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Who are the "moderate Muslims"?
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[quote]Salaam Waseem [quote] Assalaam u ALaykum My understanding of Islam, has made me look at this very interesting issue differently. As I understand, a true muslim is a muslim who has the right understanding of Islam; and practices them. He/she obviously believes that his/her beliefs are absolute truth. The problem that west have with Islam and the problem with most so called muslims is that neither have the true understanding of Islam. Islam as I understand is not a rigid or hard religion but a tolerent and flexible religion. The 'Quran calls our Prophet pbuh ( He is the messenger of peace and blessings for the ENTIRE MANKIND" The picture of Islam today on the contrary is about an unyeilding terror lead religion depicted by suicide bombing, violation of rights of women and inequality for females. A religion that has no tolerance or flexibility, that depicts human right violations by chopping hands for theft and stoning adulterers. As I understand there is no such thing as a fundamentalist or moderate muslim, but a "true muslim". The purpose of religion is "purification" (spiritual cleansing). It entails obediance, worship and humility.After Belief the most important obligation of religion on individuals is Ikhlaqiaat i.e ettiquettes and mannerisms. This means that an individual purifies his/her actions towards both his Creator and OTHER INDIVIDUALS. This is termed Aml i saleh or ( good deeds). Essential religion is Belief and Amal i salah. The Prophet Muhammad pbuh stated " The best among you are those who are better than others in their ikhlaq i.e ettiquettes and mannerisms. These are the people who are dear to me.On the Day of Judgment among a persons deeds, the ones that will weigh the heaviest are his/her good ikhlaq i.e ettiquetes and mannerisms. It is our lack of appreciation and understanding of the ethos of our religion that has made us think about being moderate or fundamentalist. I quote an example, the muslims in Makkah before hijrat were subjected to the worst of punishments. what was the response of our Prophet pbuh. Did he say naouzobillah that he will avenge them when he is victorious or that he said we will resort to suicide attacks. Hazrat Yasser's family was the first to be martyred, when the Prophet saw them tortured, his response was to this effect" be patient Allah has promised Paradise" Today "a muslim" feels that he can kill an innocent jew/christian or human being even children and will attain Paradise. Our incorrect understanding and interpretation of religion and Qur'an has made a significant number of "so called muslims" wrongly belief that it is our destiny or obligation to strive for islamic domination. The Pope makes a very wrong statement about our prophet PBUH. That Islam brought violance. How do we respond? by violance as if we want to prove his point, by attacking churches burning effergies and even murdering a nun. WE in fact proved his point. The Islam that I understand is depicted by the journey of Taaif and the response of our prophet PBUH when he was stonned and humilated.He still prayed for their forgiveness. The Islam I believe in says that Patience is even a bigger act than Jihad. Surah Asr tells us what the religion asks of us. I ask a question? How did Islam spread? by offering namaz? muslims say namaz at home or mosques that non muslims do not enter. By fasting? no one can see our fast. By pilgrimmage? we perform pilgrammage in makkah ,where non muslims can not enter. By paying zakah? we only donate to muslims. The prophet PBUH spread Islam by his actions, speech, way of living and how he interacted with people as well as dialogue in an appropriate manner. He wa called Sadiq and Amin by the non muslims. History tells us that they would disgree and fight him in the day but if they wanted to leave money or something precious they would still come to him, because thet knew he would not cheat or lie. As I understand, every muslim is an ambassador of Allah. We must learn and practice the part. Our religion teaches us tolerance, to abide by the rules of the country we live in, People around us , muslims and non muslims are our Allah's creations, how can we hate our Allah's creations.? The point we forget is that if Allah wants then the entire world would become muslim in an instant. This world was cretaed as a test. For people to us etheir intellect and earn Paradise. Hence Allah has created the diversity. What does the religion demand from a muslim? three things. Learn about it in the right manner. Practice it . Teach others. NOT ENFORCE UPON OTHERS. Every person will lie in his/her grave. our obligation is to infom and teach what we know to the one who wants to listen.Remember Abu Talib the prophet of Allah pbuh tried to convert him. he could not. It is not in our power to change the hearts of people. Awareness comes solely form Allah. If we understand the true Islam we do not have to bother about being moderate or fundamentalist. Islam is a religion of peace and love for others. Simple fact"Jehad" cannot be fought by individuals. It can only be undertaken by an Islamic state. Only if strict requirements are met. Simple fact the Qur'an states that to kill one PERSON (not a muslim) without reason is as if you have killed the entire mankind. What do we say to people who shout "death to all americans and westerners". Is this what our religion teaches us. I agree that we need to learn to question.We need to attain a proper understanding of our religion. WE need to potray the true Islam to the West. WE NEED TO BE "TRUE MUSLIMS" [/quote] Excellent summary. personally in my opinion i am not sure how any one can disagree with vast majority, if not all, the points raised above. regards[/quote]
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