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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][b][u]Quranic Principles about the position of 'Hadeeth and Sunnah' in Islam[/u][/b] PRINCIPLE 1 : By the Book that makes THINGS CLEAR (Quran : 44.2) PRINCIPLE 2 :Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than God? - when He it is Who hath sent unto you the Book, EXPLAINED IN DETAIL." (Quran : 6.114) PRINCIPLE 3: God has revealed the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, CONSISTENT WITH ITSELF repeating itself in various ways (Quran : 39.23) PRINCIPLE 4: And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of HEARING, or of SEEING or of REASONING will be enquired into (Quran : 17.36). PRINCIPLE 5: Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other Than God, they would surely have found therein MANY CONTRADICTIONS (Quran : 4.82). PRINCIPLE 6: Blessed is He who sent down THE CRITERIA to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures (Quran : 25.1) Putting these 6 principles into simpler terms: 1- The Quran MAKES THINGS CLEAR or it clarifies things 2- The Quran is EXPLAINED IN DETAIL 3- The Quran is CONSISTENT IN ITSELF and so will use appropriate terminology for the same concepts 4- Anything which is to be accepted as 'knowledge' must be either seen, heard or reasoned.. 5- If anything is from God, it will be consistent. On the other hand, if it is from humankind, it will contain many contradictions. 6- The Quran also calls itself AL-furqan or the criterion which shows that it's position must be the starting point by which to judge. Let us now apply our principles to the idea of 'hadeeth and sunnah' : PRINCIPLE 1 : The Quran makes things clear or clarifies things. The supporters of hadeeth and sunnah have had to rely on half verses and verses taken out of context in order to make us believe they are part of Islam. Among these verses are 1. 'obey Allah and obey the messenger' (even though the Quran clearly defines the messengers only inspiration) 2. 'in the messenger you will find a beautiful example' (even though the Quran clearly commands him to follow the way of Ibrahim, which is found in the Quran itself) 3. 'whatever the messenger gives you, take it...' (this is a half a verse, quoting the entire verse will find it referring to war spoils, not hadeeth and sunnah) There is not a single verse in the Quran referring to what we know as 'hadeeth and sunnah of Muhammad'. PRINCIPLE 2 : The Quran is fully-detailed The supporters of hadeeth and sunnah claim that hadeeth and sunnah provide the details of Islamic living. We can see that this simply isn't true. The Quran is not a general document. As we can see from the Quranic verse (24.58), the Quran is detailed when Allah wants us to be informed of the details. It only isn't detailed to those who apply an artificial standard of being 'detailed' Despite the Quran being fully-detailed, we can see nothing of the system of classification which filters the hadeeth and sunnah. Hadeeth relies on a system of classification which tells us which hadeeth is reliable and which isn't. Yet this system is not mentioned in the Quran at all. Instead the system was created and developed by the scholars of sunnism and as expected, there are many standards by which to judge. Everything is relative to a scholar's opinion. to be continued.....[/quote]
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