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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][quote][size=1][quote] Very good point. Adressess are the human race and there is no fixed time for them to understand all that is within the Quran. Just because some points are not understood at present or in the past it does not mean they will not become clear with the passage of time as our knowldge and understanding of our universe increases. Just as we individual humans begin to understand any given subject better as we grow older. Then substitute the individual human being with the human race then it might help to grasp the point I am trying to make, although I fear not too well. [/quote] I think you didn't fully understand Brother Tariq's question.Brother Tariq asked on what basis do we know that Quran is the word of God.Mr.Samsher replied that it is because of scientific information, which is present in the Quran and that is verified later that proves that it is God's book.The next question asked by Brother Tariq was that if the scientific information proves that Quran is the word of God,how did the previous generation believed in the Quran when they did not know anything about it.The question remains on what basis did[ or should]the previous generations believed Quran to be the word of God,when the scientific information in it is unfolded during later times? Further,Mr.Samsher quoted a verse from the Quran to prove that it foretold moon-landing by human.The verse he quoted is [quote] In 54:1 says' [54:1] The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split. How could you explain the above verse in light of Prophetic hadith. Remember the moon was split in 1969. [/quote] Mr.Samsher writes that the moon was split in 1969.How can a person be sure that the above verse refer to moon-landing by man?.It can only be a conjecture.I wonder how a book can be proved to be the word of God just based on conjectures. [quote] Does this mean that if great deal of time spent on writing anti Islamic books you will not discard them and have regards for their authors. The question is if the works of collected Hadiths are so important why did the Muslim community wait over 200yrs before trying to record them. I know of no one who can recall information 100% accurately within few seconds of hearing it. Obviousouly the previous generations must have been made of sterner memory than today. [/quote] The comparison you made between the work of Hadith and anti-islamic literatures is irrelevant.I suggest you to please register for the course "Understanding the Sunnah" in this website.That will insha Allah, help you to understand the difference between "Sunnah"[according to this website] and Hadith, and how the "Sunnah of the Prophet" is independant of Hadith.Hadith is an invaluable record about the last messenger of God.All the sources of religion are found in Quran and the Sunnah,which has come down to us through verbal and practical perpetuation of muslim generations.Since Hadith is not a source of religion,early muslim generation did not feel the need to record it.[/size=1][/quote] Salam, Quote :- Mr. Samsher writes that the moon was split in 1969.How can a person be sure that the above verse refer to moon-landing by man?.It can only be a conjecture. >>> Then please tell me How could you explain the above verse in light of Prophetic hadith ? Quote :- Hadith is an invaluable record about the last messenger of God. All the sources of religion are found in Quran and the Sunnah, which has come down to us through verbal and practical perpetuation of muslim generations. Since Hadith is not a source of religion,early muslim generation did not feel the need to record it. >>> I glad to know that you do not consider hadith as religious source of Islam. Very good. At the same time you said that all the sources of religion are found in Quran and the Sunnah. But could you please tell me how can you know which one is Prophet's Sunnah or which one is not if you don't read hadith? Above all I ask you a question, is Sunnah a different source rather than the Nobel Qur'an? Has any reference in the Nobel Qur'an of 'Muhammad's Sunnah'? If your cherished Sunnah differ with the commandments of the Nobel Qur'an then what should you do? Lastly, You said that Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger of God !! >>> Could you please give me any reference from the Nobel Qur'an in support of your statement. Qur'an tells us otherwise. Please see; [33:40] Muhammad was not the father of any man among you. He was a messenger of GOD and the final prophet. GOD is fully aware of all things. If Muhammad was the last messenger then the wording of the verse should be "He was the last messenger and Prophet of God or He was the final messenger and Prophet of God ...etc..... I did not find anywhere in the Nobel Quran that Muhammad(pbuh) was the Last Messenger, instead of Chapter 3 Verse 81 and Chapter 33 Verse 7 say otherwise. Please see; [3:81] GOD took a covenant from the prophets, saying, "I will give you the scripture and wisdom. Afterwards, a messenger will come to confirm all existing scriptures. You shall believe in him and support him." He said, "Do you agree with this, and pledge to fulfill this covenant?" They said, "We agree." He said, "You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you." [33:7] Recall that we took from the prophets their covenant, including you (O Muhammad), Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary. We took from them a solemn pledge. Samsher Ali, India, Kolkata. Edited by: Ibrahim on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:34 AM[/quote]
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