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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Walaykun Salam Perv1 Quote:- Am I correct that during this very lengthy debate you have vigorousouly defended the hadith as a part of islam Reply: -Yes I have defended them with help of Quranic verses, with my own understanding of religion and with common sense. Quote: -You have accused me of misunderstanding the haidth by not having studied the hadith. (Although you have no idea and i do not recall telling you or anyone else that I have not studied the hadith in detail, in fact the only comment I made was that I rejected them as mere teenager-see if you can draw any conclusion from this). Reply:- Brother What I heard so far from you regarding the ahadith and then how you are looking at them.This is the basis of my comments regarding the knowledge of ahadith you are having. Quote:-My friend am I right to assume that you are being honest bove. Reply: -Yes you are right. Having said that I will try to put some light on that, what I have the knowledge of Quran and ahadith is mainly based on my personnel study and now I used to sit and listen to those people who have seen the whole picture. But I never acquire any acamadic qualification. Quote: -The story was to illustrate that the man had established that the woman was of low moral character who would sell her body for money, price was not an issue of morality. Reply: -As far as the ahadith are concern this story irrevelent. You know why because the intention of the person was not to sleep with her rather he only want to established that the woman is having a low moral character. If he wish to sleep with her, he always can merry with her. This is the case with you as well, you don’t want to follow ahadith rather want to find faults into them. This person was atleast managed to establish the low moral character of woman. You not yet able to established that ahadith should not be used as source of Deen. Quote:-Contradiction=lie. Therefore the fact that some hadith may contain truths or words of wisdom do not take away that they contains lies (the amount and degree is irrelevent). Reply: -Brother the ahadith we have today are not contradictory as you think they are, no you are very very wrong here. But for sack of arguments if I assumed that what you are saying is correct. Believe me we no other choice to dig out those ahadith which are contradictory and take a note of our self and highlight it to others (An average person will do that if he has read the Quran). The rest which are OK we must take guidance from them and try to follow them to the best of our abilities. You and me have no ability to do that this job, this job is already done by earlier scholars 1000 years ago. God will question us according to our abilities what He gave to us. Quote:-Your logic on this has been that I cannot make a negative comment regarding hadith as I dont fully know them. Therefore my friend you will agree that by same logic you will accept that I cannot defend something truthfully if I dont know it well or fully- yes agreed. Reply: -Yours comments on first paragraph is correct. Here I am especially commenting on 2nd paragraph .By the logic you are right. Brother its not means that the ahadith are wrong, actually your understanding is not correct. It’s already established through the Quran as well.I have quoted the few verses in my earlier post. If I assume that we both are having the equal knowledge of Quran and Ahadith but you know what is the difference between you and me? The difference is that the people who are scholars of this field are on the same point of view as I am having regarding the ahadith. This gives me lots of confidence. This is some thing you must ponder on. Even the Quran itself is supporting my point of view on ahadith. You are not directly commenting on the verses of Quran and my explanation on them. Here I am re-posting few of them for yours comments before we go any further. We both are agree on Quran and we have a common ground where we can stand together. I want to find out that whose interpreting of Quran is correct. Quote: -After all this we finally begin to get to the point. You now accept that some hadith (exact number is irrelevent) are wrong and yet still insist that hadith should be the source for deen (we obviousouly have different idea os deen-I believe in deen which I believe is 100% truthful) Reply: -There is no question about the sayings and actions of Prophet (pbuh) are 100% truthful from its origon. The earlier scholars already classified the status of all ahadith, which we found today. If you don’t trust the scholars than there only one choice left for you to study all the ahadith by your self and then comments. As I said and your self also said the similar thing that without seeing the whole picture don’t comment on it negatively. Allah wants us to follow and obey the prophet (pbuh). Allah is fully aware about the status of ahadith in our time. If the status of ahadith what we have found today is in that bad shape (Nauzobillah) that this could not be followed any longer then surely He never declare in Quran that Muhammad (pbuh) is the last Prophet and rather He should send more Prophets to rectify the Ahadith.He is All Wise All Mighty. . Say: Obey Allâh and the Messenger, but if they turn their backs, Allâh loves not the disbelievers. (3:32) Obeying Allah is obeying Quran, The (and) between Allah and Messenger is clearly showing that here Allah is not referring to Quran, this must be some thing else. Tell me what is this some other than Quran which one should follow beside the Quran? How serious the issue is that if you turn backs then you could be a disbeliever. How can people slept over it? Don’t to forget that only few Prophets are given the books of Allah.Most of the Prophets (Peace be upon them all) were came with out any book of Allah.People used to follow them without Allah book even after His death. The other verses of Quran, which I have quoted in my earlier post, are also have more or less same messages. Please read them again, and after reading them again we will found that, how important is for us to follow the commandments of Prophet (pbuh) [which Prophet (pbuh) gave in 23 years of His Prophetic life]. Allah Hafiz[/quote]
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