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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][size=2]Salam brother, Quote:- It means that the Quran has not been transmitted on the authority of one, two or a few individuals. On the contrary, in each of the generations, since the time of the companions of the Prophet (pbuh), the whole generation of the mainstream Muslims as a collectivity transmitted the Quran to its subsequent generation. This is not the case with the Ahadith. My Answer:- Brother, actually verses 128 & 129 of Sura 9 were inserted to the Mos-Haf of the Qur’an depending on the words of one individual named Khuzaima al-Ansari. Please read; Two men whose names figure prominently in the reports we will examine are Zaid ibn Thabit and Ubayy ibn Ka’ab. Both of these men were from Medina, and were Muhammad’s chief secretaries. They were primarily responsible for writing down the verses of the Qur’an as they were revealed. In his History, al-Tabari reports that Ubayy was the first to write for Muhammad in Medina (vol. 9, 147). Various sources indicate that Zaid ibn Thabit was quite young at the time of the Hijra--Muhammad’s emigration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE—being only about 11. Despite his youth, Zaid’s intelligence and language abilities gained him a position as one of Muhammad’s most important secretaries. It was Zaid who was given the primary responsibility for collecting and organising the text of the Qur’an after Muhammad’s death (EI 1, viii, 1194b-1195a). The first indication of the uniqueness of 9:128/129 appears in the story related by al-Bukhari about the collection of the Qur'an during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr. After describing how Abu Bakr and `Umar convinced him to collect the Qur'an, Zaid ibn Thabit says: “So I pursued collecting the Qur'an from bare palm branches, thin, flat, white stones, and the hearts of men until I found the end of Surat al-Tawba with Abu Khuzaima al-Ansari. I did not find it with anyone other than him: Indeed a messenger has come to you from among yourselves. Your suffering is hard on him... to the conclusion of Bara'a” (al-Bukhari, Matn vol. 3, 225). Please also go and read for details :- http://www.quran.org/9128.htm Some people say that Prophetic(men-made) sunnah came exactly in the same way as Qur’an came to us!! But actually this is not the case. Prophet Muhammad was the first to write down the Quran revealed to him and when he died , the whole Quran was completely written, although not in one book, but rather on pieces of woods, papers, palm leaves, bones…etc. But, Prophet Muhammad did not write his sunna. Moreover, how could they(those people) know that Prophet Muhammad practised such & such e.g. how could they know that Prophet Muhammad observed 5 times daily salat? How could they know that they should mention Prophets Muhammad’s name in their regular ‘Azaan’ etc…etc..? Almighty Allah gave only Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad and nothing else and Prophet Muhammad practised that Qur’an and nothing else and in that Qur’an, nowhere it is mentioned that we should observe 5 times daily salat, nowhere it is said that we should add Prophet Muhammad’s name in ‘Sahada’(Testimony), in Azaan, nowhere it is said that we should add some steps in our God given ‘Wudu’(ablution) etc…etc… Then how could they say with certainty that these are all Sunnah of Prophet or are the true Islam? Brother, our CRITERIA should only be the Qur’an through which we can judge what information regarding religious guidance is true or false. Our criteria should not be the conjecture e.g. Twatur, Ijmaa, which have no reference in the whole Qur’an. This is my understanding brother. Hope that I have made my point clear. Salam, Samsher.[/size=2] Edited by: ibrahim on Monday, December 12, 2005 8:35 AM[/quote]
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