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I want to speak my heart out
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[quote][size=2][font=Arial Black]Asalam Aalaikum I want to speak my heart out,If my brothers in this forum find my post offensive then they have full right to criticize me because what ever I'll speak here in this forum will be true and truth is always difficult to digest and I would like to apologize for what I write in advance. I returned to Pakistan from USA in 1994,and the main purpose for my return from USA was that I wanted to live in Pakistan since I was homesick in USA and I thought that by living in Pakistan, I will be more happier since Pakistan is an Islamic country. But when I came to Pakistan,the first thing that really surprized me was the high use of International TV channels through cable services and in almost every house I went,whether it is a house of a middle class person or a house of a high class person,I saw people happily watching International TV Channels especially dancing songs. Even my cousins whom I thought would be pretty nationalists and Islamic turned out to be unIslamic and had very little consideration for their country. I have lived in USA a country which my Muslim brothers curse alot and but Iam sorry to say that when I was their I hardly found a house having international tv channel cable service or any other dish service which is pretty common in Pakistan, also people in USA dont even get time to watch international channels since life is pretty tuff their and people hardly are able to take some time out of their busy life,people in USA dont live a luxuries life like People in Pakistan. But the most interesting thing to note is that Pakistan being an Islamic country is more involved in TV entertainment then USA which is an Un-Islamic Country. Another thing which I noticed in Pakistan was lack of justice in almost everything,either you visit court or any other complain center, their is to much favouritism and people dont get their deserving rights contrary to USA where justice is common to every one and every citizen of USA can access justice.Like Pakistan their are many other Countries where justice is not common but since being a citizen of Pakistan , Iam concerned about Pakistan. Pakistan being an Islamic Country should have justice easily accessible by common people. Another negative thing which I have noticed in Pakistan is lack of conciousness of Islamic values and Culture. In Canada out of 100% Muslim ladies,around 80 or 90% ladies wear scaf but in Pakistan I have hardly seen ladies wearing scarfs, and it is surprizing to see that even in the holy month of Ramadhan, our ladies feel proud to move on the streets without head-covers, I have myself seen ladies having their head hairs all open and dont even have respect in their hearts for the month of Ramadhan, If they dont want to wear scarf normally, atleast they should respect the month of Ramadhan by wearing scarf. Another thing that I have noticed in Pakistan,is the fashion of having a girl-friend and boy-friend. On bus stops of common streets or colleges, the way girls and boys chat and interact with each other and the way they sit close to each other seems pretty un-Islamic and Iam pretty sure that this is not what Islam wants from us. One of my girl cousin came up to me and asked me that do I have a girl-friend? I replied no, then she said that I should make girl-friend because it is good to have a girl in your life. Now I wonder what kind of relation she wants me to have with girls. Another important thing to note is that during the month of Ramadhan ,the prices of items especially food items increases tremendously in our Country contrary to USA and Europe where the prices of food items become half on Christmas. Now being an Islamic Country do you think that prices of food items should increase during the month of Ramadhan in Pakistan?Do sellers and shopkeepers use to increase prices of their food products in the month of Ramadhan during the lifetime of Prophet(pbuh) or during the Caliphate of the four Caliphes? Another important thing that I have noticed is that their are so many marriage halls in almost every city of Pakistan and in USA I have not seen even a single Marriage hall ,all the marriages in USA take place in Churches. Is their a concept of Marriage Hall in Islam? waistage of food in Marriage Halls in Pakistan, this is one of the most important issues that I would like to highlight.More then half of the food after marriages are thrown out of the halls now why do the organizers of the marriage cook more then enough? Dont they think that during the Day of Judgement Allah(swt) will hold them accountable for waisting that much food? Now another new and interesting thing to note is that recently when India and Pakistans relations started to improve,the singers,actors and actresses from India are comming to Pakistan and vise versa,and their culture is being so much penetrating into our land that almost every person in our country likes to follow Hindu Culture. Our Girls love to put a bindiya on their head and dont think of wearing a scarf on their head which is a part of Islamic culture ,our ladies love to adopt Hindu Culture but hesitate to adopt Islamic Culture which is so beautiful.This fashion of bindiya is becoming so common that even some of our drama actresses are putting bindiyas on their head and feel proud and happy to do that. Even our Dramas are taking some indian touch in them. After noticing these things I feel very hurt and disappointed because Iam a muslim and I cant tolerate all these things happening. In Harvard University, westerners are doing research on Islamic Finance and Banking System and in one of the European Countries out of 100% Banks, 70% Banks have become interest free. Are we really working hard to make our Banks interest free and doing some intensive research on Islamic Economic System? Brothers sorry for posting all this but when a persons heart is badly hurt ,then their is no other option but to sit down on internet and speak out the truth. Please brothers dont think that Iam trying to show that Iam very religious ,Iam a sinful man but we should realize these things and shoud develope a sense in ourselfs so that we could understand the difference between right and wrong. Regards,[/font=Arial Black][/size=2][/quote]
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