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[quote][size=2]Salam, Quote :- THAN HOW A MESSENGER CAN BE CALLED A MESSENGER WITHOUT A SCRIPTURE? MY REPLY:- As Qur’an called in respect of messenger Saleh, Suhaib, Hood and as it called in verse 3:81. Scriptures were only sent through the messengers who were also prophets, but who were only messengers did not bring/ does not bring any book. Example above. Quote:- Brother If I go with ur definition, then I found the following results, point out me where I am wrong.. 1} that there are two types of messengers. a): those who receive INSPIRATION (not any revelation or scripture) and as they receive only INSPIRATION (which is not a source of guidance), therefore they are said to promote the EXISTING SCRIPTURES being the source of scripture. MY REPLY :- Our source of guidance is ONLY QUR’AN. Inspiration besides Qur’an is not our religious guidance. Moreover, all types of inspirations that are mentioned in the Qur’an are not our religious guidance(does not form any religious regulation) e.g. inspiration, which received mother of Moses, inspiration, which received Bee etc..etc. There were messengers, who received inspirations not revelations to promote the existing scripture, e.g. Saleh, Suhaib….. also verse 3:81 approves this. Quote:- b): there are messengers mentioned in the quran who received SCRIPTURES (as mentioned above verses) but actually they are not MESSENGERS they are PROPHETS; and they are said messengers because as they received SCRIPTURE OR MESSAGE. Is’nt? Ok MY REPLY :- Not ok. There were Messengers who were also PROPHETS, received scriptures. They are called messengers prophets, e.g. Abraham, Moses, Isha, Muhammad…….(example, I have already given) Now that results as the messengers who were not prophets (e.g. Saleh, shuaib, also in 3:81) did not bring any scripture. Quote: 1: messengers do not receive scriptures but promoted with the existing scriptures of a prophet whom a scripture is given. (they have not their own). MY REPLY:- Not true. Messengers, who were not prophet, did not receive scriptures but promoted with the existing scriptures Quote:- 2: where messengers are shown received with the scriptures they are prophets. (They have not given any scripture themselves). MY REPLY:- Messengers who were also prophets received the scriptures as because they were also prophets besides messengers. Quote:- THAN BROTHER HOW DO U CALL “A PROPHET” A “ MESSENGER” WHEN NO MESSENGER RECEIVE ANY SCRIPTURE BUT PROMOTE THE EXISTING SCRIPTURE AND WHICH (scripture) IS ALSO of A PROPHET not his own (messenger)??. MY REPLY:- You are confused. Messengers who received scriptures were called prophets e.g. Prophet Muhammad. so Prophet Muhammad was a ‘MESSENGER PROPHET’ but messengers, who were not sent with the scriptures, were not called prophets, e.g. Messenger Shuaib, Saleh… also in verse 3:81 indicates us that all messengers were NOT SENT WITH THE SCRIPTURES, but can be called as messengers. Then your whim ‘all messengers were sent with scriptures’ is baseless. Quote:- 2ndly then HOW DO U CALL “A PROPHET” A MESSENGER because of a scripture and at the same time u do accept A MESSENGER without any scripture. And it is further seen very interesting to know that a prophet can be titled as messenger because of a SCRIPTUER but the title bear (messenger) himself does not have a SCRIPTURE. What a definition!!!!!!! MY REPLY:- A prophet can be titled as ‘messenger prophet’ not ‘messenger’ only, as I shown you through my earlier replies, and this is the definition, Quote:- Is there any body alive in this forum to understand this definition of brother samsherali, is there any one?? MY REPLY:- Nobody alive except the blind one like you to accept your definition. To be continued………[/size=2][/quote]
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