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[quote]Brother Ibrahim and Brother Tariq Hasmi Assalam Alikum Both of you are failed to respond to my posts here. Yours concept of Sunnah looks to me a very serious innovation in Islam.You are so far failed to present the sayings of any leading scholar specially of past in view of backing your defination of Sunnah.I am a lay man in the field of Quran and Sunnah that’s why I have presented the views of four great Imams and others famous scholar of past and present days scholars regarding the concept of sunnah. If I accept your view of Sunnah then Sariah, Fiqa, looks to me an innovation in the religion.Because these all mostly base on the Ahadiths Quote: - The IMPORTANCE of Hadith is that this is the BEST & SAFEST Record of our beloved prophet's "SEERAH" & his "USWAH" so WHO will DARE to PUT it ASIDE? Surely we are NOT among those You says that Prophet has left on two thing 1) Quran 2) Sunnah and you also says that Hahith (Which we found today in written record) have no roll in Sunnah.Since in yours concept of Sunnah you don’t find "SEERAH" & "USWAH” of Prophet (pbuh) so you also hesitant to leave aside the hadiths,and accepting hadiths as third source. Do you think that without following the "SEERAH" & "USWAH" which we get from the Ahadith, we could achieve salvation? Do you think that we don’t have any responsibility towards peoples in the society, how should we behave with the people, how should we deal with others. Do you think that Prophet(pbuh) did not teach this to his companions? Or you think that this also has been practically transferred through generation to generation. The condition of Muslims is not hidden from me and you how they behave with others, how honest we are today in any matter concerning to society, you know that how good we are. Is this what Prophet thought to Sahaba? Can we understand Quran fully without the prophetic explanations.Have a look please. (From the book of Molana Taqi Usmani) We have revealed to you the Zikr (Qur’ân) so that you may explain to the people what has been sent down for them. The word “Zikr” has been used here for the Holy Qur’ân as has been used in the verse 15:9 and it has been made clear that the people can only benefit from its guidance when they are led by the explanations of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Again, the words “for the people” indicate (especially in the original Arabic context), that the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) explanation is always needed by “everyone.” Now, if everyone, in every age is in need of the prophetic explanation, without which they cannot fully benefit from the Holy Book, how would it be useful for them to preserve the Qur’ânic text and leave its prophetic explanation at the mercy of distorters, extending to it no type of protection whatsoever. Therefore, once the necessity of the prophetic explanations of the Holy Qur’ân is accepted, it will be self-contradictory to claim that these explanations are unavailable today. It will amount to negating the divine wisdom, because it is in no way a wise policy to establish the necessity of the sunnah on the one hand and to make its discovery impossible on the other. Such a policy cannot be attributed to Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How much the Ahadiths were important for Sahabah.Have a look please. Anas reported that the Messenger of God said: "I have left among you two things; you will never go astray as long as you hold fast to them: the Book of God and my Sunnah." (Reported by Haakim.) The Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to hold the commandments given by the Prophet, peace be upon him, in a very high esteem, making no distinctions between them and those given by God. Once 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood quoted this saying of the Prophet (hadith) while he was delivering a sermon: "May God curse the women who tattoo their bodies and those who pluck their eyebrows; those who separate their teeth to make them look more pretty and those who try to change the creation of God." A woman named Umm Yaqub from the tribe of Banu Asad came to know of these words. She approached Ibn Mas'ood and said: "O Abu 'Abd ar-Rahman! It was reported to me that you have cursed such and such women." He said: "Why should I not curse those whom the Prophet, peace be upon him, cursed and who are cursed in the Book of God as well." She said: "I have read whatever is contained between the two covers (i.e. the whole Qur'an)." Had you been a good reader, you would have discovered it. Did you not read the following verse? "So take whatever the Messenger gives you and keep away from what he forbids you." (Surah Al-Hashr 59:7) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us see what the four great Imams (i.e. religious scholars) have said about the authority of the Sunnah. (As per my definition) a) IMAM ABU HANIFAH was asked: "What do we do if we find a saying of yours opposing the Book of God?" He replied: "Leave my saying and stick to the Book of God." The questioner asked: "What if it contradicts a saying of the Prophet?" Abu Hanifah said: "Leave my saying in the face of the Prophet's saying." Again he was asked: "What if it goes against the saying of a Companion?" Again he said: "Leave my saying in the face of the Companion's saying." (Reported in Al-Qawl al-Mufeed by Shawkani.) Imam Abu Hanifah also declared: "My way (Arabic: madh-hab) is whatever hadith (saying of the Prophet) that is proved to be authentic." (Shami 1:50, Al-Fulani in Iqaz, p. 62.) b) The saying of IMAM MALIK IBN ANAS is well known: "The saying of any person can be accepted or rejected, except for the Prophet of God, peace be upon him." (Reported by Ibn 'Abd al-Barr and Ibn Hazm. Also in Al-Yawaqeet wa Al-Jawahir 2:96.) He also said: "I am just a mortal; sometimes 1 am wrong, sometimes I am right - so check my opinions. Whatever agrees with the Book (i.e. the Qu'ran) and the Sunnah, accept it; whatever disagrees with them, reject it." (Reported by Al-Fulani in Iqaz, p. 72.) c) Once IMAM SHAFI'I narrated a saying of the Prophet (hadith). Someone from the audience said: "Do you say so as well?" On hearing this, the Imam was enraged. His face turned pale and he said: "Woe to you! Which earth would carry me, which sky would shelter me if I narrate a saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him and do not hold the same view! Do you see a zunnar (belt worn by non-Muslims)on me? Or have you noticed me coming out of a church? How can I report something from the Prophet, peace be upon him, and not agree with ?!!" d) IMAM AHMAD IBN HANBAL said: "Do not follow me or Malik or Shafi'i or Auza'i or Thawri, but take from where they took (i.e. from the Qu'ran and authentic Sunnah)." (Reported by Al-Fulani and Ibn al-Qayyim.) He also said: "He who is on the verge of destruction rejects a saving of the Messenger of God, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him." (Reported by Ibn al-Jauzi.) Shuaib reports that Allaah's Messenger (saws) said, "When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allaah, the Blessed and Most High, will say 'Do you wish for anything extra that I may give you?' They will say 'Have You not brightened our faces? Have You not entered us into Paradise and saved us from the Fire?' So He will remove the screen and they will not have been given anything more beloved to them as looking at their Lord, the Mighty and Majestic." Reported by Muslim (Eng. trans. 1/114/no. 347) and others. Hanbal said: I spoke to Abu 'Abdullaah, meaning Ahmad (ibn Hanbal) about seeing Allaah (ar-Ru'yah). He said, "They are authentic ahaadeeth. We have Faith (Eemaan) in them and affirm it. We have Faith in and affirm everything reported from the Prophet (saws) with good chains of narration." Reported by al-Laalikaa'ee in Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah (no.889). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please give a second though to your definition of Sunnah. This is not in line with Quran, Prophetic sayings, Sayings of Sabah, Great scholors of Islam.I don’t have any doubt in the intentions of yours, but what I felt wrong, I have presented here. Allah Hafiz.[/quote]
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