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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Salam brother Waseem, Quote:- I enclose my understanding of difference between a nabi and rasool. My understanding is that according to hadith there were one lakh 24 thousand nabi but around 313 rasool. [b]REPLY:- Qur’an does not support your theory/thinking/opinion. According to Qur’an there were only 20 prophets. But Many messengers have been sent by God. It may be 313 or more than 313 or less than 313.Only some of them have been mentioned by name in the Quran: [/b] [red]"We have sent messengers before you, some of them we mentioned to you, and some We did not mention to you." 40:78 (also 4:164)[/red] The Quran lists 20 prophets (who by definition are also messengers). Verses 83-86 of Sura 6 lists 18 of these prophets, they are: [b]1- Abraham (also named as a prophet in 19:41 and 33:7) 2- Isaac (also in 19:49 and 37:112) 3- Jacob (also in 19:49) 4- Noah (also in 33:7) 5- David (also in 17:55) 6- Solomon 7- Job 8- Joseph 9- Moses (lso in 19:51 and 33:7) 10- Aaron (also in 19:53) 11- Zachariah 12- John (also in 3:39) 13- Jesus (also in 19:30 and 33:7) 14- Elias 15- Ismail (19:54) 16- Elisha 17- Jonah 18- Lot If we add the names of the two prophets: 19- Idris (named a prophet in 19:56) 20- Muhammad (who is confirmed to be the last of the prophets (33:40) We have a total of 20 prophets mentioned by name in the Quran. The Quran also speaks of three messengers (not named as prophets) they are: Hud, Saleh, and Shu'aib (named as messengers in 26:125/ 143/ 178 respectively) This brings the total of messengers mentioned by name in the Quran to 23. In addition to the 23 messengers, we read in the Quran of other men who are praised and spoken highly of, but not named as messengers or prophets, they are: Adam (described as one of the chosen 3:33 …….. but not associated with the word messenger or prophet) Zal-Kifl (described as steadfast, patient and righteous 21:85 and 38:48) Luqman (described as one endowed with wisdom 31:12)[/b] Quote:- Prophet (Nabi) and messenger (Rasool) Prophets were those selected individuals who received Divine Guidance (Wahi) from Allah and revealed this Guidance to their people. They gave glad tidings to the believers and warned (inzaar) the non believers of the consequences. Messengers of Allah were those selected prophets who were sent to their nations to implement Allah’s Divine Justice in this world. Allah sent these messengers with clear signs towards their people and they used to become the witnesses of the Truth (shahadah alan naas). They revealed the Truth beyond any doubt (itmam ul hujjah) on their people. [b]REPLY:- Could you please tell me brother, what is the difference between these two???[/b] Quote:- The non believers knowingly disobeyed, either because of stubbornness or envy. These disbelievers were then destroyed in this world either by natural calamities or by the swords of the believers. [b]REPLY:- Then why the disbelievers of modern days’ are not destroyed? Then why Jesus, Christians…… are not destroyed???[/b] Quote:- “Indeed those people who are opposing Allah and his messenger, they are the ones who will be humiliated. Allah has written down that I will prevail and My messenger also. Without doubt Allah is strong and over powering.” (58:20-21) [b]REPLY:- Brother the verse you mentioned above does not say us that who disbelieve the messenger SURELY will be destroyed IN THIS WORLD by natural calamities or by the swords of the believers.[/b] Quote:- All messengers are prophets but all prophets are not messengers. Allah’s messengers have always prevailed, however this was not the case with prophets. some of the prophets were assassinated by their nations i.e. Hazrat Yahya. [b]REPLY:- All messengers are not prophets e.g. Saleh but All prophets are messengers, I have already given the proofs.[/b] [b]Brother Hazrat Yahya was messenger prophet as all prophets were messenger also. "We gave Moses the scripture, and subsequent to him we sent other messengers, and we gave Jesus, son of Mary, profound miracles and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Is it not a fact that everytime a MESSENGER went to you with anything you disliked, your ego caused you to be arrogant ? Some of them you rejected, and some of them you KILLED." 2"87 "We have taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we sent to them messengers. Whenever a MESSENGER went to them with anything they disliked, some of them they rejected and some they KILLED. " 5:70 [/b] Samsher.[/quote]
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