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[quote]We have received the following response from Mr. Zamir. "Dear All Assalamualaikum There has been long arguments lately. I shall try to jot down the points though there are few other things which may follow later. However, the depth of understanding and knowledge of Studying Islam is under severe doubts to me. Readers will know why, after they read the whole mail. FIrst Issue: MISTRANSLATION OF QURAN According to OXFORD DICTIONARY 'Translation' means: 'To change something spoken or written into another language'. According to the same Dictionary 'Interpretetion' means: 'To explain what something means' The difference between the two can be clarified as - Translation is either correct or incorrect. It simply transforms words to another language. On the other hand interpretetion is totally different and it is an issue of right or wrong depending on whether the explanation is correct. The affairs of state of the believers are run by their mutual consultation. (42:38) which one of the above where you involved with while stating this Ayat? Was it interpretetion of the ayat or translation? Or was it both? 1. If you where translating your translation is INCORRECT 2. If you where interpreting - You were wrong because you did not state that this is your interpretetion rather you said 'this is verse 42:38 of Quran' 3. If you were both interpreting and translating then you did a serious crime against Islam as this is not permitted because Allah's words can not be twisted and be explained as THE WORDS OF ALLAH. This 'may' make one kafir because of the seriousness of the issue. And this is what you claimed - that as a Muslim you have a right to interpret and translate!!!!! WHO HAS A RIGHT TO INTERPRET? ONLY A MUJTAHID. I beleive I do not need to elaborate what Mujtahid means. Then again, there are still difference of Opinion about Ijtihad still permissible or not. Simply knowing arabic does not make on Mujtahid or able to do Ijtihad. There is no disunity amongst understanding Muslims that only Mujtahids are able to interpret and not every Muslims as and when about whatever they wish. And certainly NONE has the authority to explain + translate and claim that this is a translation of Quran. Have you ever seen any Scholar using their own interpretetion + translation? I do not doubt the issue that Muslims are ordered by Allah to consult amongst themselves to find solutions. However, this does not mean Muslims should be democratic [in the presence political sense of the term] - even in a kafela (group of travelers) someone should be nominated as head and he has to take a decision [Democracy does not own the voting method to judge popular opinion]. Having ONE LEADER is a basic understanding of ruling system in Islam. However, there is no conflict between having a leader to make the final decision and to consult amongst Muslims to find solutions. Muslims are to follow what Allah has revealed and as followed by Prophet SW (pbuh). Where did you find Democracy as a RULING SYSTEM during the life of Muhammad SW and the Khulafaye Rashidan? Brother,it looks like you wouldnt agree with me and you will keep on argueing for arguments sake. I just want to mention one Sahih Hadith explaining Verse 7 Sura Al Imran : [Sahih Al Bukhari Translated by Muhsin Khan] Narrated by Aisha (RA): Allah's Messenger Muhammad SW recited the verse:- "It is he who has sent down to you (Muhammad SW) the book (this Quran). In it are verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the book [and those are verses of Al-ahkam (commendments etc)]; and others are not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof seeking Al-fitnah and seeking for its hidden meanings; but none knows its hidden meanings save Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: 'We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear verses) are from our Lord.' And none receive admonition except men of Understanding", (V, 3:7) Aisha (RA) added: Then Allah's Messenger Muhammad SW said, 'If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear then they are those whom Allah has named [As having deviation (from the truth)] SO beware of them. [6:70 - O.B] SAHIH BUKHARI 1724 Brother, keep it in mind that you are following the unclear things and giving firm judgments on that basis and thus you have made a deviation from truth as I see it. Brother, you claim yourself to be a man of understanding and you will be admonished by Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala as you fall under an exception as a reason of your claim. Brother, There is no debate as to my raising the issue of Mutual consultation. It is not me but you who have taken the responsibility of teaching Islamic Faith in the Web by opening StudyingIslam.org. Thus it makes no sense to even get back to what I said. It is you who has faultered and then you want to justify by showing that I said something different in the first occassion. Makes me wonder where is the logic! ISSUE 2 DEMOCRACY Firstly, Please see http://www.1924.org/books/ at the bottom of the page - 'The ruling system of Islam' by Taqiuddin Nabhani. Chapter 13 of the book gives comprehensive elaboration on the role of 'Shura'. I totally understood your viewpoint and used to have some mistaken ideas about it even several months before. I am a student of law and have done Legal jurisprudence and Government & Politics over 9 years of my academic education. After understanding the Islamic Ruling system, now I do not have any doubt that the basic principle's of these systems are so different that none are compatible to the other and hence no compromised solution is possible. Compromise was and still is done by weak hearted Muslims who are unable to see Islam as a complete code of life which inderectly points towards variation of Imaan. I quote you: We never maintain that democracy is acceptable in all forms and manifestations. We have said that Islamic system of consultation is in conjunction with democracy in so far laws are not enacted against the Qur’an and Sunnah. In other words, the affairs of state are surely run by majority opinion of the Shura but even then the Shura cannot legislate anything which goes against the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah. Give me ONE SINGLE example of Democratic Country where there are no laws contrary to sharia i.e. economic and political laws. (DO NOT confuse voting system -i.e majority opinion measuring method with Democracy pls). Once you give me one example then I shall get back to the other objections I have. I have tried my level best in the time I have to explain things to you. I still am firm on the issue that if You do not declare in the next weekly mail a correction as to the translation and put the whole ayats (not just half) then I shall be bound to publicise your web forums misconduct (as I see it) to the contacts I know so that they are aware of your lack of understanding or willful deviation. Zajakallah Khayran Naufal Zamir" [/quote]
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