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Hadith's Authenticity
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[quote]Salaam Usmani [quote] Franly speaking when I used to see the views perv1 regarding ahadith,I always get surprised and think that where all this he got it from?What is the source of it?If non of the great scholars says so neither Quran then from where he got it from .To me its only left one person who is explaining things to him is only shitan. [/quote] No one is born with knowldge. It is acquired from variety of sources including teachers, books, life experiences etc. However at the end of day you alone are responsible for analysing the knowldge that you have acquired and deciphering right from wrong. Many people, esp you (and it is not intended as an insult but an observation from the way you appear approach any subject)abandon this simple responsiblity, clearly stated in the Quran, and start to quote scholar X and y to prove your point. Without even vaguely realising that the scholar you are quoting might be cotradicting him/herself. Even if one accepts your arguement regarding scholars...You fail to grasp a very simple point that there are scholars in every sect of Islam and other religions and even Atheism. Even to know which scholar to follow you have to have some knowldge and ability to judge the merits of their arguement. This quote below completely demonstrates you lack of knowldge and thinking process. [quote] What is the source of it?If non of the great scholars says so neither Quran then from where he got it from [/quote] If you had bothered to read what i have posted. I very rarely (if at all) use any other source than the Quran. NOT USING YOUR SCHOLARS DOES NOT MEAN NOT USING THE QURAN...CHEcK MY POSTS AGAIN. The fact that you could not find any scholar that agrees my with view point illustrates your poverty of knowldge...Your assumption here is that the only scholars are the ones you have heard of: For examle there is famous non Muslim Scholar: Bertrand Russel who not only wrote regarding religion but is considered one the foremost authorities in Mathematics & Philosophy. Have you read any of his work? Karen Armstrong writes on all religions (Exceptionally well and with great knowldge) have you heard or read any of her work. Have you studied Ghulam Pervaiz or even Sir Syed syed Khan (founder of Aligarh University). Have you studied Buddhism, hinduism, Christianity, Judaism & other religions to understand what they have in common with Islam or where they disagree with Islam. Islam encompasses Spirtuality, politics, economics, medicine, science, geography, physics etc and one needs to grasp of all these to be able have some understanding of Islam before one can be considered any sorth of authority never mind a scholar. Do not be like a frog in a well who thinks that he has conquered the whole world because he cannot see beyond the the well that he is in. If you continue to follow any scholar(s) because you feel you do not have the knowldge or understanding then that is up to you but do not judge those of us who refuse to follow blindly. Just for your information...I teach/supervise many postgraduates and undergraduates...the point I always emphasise do not accept anything blindly and never be afraid to question anything you disagree with. As for the Shaitan do you think he is likely to mislead someone who uses his intelligence (as mentioned by the Quran) or someone who will follow blindly some one he considers to be scholar. regards[/quote]
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