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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]As-salamualayakum, [size=2]Quote:- a) Is Quran the first and only book from God? If the answer is no then the whole context must be in front of us to underdtand it. It has a background and a very long history of Shariah, prophet, books (from God). b) Things which can reach us thorugh Sunnah are all of practical nature like Salah, Hajj, Fasting etc. If we read all about this in Quran there are two points that one will notice: - Quran doesn't seem to be initiating those ritual, rather it will simply ask Muslims to offer their prayers. Keeping in mind the audience of this Quran at this time, which includes worst enemies of Prophet (PBUH) there was no objection raised on all these terminologies which proves not only the presence of concept but also the implementation (i am not denying the introductions of any bidahs) details at mass . - Secondly with some rituals it will give some directives regarding the actual act which were mainly to remove the bidahs being introuduced by people over the period of time. If we also look at the religious acts of people even before the announcement of prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) many people were regular in Salah. Even Prophet performed Haj. So the issue is not that those Sunnahs came from Prophet (PBUH).The sunnah is prior to Quran (means in terms of introduction). Qurash were not only familiar wit it but they were following it as a shariah of Ibrahim and then after approval, ammendation and rectificaton from Prophet they became final until the rest of the world. Reply:- Brother Imran, please try to give your opinion reg. religion on the basis of Qur’an only, not on the basis of any other fabricated sources. The Qur’an rejects your above opinion. Please see below; The Quran confirms that the practices of Islam are older than the Quran: "We made them imams who guided in accordance with our commandments, and we taught them how to work righteousness, and how to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat). To us, they were devoted worshipers."21:73 According to 21:73 and other verses we are told that the rituals of Islam are older than the Quran and that they were indeed first given to Abraham. However, the words in the verse do NOT say that what we have inherited today, or what was practised at the time of Muhammad, are the pure rituals as given to Abraham without being corrupted. To analyse the truth of whether we are accountable to what was decreed for Abraham and those before us it is necessary to read the following verse: "Then We revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with God's revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed different ‘Shira’a wa minhaja’ (laws and rites). Had God willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given each of you. You shall compete in righteousness. To God is your final destiny-all of you-then He will inform you of everything you had disputed." 5:48 Here we note 3 very important messages: 1- "We revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with God's revelations" These words confirm that we are commanded to follow what was revealed to us (Quran) and NOTHING else ….. In this verse the Quran is given the function of "confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them" ……. This asserts the fact that what was given to those before us has now been replaced by the Quran. We are thus accountable only to what is revealed to us (Quran) …. And not what was given to Abraham or the others. To insist that we are following rituals that we inherited from as far back as Abraham is in violation of the words "superseding them" that describe the Quran in 5:48 2- The words "For each of you, we have decreed laws and different rites." tell us that the rituals given to each people (including us) are not identical to the ones given to those before them. As a result, and although we all follow the same creed of Monotheism and submission to God (Islam), yet the specific rituals and practices are different for different people. 3- Moreover, the words "He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given each of you." tell us a truly important matter. Here we are told that even though some (or all) of the rituals may have been passed down to us from those who came before us, yet God will test us and hold us accountable by means of the revelation He revealed to us (Quran) and NOT what was given to those before us. According to these words in 5:48, we shall be tested by the laws, regulations and rites that were given to us in the Quran, and NOT what we inherited from those before us.[/size=2] to be continued....[/quote]
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