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[quote]The Lal Masjid tragesy is once again a manifestation of deep contradictions in our society. My paradigm goes as follows: If one closely ponders over Quran and teachings of Holy prophet(sws)Islam's sharia on political life of muslim society is based on democracy. In other words democracy is the essence of poltical organisation of muslim society. After Khulfa-e-Rashidoon(which was purely democratic system according to social norms of the time)muslims were robbed of the right given to them by Allah to choose their rulers without fear and oppression. Democracy was forcibly derailed into ruthless autocracy. The early scholers and great jurists were aware and concious of this fact and hence always considerded Banu Ummayiah and Banu Abbas as 'GHASIBS'. However there was a complication. As early muslim scholers drifted away from annals of powers a dichotomy resulted. Two parralel and dominant streams started flowing in muslim society i'e 'ruling class' and 'religiuos clergy'. The piety which was halmark of early clergy gradually vanished and later clergy started insisting on their religious hagemony on muslim life. It manifested in the form of too much insistence on FIQH and following one school of jurists(taqleed). This was in fact later time clergy's concious or unconcious desire to rule the spiritual lifes of muslims. Now on one hand was ruthless MALUQYIAT and on the other spiritually ruling clergy which insisted on taqleed to entrap muslim life into their authority. This pattern has continued in muslim society for centuries. The clergy chose to ignore that democracy was(and is)basically the cornerstone of political organisation prescribed by Islam. The majority of muslims were reduced into voiceless masses.Once this state develops in any society you can not prevent the downfall. Within a span of two to three hundred years all of muslim Ummah saw itself humbled into slavery. Unfortunately after gaining political independance it has relapsed into same dichotomy and NO DEMOCRACY. I hold modern muslim clergy to be responsible for this state. It is still insisitiong on contolling the spiritual life of muslims through straight jackets of Fiqh and taqleed. It is insisting on execising its authority and still not willing to recognise that democracy is in fact the political system prescribed by our religion. Because of the confusion clergy has created regarding democracy, advantage has been taken by certain families or classes or military generals and muslim society has been enslaved into non-democratic and ruthless dictatorships. Pakisan unfortunately is a classical example where military elite and religious clergy is not willing to submit to elected democratic governments. Unfortunately the rise of extremism and terrorism is the direct result of interplay of power game which these two classes has played over the last three decades. The society is now once again at the mercy of these two classes(military and civil bearucracy on the one hand and ignorant clergy on the other). These have robbed muslim society of democracy. Generals are using each and every tactic to keep their power intact. Reigious clergy is asserting more and more to control political power in addition to already possessed spiritual power through insistence on taqleed. The Lal Masjid phenomenon is a manifestation of fashism which clergy wants to impose in the name of Islam. They want to impose their pathological interpretation and understanding of Islam. Their understanding of Islam is punishments, oppression, sanctions, bans, regimentation and not compassion for fellow human beings,social justice,inculcation of moral values in the society,fighting for equality in muslim society, development of creative potential. They teach muslims to go and inundate life and not to live life to its full potential. On the other hand are ruling classes, (military and civil elite and feudal polticians)completly devoid of any moral values who want to keep on enslaving the society as before. Lal masjid is just a manifestation of this deep cleavage of muslim society.[/quote]
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