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[quote][quote]javeria12===> I am sorry that u r also influenced by male biased islamic scholars which want to prove that woman is created only as sexual commodity for husband and factory to produce children. 1) please tell me your gender?? from the username I assumed u r female?? is it right??? 2) No i disagree with you in many aspects....apart from natural attaction phenomena between male and female AlhamduliAllah, i always try to give respect to all women wheather they are related to me or talking to me with soft voice or wearing unislamic dress....because males are totally responsible for any indecency with women..... 3) "most women would go to hell" is wrong interpretation of that hadees and the interpretation u made is totally false. 4) . [quote] If a women wants to have sexual relations with her husband he has the right to deny her. [/quote]. are u serious?? is it not on equal basis??? from where u got such conclusion??? any Quranic or hadees reference??? 5) [quote] something obsurd like 3 somes [/quote]. .by the way what is 3 somes??? I never heard!!! 6) "women are biggest attraction for men"..so what is the problem..let it be ..."men also the biggest attraction for women"....this is a normal phenomena.... but also we are humans not animals, who have to control themselves....not wander on our basic instincts all the time??? and for that reason, u cannot put a gender (female) into a very difficult situation..... which is infact, not desired by Allah , instead it is desire of specific culture..... .[/quote] I never said that I was influenced by a scholar that thought that. Dont let the Shaitan fool you and say unjust things out of your mouth. May Allah forgive me if i said something wrong thats something I have repent for. Anything wrong that I said wrong came from the Shaitan, once again may Allah forgive me, I dont wana miss lead anybody. But I did find out that the husband is entitled to have sex with his wife whenever he chooses or pleases. Unless there is a islamic reason he can be denied. I believe women are created to bring peace, tranquilty, companionship, to reproduce, and to enjoy each other whether it be sexual or not. And I am a female. The Prophet(SAW) said "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women." This hadith can be found in:- SaHeeH Bukhari: 29, 304, 1052, 1462, 3241, 5197, 5198, 6449, 6546 (FatH Al-Bari's numbering system) SaHeeH Muslim: 80, 885, 907, 2737, 2738 (Abd Al-BaQi's numbering system) Sunan Al-Tarmithi: 635, 2602, 2603, 2613 (AHmad Shakir's numbering system) Sunan Al-Nasa'i: 1493, 1575 (Abi Ghuda's numbering system) Sunan Ibn Majah: 4003 (Abd Al-BaQi's numbering system) Musnad AHmad: 2087, 2706, 3364, 3376, 3559, 4009, 4027, 4111, 4140, 5321, 6574, 7891, 8645, 14386, 27562, 27567, 19336, 19351, 19415, 19425, 19480, 19484, 20743, 21729, 26508 (IHya' Al-Turath's numbering system) Muwata' Malik: 445 (Muqata' Malik's numbering system) Sunan Al-Darimi: 1007 (Alami and Zarmali's numbering system) Women will be few among the inhabitants of Paradise because in most cases they prefer the immediate pleasures of this life, as they are less wise and unable to keep the Hereafter in mind. They are too weak to strive and prepare themselves for it, and are more inclined towards this world. In spite of all this, they are the strongest factor in this world that distracts men from the Hereafter, because men are inclined to desire them and they are not concerned with the Hereafter. They are quick to follow those who call them to deviate from Islaam, and reluctant to follow those pious people who cal them to the Hereafter, and righteous deeds”. (al-Qurtubee, at-Tadhkirah, 1/369) This is not my interpretation The Prohpet(SAW) said it his self. He was the one who sayw the fire! Not me. See what you dont understand is this is not my thoughts or interpretation. Allah made the male to excel the female. The women are the weak and men are the strong. This is why the women are Shaitans targets cause we're weak. We have too many desires for the worldly life. All the Shaitan needs is for a believer to do bad he gone feel lik he a complished a lot. Because he's miss guiding someone who's guided. Why try to misguide a disbeliever when they're already misguided? Im Salafi'i all we do his study the Prophet (SAW) hadeeths and the Quran. Everything else is innovation, its made up! Shaitan invented it. Read your Quran it will tell you the male excel the female. That should be enough proof that theirs no equality. When Allah clearly states it in 4:34. Control is something we should ask Allah for becauase we all dont have control and we all are not like you who have respect for women. Insha Allah you dont look the women in their faces if their not your relatives or your cousins(in some cases you can marry your cousin). You may see it as insignificant but to Allah it is a big thing. Whether it was intentional or untentional we all have to repent for it. We all are not perfect but Allah loves the ones who strive for perfection. The reason women guard their faces is to not be a temptation to the man. So a man can not take pleasure in looking at her face if he is not her relative that is permissable to look at her. Quran also states in 4:28... Allah wishes to lighten (the burden) for you; and man was created weak(cannot be patient to leave sexual intercourse with womem.) The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said: “I have left behind no fitnah more harmful to men, than women.” [Sahihain: Al-Bukhari, Muslim] See another thing is, are we going to live and just do and say anything out the mouth like animals, like the Kufr or are we going to live like righteous and pious believers?! And a threesome is having sexual intercourse with 3individuals involved. Becareful how you come off because it sounds like your in a hostile mode but if your not may Allah forgive me, but your wording sounds alittle arrogant. Just watch how you come off and try not to make too many assumptions. You should just seek knowledge and the truth and ask forgiveness from things you say that you have no proof for, so that you dont speak from your own desires. May Allah aid you&me. Anyhing else?[/quote]
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