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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Salam sister moderator, Q:- also it's nice to see that you came to the point now about 'person' of Muhammadsws. and what to obey. indeed this is what we have been trying to explain through this site that he had some of his likings and dislikings as human beings e.g. certain colour, food, etc. but what he was sent for is to be followed in religious capacity. hence the points given above from his practices -sunnah of rasool sws. R:- You are slightly misunderstood sister. Pl. rectify your understanding: " We have to obey him by obeying the message, which he only brought i.e. Qur'an" as RELIGIOUS CAPACITY. We are not bound to follow any hadith, sunnah(fabricated and falsely attributed to him) and also his likings and disliking as human beings. Muhammed without the Quran is just another human being like us. God wants it to be very clear to obey the person that has the message, the Quran, for what he has not for who he is. Obey the messenger is conditional on having the message, the Quran. Obey the messenger because of the message he has, the QURAN. Obey the messenger means to follow his message that is given to him, the QURAN. Muhammed without the message is just a regular human being, he frowned and turned away when the blind poor man came to him, (See 80:1-11), he feared the people when he was supposed to fear only God, (See 33:37), and he prohibited what he should not prohibit, (See 66:1) That is why there has never been a single order in the Quran from God,the Most Cognizant to "Obey Muhammed." If we were to obey Muhammed the human being,(not the messenger), we were to frown at the poor, fear the people instead of God and prohibit what God did not. We are required to obey the messenger, because it is the message (QURAN) that made the obedience a requirement, not the person, Muhammed, that made it a requirement. Those who know Arabic well know that the word (Rasool) in Arabic means both the messenger and the message. So, when God says , obey the (Rasool) , He means both the messenger and the message (QURAN). Both are inseparable. When the messenger, the human being is dead, the true messenger among us becomes the message itself, in this case, the QURAN. God Almighty has called the Quran (Rasool) on many occasions, e.g., 5:15, 11:1-3, 14:1, 27:2, 32:3, 34:6, 42:52, & 65:11. One great example of the distinction between obeying the messenger (For what he has) (the Quran) and obeying the human being, is what God told Muhammed's wives; in Sura 33, "O wives of the prophet, if any of you commits gross sin, the retribution will be doubled for her. This is easy for God to do. Any one of you who obeys GOD and His MESSENGER, and leads a righteous life, we will grant her double the recompense, and we have prepared for her a generous provision." 33:30-31 Notice the order here for the prophet's wives to obey the Messenger, not their husband or Muhammed. If God would have said to them to obey their husband, the unconditionalobedience of the wife to her husband would have been decreed. If God would have said, obey Muhammed, it would have made the unconditional obedience of Muhammed a decree. God wants them and wants us to obey the messenger(for the message he has, the QURAN). Muhammed the human being was given the great honor of being chosen the final prophetof God to deliver the final message, the QURAN, and was described as "blessed with a great moral character" in 68:4. We, however have to remember not to make any distinction between him and the rest of God's messengers, See 2:285. We are to make the distinction between obeying him by following his message and obeying him by following allegation of what he did as a human being in his own personal life. YES, we should obey the messenger. Those who accept the Quran accept the order from God to "obey the messenger" by following his message, the Quran ALONE. When the prophet Muhammed died, he left for us ONLY one book, the Quran. When God told Muhammed in the Quran, "Today I completed your religion for you", Muhammed had only one book at that time, the Quran. Muhammed gave us one kind of Islam, that we can find in the book of God, the Quran. He did not leave for us the other sects of Sunni, Shiite, Ahmaddya, Ismailis…etc. These sects were created when the Muslims looked for the books of hadiths and sunna to supplement the book of God. In doing so, they willingly or unwillingly declared that they do not trust God in His own book. The book that God described as complete, perfect, fully detailed and having details of everything. See 12:111 By doing so, all these sects left God’s kingdom and joined the same groups who previously corrupted the other religions of God, Judaism and Christianity. It is very interesting to know that God gave us this prophecy in the Quran and told us the messenger will complain to Him on the Last Day that "My people have deserted this Quran." 25:30 "...this is not a fabricated Hadith, this (QURAN) confirms all previous scriptures,provides the details of everything, and is a beacon and mercy for those who believe." 12:111 Samsher[/quote]
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