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[quote][size=2]Salam, In reply to brother cares whims….. Qutoe: whre did I say so brother, that u said “ Quran is not the last scripture.” Why u r telling a lie against me. MY REPLY :- brother you claimed earlier that Allah sent scriptures to both messengers and prophets SEPARATELY, when this is not true, and you also claimed that no scripture will come and Qur’an is the last scripture as no messenger and prophet are to come. In reply to your same claim I replied to you on 14 February,2006 as follows; “At first pl. show me a single reference from the Qur’an wherein Almighty says(as you claimed) that “He sent scriptures to both messengers and prophets SEPARATELY”. I know you can’t be able. Please go and try…..carry on……. Also I never claimed by saying that Qur’an is not the last scripture. Don’t speak lie after lie”. Brother you tried to avoid my first & main question here By Hook Or By Crook. You could not show me even a single reference from the Qur’an in support of your said claim i.e. ‘he sent scriptures to both messengers and prophets SEPARATELY and also you claimed that Qur’an is the last scripture because no messenger and no prophet will come, when it is not true that no messenger will come after Muhammad according to Qur’an. In reply to your same claims I replied you “……don’t speak lie after lie’ Really you spoke lie, if not then why could you not been able to supply any verse in support of any of your claims i.e. “God sent scriptures both prophets and messengers SEPARATELY” & Qur’an is the last scripture as no messenger will come’. I don’t require to say any lie about you because you yourself is a liar. All your claims based on false doctrine. Quote: if we go through the contex of the verses of this surah from starting to 3:81, we will see that Allah addresses to those people who deny of new coming messenger. Therefore a reminder is reminded to them what Allah took covenant from their own prophets that there will come a new messenger after them (their prophets), then y u (these previous) people are denying of new messenger. MY REPLY:- No your understanding is wrong. This verse does not say that the said covenant took at that moment when Jews, Christians…. (previous people) denying of a new coming messenger. This verse ALSO APPLIES FOR US. Also you opined that “Allah addresses to THOSE PEOPLE WHO DENY OF A NEW COMING MESSENGER…” Brother, you people also are denying of a new coming messenger… .. so at least at that point this verse addressed to you people also.. Now pl. come to the second point. The verse(3:81) does not say us that Allah took the covenant from their(previous people) prophets. THE VERSE CLEARLY SAYS US THAT GOD TOOK THE COVENANT FROM PROPHETS(NO PREVIOUS, NO PAST). That means He took the covenant from Prophets and AS MUHAMMAD WAS A PROPHET, SO HE WAS ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS COVENANT. Very simple. I know why you feel problem here to think that Muhammad was also included in this covenant, because you people think that Muhammad was the last messenger. Brother he was not the last messenger, rather he was A MESSENGER and the LAST PROPHET (33:40)and also he was included in this covenant (3:81, 33:7). Quote: I already said that there is no such covenant taken by Muhammad of a new messenger coming. MY REPLY:- You can say anything but that does not mean your sayings will be truth as Qur’an does not support any of your sayings/whims. The only truth is what Qur’an says and IT says us that Muhammad was also included in that covenant (3:81, 33:7) Quote: oh my God!, Who is this messenger? And did he not bring the scripture with him to confirm other scriptures. This is about prophet Muhammad and he also brought a book...very sad! MY REPLY : Brother, I wanted to say you here what can be the duties of a MESSENGER, i.e. confirming the scriptures, amongst his many duties, whether he might be Muhammad or any one (proof is in 3:81). But as you a man with Chicken IQ, so you could not understand the inner meaning of this verse. Very sad. I think it is wrong to imagine that you can be understood the inner meaning of this verse, because you have no ability even to understand the straightforward/simple meaning of the verse 3:81, then how could it be possible? Sorry brother. To be continued……………[/size=2][/quote]
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