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[quote]Salaam Usmani790 I think the elephant story is going in circles and you appear to be backtracking as to what you meant. I dont think much more can be gained from this. [quote] Even if some ahadith are contradictory what about those which are not on what basis one can put all ahadith aside. [/quote] [quote] You are not pointing out any new thing here. No one ever claimed that there no contracditions in ahadith. The point is to ponder is that, due these conticditions which are found only in very few ahadith, [/quote] After all this we finally begin to get to the point. You now accept that some hadith (exact number is irrelevent) are wrong and yet still insist that hadith should be the source for deen (we obviousouly have different idea os deen-I believe in deen which I believe is 100% truthful) I will use a true story, as you seem to like stories, to illustrate my point:- Beginnin of last century in England, some very rich people were at a dinner party. A man asked a woman sitting next to him if she would sleep with him for a million pound (phenomenal amount in those days) she immediately replied "of course". He then rephrased his question and said "would you sleep with me for one pence" the woman was shocked and replied "what do you take me for", to which the man replied "i have already established that i am just trying to establish the price". See if you can see the connection between this and the quote from you that I have highlighted! Your reference from the Quran do not mean what you imply as you yourself have stated that word hadith is not mentioned anywhere in your reference. I will try to help you out. The word hadith is mentioned over 20 times(sorry I cannot recall exactly of the top of my head) see if you can understand what the Quran thinks of hadiths. Here are two references 45:6 & 7:185 in the ayats the word hadith is clearly written (&surprise, surprise the hadith following translators never leave the word hadith in its original form) and I am sure you can read arabic you will clearly see the word hadith. If you still wish to read the rest of quranic references where the hadith is mentioned and cannot locate the ayats-I will be happy to oblige. As for the singh joke-I am glad your sikh friends find it funny. For my sikh friends think it is racist. So we shall leave it that. Salaam rakhtal [quote] I disagree with you, Perv 1, [/quote] You are welcome and no doubt i will eventually overcome this heartache. [quote] because you do not understand perhaps it is beyond the scope of your intellectual access [/quote]. You obviousouly are of higher intellect to me, so rather than stating what you believe to be obvious. How about explaining the point to me (of lower intellect than yourself). [quote] This is just an example or saying to make understand the people having no understanding at all. Take it as a saying only. Perv 1, if you are not understanding the saying at all, Tell me why you do not DARE to say, “Money makes the aeroplane go”, instead of saying “Money makes the mare go” According to your logic, Is the mare more costly or runs faster than an aeroplane? [/quote] You are correct you are of different intellect to me, for I have no idea what you are talking about! [quote] So I totally agree with Usmani790. [/quote] Good for you-that really proves how intellectual you are! Salaam raushan Rather than this smug Q&A session with yourself (I assume you also enjoy talking to yourself) how about simply addressing the points directly (or do you consider that to be too beneath yoourself) Anyhow I assume you are advocating that we should use hadith as part of Islam. A simple qustion, as you believe in hadiths, why do you reject prophet when he said do not write anything from me other than the Quran- for this make all hadiths unislamic (answer with references will be appreciated). Sorry I have not time for checking spelling etc-apolgies for any errors. regards[/quote]
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