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[quote]Salaam Nida [quote] Not at all, brother! I knew you would misunderstand me, so I wrote "by the Grace of Allah" before that, indicating that it was all by the will of Allah that He gave us the Ahaadeeth. [/quote] I did not misunderstand you. Unfortunately you are employing the classic tactics that hadith followers employ to try to get out contradictions that the hadith pose (give me a number to the nearest dozen & I will see if can find that number of contradictions in hadith, time permitting). I am afraid you cannot have it both ways (1) State that Quran allows wife beating and(2) It is the hadith that puts the Quran right by minimising the beating.... obviousouly the muslims must have given thier wives a really good beating for 300 yrs until Bukhari and co came to the rescue. I am afraid I dont know what a light beating is compared to heavy any suggestions.... I mean how hard can one punch, kick or strangle etc is their a measurement one can undertake to fit in with your interpertation of the Quran [quote] The Qur'an is the words of Allah [/quote] Correct , [quote] and the Ahaadeeth their explanation. [/quote] really have you read what the Quran says about the hadith repepeatedly...In fact the only Hadith the Quran says to believe is the Quran.. The Quran is very clear in rejecting all other hadith beside the Quran.. If you do not have the references I will be happy to oblige. Just for few minutes put your personal prejudices aside and read what the Quran has to say about hadith & if you still wish to follow them then good luck to you..If you continue to follow the haidth just a simple expalanation of which groups hadith you have chosen to follow i.e shia or sunni as unfortunately they are almost diametrically opposed to each other [quote] Although Allah himself says in the Qur'an that His [b]Book is easy [/b] to understand, I think many a times a person may [b]get confused [/b] on certain verses of the Qur'an. [/quote] What are you suggesting here my young sister-that Allah is confused. One minute Allah is telling us that it is very easy to understand Oh! but on the other hand it might not be that easy so here is something else to make it more easier... bit like light beating I suppose. Why (even though the Qur'an is detailed and explained)? Really! again is the suggestion that Allah is little confused i.e the Quran is detailed and explained ah! yes but not detailed enough or fully explained so lets have some hadith to fully complete and explain..correct me if i am wrong but is what you appear to be implying. Otherwise what does detailed and fully explained mean to you. [quote] Because we're humans. We're not capable of understanding the full message of the Qur'an without someone to guide us, and that guide was our Holy Prophet (SAW). [/quote] My dear young sister what are you suggesting that our prophet was not human? (please read what the Quran has to say on this...it is very clear and unambiguous). [quote] Being the Messenger, his knowledge was very great, obviously the greatest among humans. He was a living example and a guide, and his words (Ahaadeeth) still continue to guide us. [/quote] I suppose it depends on whose word you beleive that these words are his. I mean whether, shia narrator or sunni or the sunni one where the prophet says dont write anything from me other than the Quran...Because this is a classic hadith in the mould of a sentence: I [b]NEVER[/b]TELL THE TRUTH. Can you spot how ridiculous this sentence is. I am afriad this sums up the self contradictions that exist in hadith [quote] Who could've better interpreted the Qur'an [/quote] Why dont you trust Allah on this, because again it is clearly stated in the Quran i.e it is Allah who will explain this Quran or is it once again you dont quite believe what Allah is saying. [quote] than the Messenger of Allah? So he proved to be an [b]excellent guide [/b] in the form of a Mufassir, and taught us the full meaning of the Qur'an, lest we, in our ignorance, should misunderstand it. So if we're taking his help in understanding the Qur'an better, how can that mean that we're worshipping him or considering him to be a deity? [/quote] Unfortunately since he is not around to be asked and the so called written words are repeatedly contradictory and do not portray him in good light i.e indulged in endless sex, paedophilia, cruelty & so the list goes on &you seriousouly suggesting that we use the same sources to interpert the Quran according to Mohammed. You wrote: [quote] Exactly which part of his statement do you agree or disagree with then. The thing is, I follow the translation of 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali. [/quote] Is Yusuf Ali beyond reproach now! that he could not have made an error. Did you know that his first language was neither Arabic or English.... I also have used,and at times still do, his translation to study the Quran but over the years I have come across serious flaws in some of his translation and interpertation (please I do not wish to enter into lengthy debate on this...as i have very little knowldge of arabic). [quote] His translation says, "beat them lightly", so I don't think I have any problem with that because the verse is clear to me (although the guidance of the Prophet (SAW) would still be helpful). [/quote] I am glad that it is clear to you...If someone says you can beat someone then there is very little ambiguity. However the degree is a very different matter. [quote] The person whom you quoted (what's his name anyway?) thinks that the verse isn't clear since it says "beat them", so a person can go on beating as much as he wishes. It's all a matter of interpretation. If he thinks that he needs a Hadeeth on such an issue, he may consult it; I, on the other hand, think that the verse is clear. [/quote] So what is your clear interpertation, exactly how much beating is one allowed (Obviousouly it will be useful to those who live in so called Muslim countries-as it will enable them to remain within the law when they decide that their wife deserves a good, or light, beating) take care regards[/quote]
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