]both[/b] can have these bad qualities and [b]both[/b] could be very pious. May God Guide all of us.[/quote] Not to argue with you... but in a good way but Allah knows what we know not. If he willed he could have sent children without a father the same way he did with Jesus. The real point here is that males need females and vice versa. If your think about it Eve was made from Adam. You kno, regardless how he felt that made Allah create her, only they know, we weren't there. The point of reproducing is to spread the religion like the same reason why the Prophet had many wives is to make them knowledgable and to spread the religion of islamic monotheism. I agree with you about the men desiring the worldly things in this life. Only Allah knows who desires it more than the other. So we're goin to leave it that. And you're right about men are the male mentality thing. That should tell that male excel the women. Also when you read the Quran it says man this, man that, he this, he that. Watch the signs... If Allah was directing something specificly to a female he would say "she". If you caught the sign you would notice that Allah created man first! than the female from the man. Allah is not a man/male but He is a masculine figure. That also tells you that the male excel the female. Masha Allah you're a good debator haha! Its cool. I love it. You are muslim rite?[/quote]
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