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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][size=1]thanks. But i really do not think how a book can claim to be clear whereas some of its verses cannot be understood by the addressees for the facts it referred to would manifest centuries later.[/size=1] [size=2]Very good point. Adressess are the human race and there is no fixed time for them to understand all that is within the Quran. Just because some points are not understood at present or in the past it does not mean they will not become clear with the passage of time as our knowldge and understanding of our universe increases. Just as we individual humans begin to understand any given subject better as we grow older. Then substitute the individual human being with the human race then it might help to grasp the point I am trying to make, although I fear not too well. If none including the Prophet [pbuh] could understand what the Quran says then why the Qur'an says that if it were from other than God they would have found great discrepencies Not understanding a point does not make it contradictory. Why don't you read the important books of hadith first (all of them) and then tell me if you still want to throw them out because some of them are false? Would you throw out all the volumes of Encyclopedia Britanica just because the defintion of few things was wrong? Do you realize how much work has been done into compiling these books that you want to discard so quickly? Have some regard for the people who spent their lives working on these books. I think even the sternest critic of Hadith books would agree that some of them have excellent points. But that does not mean thay are vlid. Unfortunately books such as Encyclopedia Britanica are just simply books which are limited to our present knowldge. Where as books of hadith are there to interpret what the last messanger of God has supposed to have said, done etc and hence are used by their followers, quite forcefully at times, as to how the entire muslim population should live, breath eat, drink etc. If You accept that some Hadiths are false and contradict the Quran then the truth of all of them becomes doubtful i.e if you know someone has told certai untruths then you will be reluctant to accept their word on any issue that you are not sure about. Hence if a Hadith confirms what is stated in the Quran then it begs the question what is the purpose of that particular hadith. If it brings new information which cannot be verified by the Quran then how can you be sure that it is correct. Do you realize how much work has been done into compiling these books that you want to discard so quickly? Have some regard for the people who spent their lives working on these books. Does this mean that if great deal of time spent on writing anti Islamic books you will not discard them and have regards for their authors. The question is if the works of collected Hadiths are so important why did the Muslim community wait over 200yrs before trying to record them. I know of no one who can recall information 100% accurately within few seconds of hearing it. Obviousouly the previous generations must have been made of sterner memory than today.[/size=2] Edited by: ibrahim on Saturday, November 18, 2006 8:21 AM[/quote]
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