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[quote][size=2]QUOTE: The discussions have become too long but nobody could understand the meaning of obey the messenger, not Muhammad which brother sksamsherali is trying to convey repeatedly. Suppose I (Zulfee) am the chief executive of some institution. My subordinates are bound to obey me as the chief executive only and never as Zulfee to obey me what I personally command them to do every other task everywhere. It is very simple. >>>okkkkkk. Then I consider Allah as “ chief executive “ and Mohammad (s.a) as His Subordinate. Now Allah revealed his words/message to Mohammad (s.a) by Hazrat Jibrail (a.s) only to receive & send HIS message to the other people on the earth. His (Mohammad s.a) duty was only to receive and send/distribute the same message of Allah among the people. He had no any other duty. Whenever any verse was revealed then he came among the people and informed or (recited) the verse and went to his home back to obey according the same (verse) . or his duty was only to repeat the same words by his own tongue. ( that ‘all) isn’t??? Quran clearly tells that people would come to him and asked solution about their problems of life and hereafter. See: The reply of the believers when they are summoned to Allah and His messenger so that he can judge between them, is to say, "We hear and we obey." They are ones who are successful. (Surat an-Nur, 51) When Allah and His messenger have decided something it is not for any man or woman of the believers to have a choice about it. Anyone who disobeys Allah and His messenger is clearly misguided. (Surat al-Ahzab, 36) You who believe! Respond to Allah and to the messenger when He calls you to what will bring you to life! Know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that you will be gathered to Him. (Surat al-Anfal, 24) Why people used to come to him for decisions, if his duty was only to receive and send message. then any one used to come to him, he should have had to say only “ this is the word/verse, take this, obey and go away”. But it was not so…..This was the because of that people understood that they had to obey him in the regard of obedience Allah & His Rasul otherwise if they did not consulted or Holy Prophet did manage a system to run, there would have been NO such above type of verses that refer to EVENTS. There is a complete relation among them. He ( Mohammad s.a ) has been called “ teacher” “leader”…etc, I think even word “ Teacher “ is enough to know about Mohammad (s.a). Do you ever see any teacher who enter into classroom holding a book of i.e physics, chemistry…etc (OR words of the same book by tongue) and repeat the same in front of you and then says “this is over I told you about the subject or topic” now I see you again. I think if you keep any sense, you will ask him, hey teacher what did you tell us from the book, ( that I can also buy or I have the same) then what is use of ur teacher to be here? This Brother (sksamsherali) main point in this regard is as follows: Quote: God asserts to all believers that prophet Muhammad was commanded not to teach any other teachings, otherwise he would incur severe punishment from God: >>>Sure this is right, and we say the same, but he does not understand. I ask what did he (Mohammad s.a) taught to them, did they (Arabs) not know Arabic or correct pronunciations of language, if his duty was only to deliver the message. ( what did he taught). Who says him to teach them and Y he has been called to teach them. ( I think there should be word “ TELL them not Teach, you know well difference between these words). See if I have remembered the “ the book” or heard the message and give u the same, now we both are EQUAL, because I remembered and you have the same in written, now both are equally responsible.there is no any difference between you & me. Now you have no authority to ask me, and I have no to ask you because both have the same AND WE ALSO BOTH KEEP THE SENSE OF UNDERSTANDING, OUR SENSE OF UNDERSTANDING BE DIFFERENT OR SAME, AND EVEN THIS BOOK IS DISTRIBUTED TO EVERY ONE, THEN EVERY ONE MAY KEEP DIFFERENT SENSE OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE SAME BOOK, WHERE AS BOOK IS ONLY ONE THE SAME TO ALL. BUT EVERY HAS DIFFERENT UNDERSTANDING. NOW DO U CONSIDER ALL THEY WILL BE ABLE TO RUN AN EQUAL SYSTEM OF ALL ON THE EARTH. (example is here of discussion). THEREFORE A TEACHER, A LEADER …ETC. is chosen by Allah ownself TO RUN HIS SYSTEM EQUALLY. AND MOHAMMAD (S.A) told or expressed the teaching ( inspired by Allah ) of The Quran and we find by historical unchanged custom of life and in books i.e Hadith. Every one is to eager to know what Mohammad (s.a) understood about any verse or event we are discussing, they want to follow the same. Moreover, this ( brother sksamsherali ) and his group want to make them FREE FREE and FREE from all boundaries, and want to make/follow their own understanding of The Holy Quran, as any time any one whatever they like they change the sense of verses according to their own WISHES OR NAFS”. Their leader “ Rashad” introduced himself as “Rasul” of Allah because he saw that if he did not make/give him any extra ordinary appearance, NO ONE BELIEVE HIM, THEN he made himself RASUL and expressed his views to the people to believe him. Where as THEY themselves do not believe in message of “Rasul” ( Mohammad s.a) what a sense…..! They took the help of duty of Rasul, and EVEN deny him too….! They are false to themselves… The Holy Quran is for all and every one has equal rights to understand or to follow then I THINK NO ONE IS BOUND TO FOLLOW OTHERS… But you find One who is Mohammad (s.a) quoted as in the following verse.. You have an excellent model in the messenger of Allah, for all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much" (Surat al-Ahzab, 21). Regards, A.karime, Jacobabad[/size=2] Edited by: ibrahim on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 5:40 AM[/quote]
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