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[quote]Profile of a true Muslim I see the current discussions on Qur'an sunnah and hadith and then ask myself, among all these diversifications where lies the true Islam and the true Muslim. I confess that my knowledge is very limited, but the desire runs high to learn and to serve. I ask myself, what does religion mean to me and what is its importance ? why is it necessary? I think of it as a beacon, energy and force of guidance to succeed. For me According to religion, the purpose of our lives is to please God; which leads us to Paradise. To attain this we need to develop purification. This encompasses positive enhancement and moulding of the good in our soul, and purification and purging of the bad. The purpose of religion is to help us attain purification; both in our individual and collective lives. In the Qur'an, God states, successful is he, who has cleansed himself (87:14). Simply cut out the bad and enhance the good. I ask myself how did Islam spread at the time of prophet pbuh and sahabha? By dialogue, lengthy debates or discussions, munaazarah, by sword, by force? I look at the personality of prophet pbuh the Qur'an addresses him as 'We sent you thee not, but as a mercy for all creations" 21:107.As I understand the sahabha were not the biggest scholars of religion but believed in "sameena wa attanah" listened and obeyed. Whatever they learned the practically applied and demonstrated in their lives. The Qur'an was completed in over 20 years and we must remember they did not have e-mails, computers to spread it.The prophet pbuh was called sadiq and ameen by the non believers. In Qur'an I have the guidance and in prophet pbuh's life I have the practical demonstration to succeed.How did the prophet react with the nasranees in Madinah, allowing them to pray on Sunday in Masjid i Nabwi. What did the prophet pbuh say to aal i Yasser when they were torchered in Makkah? did he say he will resort to suicide bombing and avenge them? his response was," patience ! Allah has promised Paradise". For Muslims of today, what has become important is to say namaz and fast for a month and follow a particular sect and accumulate knowledge as stipulated by that school of thought and negate all the other views, sometimes accusing them of being misguided and also warning them of serious consequences in their eternal future. Why do we forget that we are a muslim 24/7. We are a muslim every time we say or do anything. Accountability is for everything.Only Allah knows our eternal fate.The Qur'an says Indeed, those who have believed [in this Prophet] and those, who became Jews and the Nasaaraa and the Sabians, whoever [truly] believes in God and the Day of Judgment and does good deeds; they shall have their reward with their Lord and they shall neither have fear [for the future] nor any remorse [for the past]. On one side the sunni's and shiat's are fighting on the other side some negate hadith others make it a source of religion. So where lies the deen i haq? I ask. Is it just coincidance that Muslims everywhere are being humilated and are the laughing stock of the entire world.The word Muslim has become almost synonymous with terror, anger , rage and disruption? It is not about just knowledge but its practical application.How we conduct ourselves, how we present our religion to other Muslims and non muslims. I find abundunt knowledge and big scholars but alas! I struggle to find a true Muslim Why?[/quote]
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