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[quote]Salam Mr. Wasim, Q:- So We have taught thee(Muhammad pbuh) the inspired (Message), "Follow the ways of Abraham the True in Faith, and he joined not gods with Allah."16:123 Bro Shamsher If Qur'an is the complete source for muslims then why the QUr'an iteslf is asking prophet pbuh to follow the ways of Ibrahim pbuh? Reply:- You raised a question as [u]“If Qur'an is the complete source for muslims then why the QUr'an iteslf is asking prophet pbuh to follow the ways of Ibrahim pbuh?”[/u] That means you do not believe that Qur’an is COMPLETE SOURCE OF LAW OF ISLAM AND FULLY DETAILED [b]when Qur’an ITSELF says that IT is ….[/b] I have nothing to say because it is your own choice to deny the Qur’anic truth like other nations. Now please try to find out what Almighty God says in the verse 16:123; "[red]Then we inspired you (Muhammad) to follow ‘millat Ibraheem’ (creed of Abraham), [red]the monotheist[/red]; he never was an idol worshiper." [/red] 16:123 [b]What exactly is ‘Millat Ibraheem’ [/b] as we read about it in 16:123 and other verses? let us read some of these verses: They said, "You have to be Jewish or Christian, to be guided." Say, "We follow the ‘millat Ibraheem’ creed of Abraham-[red]monotheism[/red]-he never was an idol worshiper." 2:135 "Say, "GOD has proclaimed the truth: You shall follow ‘millat Ibraheem’ Abraham's creed-[red]monotheism[/red]. He never was an idolater." 3: 95 "Who is better guided in his religion than one who submits totally to GOD, leads a righteous life and followed ‘millat Ibraheem’ (creed of Abraham): [red]monotheism[/red]? GOD has chosen Abraham as a beloved friend. never was an idol worshiper." 4:125 "Say, "My Lord has guided me in a straight path-the perfect religion, ‘millat Ibraheem’ the creed of Abraham, [red]monotheism[/red]. He never was an idol worshiper." 6:161 Here we note that in all the verses that mention the words ‘millat Ibraheem’ we notice that they are followed by the words [red]‘he was a monotheist and not idol worship’ [/red] ….. [u][b]It is thus obvious that God is giving us the definition of the words ‘millat Ibraheem’ as being Monotheism (as opposed to idol worship)[/b][/u]. Consequently, when God commands Muhammad, and all of us, to follow ‘millat Ibrahim’, God is commanding us [b][red]to follow Monotheism [/red] [/b] [red]and refrain from idolatry.[/red] When Joseph declared that he follows Millat Ibraheem he quickly added that it dictates him not to commit idol worship nor associating anything with God: "And I followed the "millat" of my ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. [red]We never set up any idols beside GOD[/red]. Such is the blessing from GOD upon us and upon the people, but most people are unappreciative." 12:38 Should we accept God’s definition of the word ‘millat’ (creed), or should we devise a looser definition for the word ‘milat’ to mean all the religious rituals, rules and detailed regulations of Islam? [u]The deliberate insertion of the words [red]‘monotheist, he was not an idol worshiper’ [/red] after the words ‘millat Ibraheem’ in all these verses that contain the words ‘millat Ibraheem’, compel us to accept that the words ‘millat Ibraheem’ refer to ABRAHAM’S CREED [red]WHICH IS MONOTHEISM[/red].[/u] Q:- sister Henna is quoting the views of scholars and not just her own opinion. In my opinion it is not a laughing matter. Ethos of Islam is humility and worship, not mocking opposing views. Reply:- If any one claims that all the rituals of islam came from Sunnah of Prophet (invented phrase because no one can find this phrase in the whole Qur’an) and not from Qur’an; If any one claims that Qur’an is not Complete, Fully Detailed, then brother it is surely be a laughing matter. What scholars(???) say here is not any value in Islam but only what Qur’an says here is. Samsher[/quote]
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