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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][size=2]In continuation to the previous page…… Those who insist on making Muhammad greater than all the other messengers of God and call on him with such preferential titles such as 'Sayeduna Muhammad' (Our Lord Muhammad), and 'Sayed Al Khalq' (the Lord of all creation) and 'Ashraf Al- Mursaleen' (the Most honourable of all the messengers), and 'habib Allah' (God's sweetheart!) .... etc, are those who in their blind idol worship of Muhammad have rejected God's words in the Quran, such as: "Say (O Muhammad), "I AM NOT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER MESSENGERS" and: "Say (O Muhammad), "I AM NO MORE THAN A HUMAN LIKE YOU …" 18:110 If they are just uttering the name of Muhammad in order to testify to his messengership (as they claim) why don't they ever say: "There is no god but Allah and Moses is His messenger" !! Moses too was the messenger of God, why do they not testify to that? [A small advice here to the reader : NEVER go into a masjid and say these words …… the Muslims there would probably stone you to death!] The Quran speaks of another testimony. This other testimony is only spoken by the hypocrites: "When the hypocrites come to you they say 'We bear witness that you are the messenger of God' God knows that you are His messenger, and God bears witness that the hypocrites are liars" 63:1 From this verse we note a very significant observation. This observation becomes clear when we examine three important verbs in the verse: 1- The hypocrites saying "we bear witness that you are the messenger of God" 2- "God knows that you are His messenger" 3- "God bears witness that the hypocrites are liars" We note that the verse starts with the words "bear witness" and ends with the same words, so why does God use the word "knows" in the middle of the verse? Why did God not say (God bears witness that you are His messenger)? Since nothing in the Quran is a coincidence, we must indeed be alerted to God's deliberate choice of the word "knows". Could it be that God is telling us that the Testimony He prescribed for us does NOT include these words? For surely if God said (God bears witness that you are His messenger) then this would have constituted an integral part of the Testimony. The fact that God declines from saying 'bear witness that you are His messenger' and instead says 'knows that you are His messenger' confirms that the only lawful Testimony authorised by God is for the name of God alone (3:18), and that all other testimonies are false and are acts of idol worship. We are given in the Quran a great criteria for distinguishing the sincere believers from the hypocrites. In 39:45, we are told that those who do not believe will not be able to proclaim God's name on its own, they must include the name of their idol/s in order to be satisfied: [b][red]"When GOD ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied." [/red] [/b] 39:45 [b]The Testimony is one such criteria where true believers are tested in the purity of their faith. The true believers will have no problem uttering the correct Testimony which is given in the Quran (3:18) and which has no name in it except the name of God. On the other hand, the ones who have set up idols besides God, will never be satisfied with the Quranic Testimony on its own. They will not be able to utter the Quranic Shahada without adding to it a further testimony for Muhammad.[/b] Samsher.[/size=2][/quote]
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