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[quote][size=2]Salam Raushan, Q:- your questions will not be answered because they are not available at submission or masjid tus-kan websites.So its hard for ali to copy and paste from there without giving reference. All you will get a response to a tailored version of your question as usual. R:- [:D][:D][:D][:D].[b]I know that it is not the REACH of your ability to understand my opinion because you follow HISLAM[/b] not Islam and [u]it is a fact(definition) that those who are Idol Worshippers can’t believe in ONE GOD & ONE SOURCE THEORY.[/u] Your followed religion i.e. [u]HISLAM is a JOINT STOCK COMPANY RELIGION[/u]. You changed the Religion of God into a joint stock religion [red]established by God + messenger + family of the messenger + friends of the messenger + their generations + leaders of sects + scholars of sects....[/red] To prove my statement made above [u]I ask you the following questions only on ONE SUBJECT/MATTER and I am sure your answers, if you are able to give and if you have any courage to give, will prove 100% that you are following JOINT STOCK CO. RELIGION[/u]. Now follow the questions:- [b][red]a)[/red][/b] What is the punishment of adultery according to your teachings? Does Qur’an support your this teachings? [red][b]b)[/b][/red] When did the goat eat the "verse of stoning to death" as is claimed by Bukhary, Muslim, Tirmizy, Ibn Hanbal ? [b][red]c)[/red][/b] How was the verse eaten by the goat removed from the Quran after the prophet's death? [b][red]d)[/red][/b] The six famous books of hadith (kutubi sitta) claim that Omar wanted to put the "stoning verse" into the Quran; but he could not do this because of his fear of people. Don't these books insult Omar as being a hypocrite? [b][red]e)[/red][/b] This terrible punishment which contradicts 24:1,2 and 4:25, is mentioned throughout th e Quran as the idol worshiper's practice (11:91; 19:46; 36:18; 18:20). Is not this a fact? [b][red]f)[/red][/b] Do you claim that the "stoning verse" which has been removed from the Quran by a holy goat, is still valid in jurisprudence? And what is your proof that this "verse" was literally abrogated, yet is still legally valid? [b][red]g)[/red][/b] Your "stoning verse" is narrated by all your holy books as "esheyhu wesheyhetu iza zanaya farcumuhuma elbettete...." Is this consistent with the Quranic prose? You all accept this so called verse concerning married adulterers. What Arabic words does the Quran use for married people? What does "esheyhu wesheyhetu" mean in Arabic? (11:72; 12:78; 28:23; 40:67). According to your literally abrogated but legally valid verse, can a young married adulterer be stoned to death? When is one considered old? [b][red]h)[/red][/b] Let's accept your terrible claim for awhile that some verses of the Quran have been abrogated. The verse 2:106, according to your misunderstanding states: "Whenever a verse is abrogated, God will substitute a better one or at least a similar one". So, if the "stoning verse" has been abrogated as claimed; God must substitute a better one or a similar one. So, which verse has been substituted for the "goat eaten verse"? According to your abrogation theory, how many kinds of abrogations exist? [b][red]i)[/red][/b] According to your sectarian belief, even abrogated verses remain in the Quran physically. Why has a verse about such an important issue, i.e., stoning to death, been removed from the Quran physically? Why has the small punishment remained in the Quran and the capital punishment been abrogated? [b][red]j)[/red][/b] According to your own history, many believers had memorized the Quran by heart during the prophet's time. When the goat ate your verse, what happened to the memorized versions? [b][red]k)[/red][/b] Why do you slander animals, i.e., monkeys, by following Bukhary who narrates many foolish stories? [b][red]l)[/red][/b] How many verses have been abrogated in the Quran? Do you agree on their numbers? Do you know these verses: 4:82; 15:90-99; 2:85 ? Samsher.[/size=2][/quote]
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