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[quote]Excerpt from Ghamidhi from shariah of politics. O people who believe! Obey God and obey the Prophet and those of you who are in authority, and if you disagree among yourselves in any matter, refer it to God and the Prophet if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is better and more seemly as regards the consequences. (4:59) He who sees something despicable in his ruler should bear it, for he who even slightly disassociates himself from the state authority and dies in this condition shall die the death of ignorance. (Bukha#ri#, No: 6646) He who sees something despicable in his ruler should bear it, for he who even slightly disassociates himself from the obedience of the sovereign crown and dies in this condition shall die the death of ignorance. (Bukha#ri#, No: 6645) In times of political anarchy and chaos, the Prophet (sws) has directed Muslims not only to refrain from participating in any activity against the state, but also to obey state authority with complete faithfulness and sincerity. On one occasion, regarding this issue, the Prophet (sws), on these very grounds, is reported to have told Hudhayfah (rta): ‘تَلْزِمُ جمَاعَةَ اْلمُسْلِمِينَ وَ اِمَامَهُم’ ([In such a state of chaos], you should remain attached to the state authority and to the ruler of the Muslims.)2Muslim 1847 Secondly, Muslims should be law abiding citizens of their country. Whatever laws are enacted should be obeyed in letter and spirit by them and in no way should they evade the law. Any disagreement, personal dislike, communal support or religious reservation should never lead them to breech the law, except if some law is enacted in open disobedience to the Almighty. The Prophet (sws) is reported to have said It is your duty to listen and to obey [your rulers] whether you are in difficulty or at ease, whether willingly or unwillingly and even when you do not receive what is your right. (Muslim, No: 1836) Whether they like it or not, it is obligatory on the faithful to listen and to obey their rulers except when they be ordered to commit a sin. If they are ordered so, they should neither listen nor obey. (Muslim, No: 1839) Listen and obey even if an Abyssinian slave whose head is like a raisin is made your ruler. (Bukha#ri#, No: 6723) The Prophet called us to pledge allegiance to him which we did. We had been asked to pledge to the following: ‘We shall listen and obey whether willingly or unwillingly whether we are in difficulty or at ease, and even when we do not receive what is our right and that we shall not contest the authority of our rulers’. The Prophet of God said: ‘You can only refuse their submission if you witness outright Kufr in any matter from them, in which you have a clear evidence from God’. (Muslim, No: 1709) However, even in these circumstances, no Muslim citizen has been given the permission to revolt against the government unless he has the backing of a clear majority behind him. The reason for this is that if the majority does not support him, then such a revolt would not be against the government; on the contrary, it would be against other Muslim citizens, which according to the Shari#‘ah is ‘فََسَاد ِفى الْاَرْض’ (spreading lawlessness and anarchy in the society) – an offence punishable by death. The Prophet (sws) is reported to have said: When you are organized under the rule of a person and someone tries to break your collectivity apart or disrupt your government, kill him. (Muslim, No: 1852) Moreover, it should also remain clear that if this revolt takes the shape of an armed uprising, then it should be subject to all the conditions of Jiha#d imposed by the Shari#‘ah. Consequently, no one is allowed to take up arms in rebellion against the government unless he fulfills these conditions.[/quote]
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