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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]wa Salam brother, [size=2]Quote:- I told several times that Qur’an was revealed by Almighty Allah through Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad was the first to write down the Quran revealed to him and when he died, the whole Quran was completely written, although not in one book, but rather on pieces of woods, papers, palm leaves, bones…etc.[/size=2] >>> Sorry Brother! ur ANSWER is STILL incomplete. I want the DETAILS of that PROCESS thru which THAT written Quran has REACHED to U. I hope U too Believe that PROPHET's WRITTEN Quran is NOT Present. [size=2]Quote:- But, Prophet Muhammad did not write his sunna and did not permit anyone to do this during his life time. Almighty Allah gave only Qur’an to him and nothing else and he practised that Qur’an and nothing else. He did not find any other source besides it. Almighty Allah forbade him to give religious instruction besides the Qur’an.[/size=2] >>> Well there was NO NEED for SUNNAH to be WRITTEN down like Quran as Sunnah r NOT Words BUT Practices. & plz Tell me WHERE u've Found that Prophet didn't "PERMIT" anyone to write other than Quran during his life time? What's the PROOF w U that Allah "gave only Qur’an to him and nothing else". [size=2]Quote:- Long after the death of Prophet Muhammad, for idolizing him beside God, hadith & sunnah were invented by some people, about which(hadith & sunnah) there is not a single reference in the Nobel Qur’an.[/size=2] >>> That's where ur Knowledge is BIASED Bcoz no (1) Sunnah was Present from the 1st Day when Muhammad (pbuh) became prophet & NO (2) Hadith was too Present Not only right after the Death of Prophet but Even DURING his LIFE & only Biased People will DENY this HISTORICAL fact BUT remember I do NOT want to ARGUE w U on HADITH here right NOW. [size=2]Quote:- So, it is wrong to say that we should accept sunnah as our religious source of Islam besides Qur’an as it(sunnah) has come to us through Twatur, Ijmaa….. !!!![/size=2] >>> Can I ASK what's WRONG in it? [size=2]Quote:- Nowhere in the Qur’an it is said that everything which comes through Twatur, Ijmaa… we should accept them as our source of Islam. You can’t show any single reference from the Qur’an regarding your plea i.e. Twatur, Ijmaa……etc..etc..[/size=2] >>> well Brother I've Promised that I'll show MANY things from the Quran too BUT 1st let us END our Despute regarding the Transmission of Quran [size=2]Quote:- Brother, I asked you a simple question through my previous post, but you could not able to reply this simple question yet. My question was; First you should tell how could you know with certainty that men-made Muhammad’s sunnah are originally practiced by Muhammad or was originally Muhammad’s Sunnah? [/size=2] >>> I'll REPEAT again that SUNNAH is NOT Men-Made. It's GOD-Given Exactly like Quran is & we r SURE about it Exactly the SAME way as we've Become Sure of the Holy Quran. [size=1]Quote:- For example you pray five times a day and also in this way i.e. you observe Zuhr(noon) & Asr(Afternoon) Salat with maintaining total silence, first two unit of Maghrib(evening) and Eesha(Night) salat with maintaining moderate tone and other parts of these salat with maintaining total silence….etc….etc….[/size=1] [size=2]and also you claimed these are all Muhammad’s Sunnah, which reached you through consensus of opinion, now what is the proof that Muhammad prayed five times salat in a day and also in these way(mentioned above)? Show me from the Qur’an.[/size=2] >>> Why shud I SHOW my PROOF from Quran?. I NEVER claimed that I've taken them from Quran. U urself r describing that it has reached us thru the "Consensus" So My CLAIM is that there is CONSENSUS for MORE than 1400 years NOW that "Muhammad prayed five times salat in a day and also in these ways(mentioned above)." [size=2]Quote:- Do you think that practical portion of Islam i.e. Prophet’s Sunnahs is other than Qur’an, which almighty Allah revealed to Muhammad separately?[/size=2] >>> Yeah Yeah, That's what I'm trying to Convey. [size=2]Quote:- Prophetic Hadith also reached you in the same way as men-made Prophet’s sunnah reached you, then why you don’t believe on hadith?[/size=2] >>> That's where U r NOT Correct. I've NEVER claimed & will NEVER do so as Hadith has NOT reached us thru TWATUR & IJMAA. So, we've Believe in it BUT we CAN'T give it the SAME STATUS that we Give to SUNNAH & that's what I'm CONSISTANTLY trying to CONVEY. Quote:- I am very much sincere but I don’t want to compare conjecture i.e. sunna & hadith with the GOD Given only one source i.e. Nobel Qur’an. >>> Well I've NO doubt in ur Sincerity nevertheless I wud Just REQUEST that U shud at least try Understand Our Basis of Our Pt. of View regarding SUNNAH b4 denying it. I'm sorry to SAY but I feel that at the Moment U r JUST denying it & NOT even understanding OUR Aurguments. Well SURELY u've the RIGHT to DENY anything U want to BUT my REQUEST is that PLZ try to understand MY Pt. of View on MY BASIS not on ur BASIS. & Believe me IF this Happens only then OUR this LONG discussion will be FRUITFUL. Regards Ibrahim.[/quote]
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