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Who are the "moderate Muslims"?
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[quote]brother! as I understand.The Qur'an defines itself as "Furqan" and "Mezaan" that it is a balance in whose scales, everything must be weighed in order to ascertain the extent of truth; and criterion or distinguisher of good and evil which like a sieve sifts out good from evil. The verses of Qur'an were sent gradually and completed over a period of 23 years. This was to allow people to develop their faith and develop the resolve to fulfill the commandments of Allah. We see this in the instructions about fasting and drinking alcohol, there was a transition towards firmness.This, keeping the people and their abilities in mind. As I understand the contents of the Qur'an include; 1.Al-Hikmah this is the philosophical basis of religion this includes what we need to Believe in. 2. Shariah or Al-Kitab.in other words rules and regulations.These include advice about punishments etc. both of these, are for ever, for all muslims from the time of Prophet Muhammad to the end of this world. In addition, The Qur'an also provides us with a historical record of what happened in the past, we see the history of Jews in Al-baqrah , explaining the reasons for their rise and fall, similarly Al-Imraan tells us about the Nasraanees.We also learn about the nations before them. In addition to above there are issues that occured at that precise time.Allah's communication and instructions that were appropriate for a particular issue are also quoted in the Qur'an . For example Surah Taubah, contains insructions about circumstances surrounding the battle of Tabuk, it gives instructions to the Holy Prophet about the mushrekeen and munfekeen.It also quotes about the three sahabhi who sought forgiveness after initial refusal to go to war, The Qur'an decides that they will have to wait to see what Allah decides for them and later their forgiveness is accepted. Similarly the Qur'an also contains the instructions about the nikaah of Hazrat Zainab rta. The instructions to muslims regarding the battle of Badr etc. In conclusion, there is history as well as Allah's commandments , pertaining to important events of that time. As I understand the Al-Hikmah has always been the same form hazrat Adam pbuh. The shariah evolved as the civilization has progressed to be completed in Islam.This was developed according to the needs of that time. SO to say that "all" instructions of the Qur'an are inapplicable today would not be correct. The Qur'an gives us the philiosophical wisdom about our belief and the rules and regulations. Two things that we must rememeber. Firstly, The Qur'an maintains that human beings have not been created blind and ignorant. Religion does not provide guidance on all aspects of life but maintains that human beings have generally been endowed with sufficient ability to solve their inborn guidance (inborn guidance). Religion only provides guidance where human intelelct is unable to make the right decision(revealed guidance). In light of above it is incorrect to call Islam as Nizam i hayaat ( provides complete guidance in all aspects of life). Islam is zavia i Hayaat It is a direction finder and influences our way of thinking and steers us to the right path. When we look at the shariah it gives us maximum punishments for a hand full of issues, the Qur'an deos not give us a penal code for every posisble crime that cna be committed. Secondly we must be clear about the concept of itamam ul hujjah. It is the sunnan of Allah that whenever a prophet was sent to a nation, until the stage of itmam ul hujjah was not reached, in other words Truth had been revealed to them in absolute term and the only reason the people had not accepted their prophet was either stuborness or envy.that nation was not punished. We know that Prophet Muhammad pbuh was the last prophet. Now there will be no more prophets.No one person can claim to know the complete truth and be able to present the complete and absolute truth to the people of Book or other non muslims. Thus we cannot say that itmam ul hujjah can ever be acomplished now.In light of above the matter of non muslims and what will happen to them is between them and Allah. We cannot say with authority about anyone if they are denying the truth because they are stubborn or the are not clear. Allah knows best. Thus we cannot conclude that people of Book or non believers of today should be "punished" or treated in the same way as the ones in the time of prophet Muhammad pbuh. Lastly! we must think about the purpose of creation of this world. Allah has created this world on the principle of test. If we are rich, healthy or beautiful that is a test, how do we use these gifts. If we are poor ill or in difficulties, that is a test.are we patient or grumpy. On the basis of how we will do in this test our fate will be decided. As I believe the two essentials are awareness and fear of Allah, that we are being watched, the realisation of accountability on the Day of Judgement. If a muslim has these then the chances are unlikely that he/she will intentionally do something wrong. The other aspect is purpose of religion. "Qad Aflaha man tazaka ""Successful is he, who has cleansed himself" (87;14) It encompasses positive enhancement and moulding of the good in our soul, and purification and purging of the bad. I believe that if a muslim thoughtfully and deliberately makes it his/her goal to work on spiritual cleansing, this is the way of mutaqeen and momen.[/quote]
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