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[quote]Salaam Usamni790 My friend you are becoming very confused. Hadith are either contradictory or they are not make up your mind. Please if you are not capable of understanding a point do not start referring to so called scholars (often refuge for those who either have very little knowledge or poor understanding). Having said this I will contradict myself (you will see it is justified). Probably one of the biggest (certainly very famous) accepted Muslim scholar was Sir Syed (founder of Aligarh University). He like you deeply believed in Hadith until he started to study them to answer non-muslim critics who quoted hadiths to justify what a ridiculous religion Islam was. When Sir Syed started studying hadiths he soon realized what a contradiction and unislamic they were. If you wish to learn more I suggest you look at Sir Syeds work more closely. Anyhow which scholars are you going to believe, Shias, sunnis, Whabi etc (Although I have a feeling it will the sect that you were brought up as). I think try to use your own Aqil as the Quran has suggested and you might also discover that the prophet was warned that the majority of his people will reject the Quran (because you seem to believe that majority must be right). Anyway you appear to not notice the references I posted to you. I will make it very simple for you. I could not paste the Arabic words but I am sure you can read the simple word hadith in Arabic Here are the references I gave you: (sorry I could not type the arabic) 45:6 These are Allahs revelations that we recite to you truthfully, In which [b]hadith [/b] other than Allah and his revelations do they believe in. 7:185 Do they see nothing in the government of the heavens and the earth and all that Allah hath created? (Do they not see) that it may well be that their terms is nigh drawing to an end? In what [b]hadith[/b] after this will they then believe? See if you can the word hadith. You can give the word whatever meaning you like (as you probably don’t trust that God meant hadith to be hadith) and explain how you can continue to believe in hadith despite these two verses. If they are not enough I will post you many others. Salaam Raushan I have no idea how you used the word reflection to justify the that we should believe in hadith. I am afraid you are typical of hadithly prejudiced type who will use completely irrational reason to justify that somehow Quran supports the hadith. When if you bother to sudy the Quran the opposite s te case. The reference you gave has NO relation to any support for hadith. However you did not answer my simple question (also raised by sksamsher) that if you believe in hadiths why do you reject the Muslim hadith which makes all the hadiths unislamic. LET ME WRITE MORE CLERLY IN CASE YOU MISSED IT BEFORE THE PROPHET FORBADE ANYONE TO WRITE FROM HIM ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE QURAN. THEN WHY ARE YOU DISOBEYING THE GODS MESSANGER? Salaam Sk My friend it is like banging your head against a brick wall, when you have such logic that 2+2 =5 is not wrong because you have not grasped the whole picture. regards[/quote]
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