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[quote][quote][size=1]The submitters[?] say that they follow only the Quran.But the truth of the matter they follow things besides Quran.They too pray(!) daily prayers.They say that those prayers are from Abrahamic tradition and they say that those traditions are intactly preserved.Can the submitters tell that how the Arabrahic traditions are preserved,but why the traditions of the Prophet(pbuh) which is of latter date is not ?.. one of the funniest things Rashad Khalifa blinded his followers to believe is that you commit any sins[including idolatory,fornication etc...] and die before 40,you go straight to paradise??..looks like easy way to go to Paradise isn't[/size=1]???.[/quote] Salam, May I ask you a question? What do you mean by saying 'Muslim'? What will be the English word(translation) for the Arabic word 'Muslim'? May be you did not like Rashad Khalifa, but which he said, said only from the Quran. Some of his followers after his death distorted his views as distorted the views of Prophet Muhammad by some of his followers after his death. Regarding your second question, I ask you 'what is the age of responsibility according to you or to your ahadis book? Do you really think that an 11 year old boy/girl, who goes to Church with his/her prents and worships Jesus willingly will go to hell forever if he dies before his 12th birthday? What about a child of 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 and so on and so forth? The Qur'an sets the age of responsibility at 40. [46:15] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him arduously, gave birth to him arduously, and took intimate care of him for thirty months. When he reaches maturity, and reaches the age of forty, he should say, "My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Let my children be righteous as well. I have repented to You; I am a submitter." Definitely, your first reaction to this piece of information will be 'what if the person was really bad, evil and if the person was really wicked, then will he go to Heaven if he died before the age of 40'? The answer is, "Does God know that this person was wicked"? "Yes". "Does God know that this person does not deserve to go to Heaven"? "Yes". God is the only one who terminates our lives on this earth. He knows exactly who deserves to go to Heaven and who deserves to go to Hell. If repentance has any role in determining a person's situation in hereafter, then, why should it be not wishful thinking to believe that the Most Merciful, the Forgiver will not punish a person who did not reach the age, when repentance is strongly advised? If you take the Quran as a whole, you will see exception to the rule, stated in other verses. For instance, if a person after practising idolatry repents and practices righteousness, then God will forgive that person's previous sins. Therefore, why do you not consider 46:15 bringing another exception, that is age. If you tell me that ages is not important, the person's capacity and qualifications are important, then you should define those qualifications. Samsher Ali, India. Edited by: Ibrahim on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:43 AM[/quote]
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