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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][size=2]A.A Quote: If we seek only God and His revelations as a source of law and guidance, and do not believe in any hadith other than God’s revelations, it makes no difference if a hadith is authentic, or not. The Qur’an does not ask if hadith is authentic. The Qur’an asks if it is "other than God and His revelations." even if WE HAVE ABSOLUTE PROOF THAT A HADITH CAME FROM THE MESSENGER, even if WE MAY HAVE HEARD IT DIRECTLY FROM THE LIPS OF THE MESSENGER, WITH OUR OWN EARS, it is still "OTHER THAN GOD AND HIS REVELATIONS." THEREFORE, IN LIGHT OF 6:114 AND 45:6 IT IS INVALID AS A SOURCE OF LAW AND GUIDANCE. >>> however, Here you sum up your entire energy & thought of believing with the above said statement that shows you have accepted that THERE ARE SAYINGS & DOINGS OF MUHAMMAD (S.A) existing in History, which we CALL HADITH & SUNNAH and these ( sayings & doings ) are also proved authentic in History. BUT YOU SAY, Even if these are really of Muhammad (s.a) then this does not mean to say that we (you) have to follow these (sayings & doings) in any case, because these are OTHER THAN QURAN (written scripture)…….isn’t brother? ( I think you meant so……If I am not wrong). If you said this in the beginning of this discussion, I think the mood of discussion would have been changed compare to what we have discussed above till now. Because problem with you was not that we have to prove how Hadith & Sunnah are proved or authentic in the History OR EVEN IF THERE IS A REFERENCE OF ANY QURANIC VERSE (according to our thought of view not you…be careful) that creates this image of (Hadith & Sunnah). BUT PROBLEM WITH YOU IS THIS AND YOU ALSO PROVED BY SAYING THAT, that YOU WILL NOT ACCEPT/OBEY ANY WORD OR SAYING OR DOING OF MUHAMMAD OTHER THAN ANY QURANIC VERSES. YOUR SOLE DUTY IS TO LISTEN QURAN FROM MUHAMMAD AND HAVE TO OBEY IT (QURAN) YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY…….isn’t Brother (if I am not wrong). ( I understood this point of your view in the beginning). Therefore, I again and again asked you such kind of questions in this forum that relates to OBEY QURAN ACCORDING TO ONE’S OWN WISHES EVEN IF WE SEE MUHAMMAD DOING SOMETHING AFTER A REVALTION OF ANY VERSE FROM ALLAH ACCORDINGLY, because WHAT HE (Muhamamd s.a) WOULD DO OR WHAT HE SAYS, THIS ALL IS HIS OWN WHIMS AND OWN REFLECTION OF UNDERSTANDING IN THE REGARD OF VERSE, and THUS WE HAVE NOT TO FOLLOW THAT ACTIONS AND DOINGS, MAY HE BE (Muhammad s.a) WRONG, OR HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO ACCORDING WHAT WE (YOU) UNDERSTAND ITS (VERSE) MEANING AND SENSE OF OBEYING, WHICH ALLAH MEANT SO…AND SO…isn’t brother? (If I m not wrong). Therefore our main duty is to listen and obey according with our own understanding, this is ur believe ...........this is enough? IF IT IS REALLY SO, THEN I AM VERY VERY CONFUSED WHY PEOPLE OF THAT TIME DID NOT DO SO……AND HISTORY ALSO DOES NOT SHOW ANY PROOF THAT THOSE PEOPLE USED TO OBEY QURAN ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN UNDERSTANDING……THE SENSE OF UNDERSTANDING OF PEOPLE WERE SUCH EQUAL TO EACH OTHER AND NO ONE FIND ANY CONTRADICTION TO EACH OTHER’S UNDERSTANDING. Then I think those were very intelligent and WE, what happened to us, WHY WE ARE NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND MEANING OF A VERSE EQUALLY, BUT THIS IS ALSO SURPRISING THAT MANY OF VERSES OF HOLY QURAN REFER TO THEIR (PAST PEOPLE) LESS UNDERSTANDING AND CHANGING SENSE OF VERSES RESPECTIVELY IN THOSE DAYS. WHAT IS THIS ALL? You also accept that Prophet Muhammad (s.a) received INSPIRATION other than Quran, but according to you this is not essential any way for the religious source. But I give a verse of Al-Quran (2:143), when Muhammad (s.a) received an inspiration of appointing Qibla, which he was used….. read carefully it, specially last lines….( THIS IS AN INSPIRATION OTHER THAN QURAN BUT WHAT ALLAH SAYS ABOUT PEOPLE WHO OBEY/DISOBEY (THIS INSPIRATION) SEE…..THIER FAITH DEPENDS UPON THIS INSPIRATION….OTHER THAN QURAN (2:143) Thus, have We made of you an Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). INDEED IT WAS (A CHANGE) MOMENTOUS, EXCEPT TO THOSE GUIDED BY ALLAH. And NEVER WOULD ALLAH MAKE YOUR FAITH OF NO EFFECT. For ALLAH IS TO ALL PEOPLE MOST SURELY FULL OF KINDNESS, MOST MERCIFUL. did u understand how much obeying of this (INSPIRATION) OTHER THAN QURAN (informed by Allah) was essential THAT ALLAH ENCOURAGED THOSE PEOPLE AND MAKE THEIR FAITH UNEFFECTED BECAUSE OF BELEIVING/FOLLOWING MUHAMMAD’S GOTTEN INSPIRATION OTHER THAN QURAN. Although this is enough not to argue with you AFTER your said statement “ if we seek……….Guiadance” yet I advise you to read Quran again carefully… Fi’amanillah A.karime, Jacobabad[/size=2] Edited by: ibrahim on Wednesday, December 07, 2005 7:14 AM[/quote]
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