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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]dear brother ali, May Allah guide us to follow His Book in our day to day life. plz reply some of my queries (in bold letters) on your previous response and oblige, REPLY:- This is history and history may be right or wrong. IN THE LIGHT OF ABOVE STATEMENT THE BELOW REPLY FROM U MAY BE RIGHT OR WRONG.DO U AGREE? ((REPLY:- Prophet Muhammad was the first to write down the Quran revealed to him and when he died , the whole Quran was completely written, although not in one book, but rather on pieces of woods, papers, palm leaves, bones…etc. It was the first Khalifa, Abu Bakr who collected the Quran into one book)) -- Brother, you are misunderstood. How Qur’an was collected is not the subject under consideration. Also it is not religious source. I do not follow this history as my source of religious law of Islam. I follow only Qur’n as only religious source of law. THIS BOOK IS SOURCE OF GUIDENCE(HIDAYAT)OR SOURCE OF LAW(QANOON) QURAN ALSO SELECTS AN EVENT FROM HISTORY AND GIVES GUIDENCE OUT OF IT.WHAT DO U SAY ? History does not offer any religious law. Even if it would be, yet we should not follow it as source of law besides Qur’an as per IT(6:114). HOW CAN WE CONFIRM THAT THIS IS THE SAME QURAN COMPLETELY WRITTEN AND VERIFIED BY FIRST KHALIFA ABU BAKR,WITHOUT THE HELP OF HISTORY,WHICH IS UNRELIABLE SOURCE AS U SAID. REPLY:- What is your proof that FOUR GUIDED KHALIFAS were the source of Ahadeeth? OK, Ahadeeth were not came through the hands of these FOUR GUIDED KHALIFAS. WHAT IS THE PROOF OF THE ABOVE CLAIM? Whatever may be we cannot accept Ahadeeth as our religious source beside Qur’an as per Qur’an. Qur’an was given by GOD. WHATEVER MAY BE MEANS??SO THERE IS NO USE OF DISCUSSIONS IF I SET MY BRAIN PRIORLY SET THAT WHATEVER MAY BE I LL NOT ACCEPT . Ahadith came through the likes of Abu Hurairah and history says that he was a liar and once beaten by Umar AND NOW YOU BELIEVED HISTORY,COZ IT APPEALS YOU. REPLY:- The Salat ends with the last prostration: WHEN THERE IS A LAST PROSTRATION ,THEN HOW MANY PROSTRATIONS WE SHOULD DO BEFORE THE LAST PROSTRATION. REPLY:- If you want or your sense permits to read longer passage in bowing and prostrating position? Then do… I again say Reciting sura Fatiha in standing position is not any violation of any quranic command. MEANS WE ARE FREE TO DO ANY ACT WHICH DOESNT VIOLATE ANY QURANIC COMMAND. SO AS PER THIS ASSUMPTION WE ARE FREE TO BELIEVE THESE AHADITH AS THESE DOESNT VIOLATE IN QURANIC COMMAND: MOREOVER SUPPORTING QURAN: *I have left for you a simple religion in which there is no hardship (Bukhari). *I am leaving one thing after me. If you hold it tight, you will never go astray. That is the Book of Allah (Seerah Shibli). *Using alcohol and faith cannot be together in one heart (Nisai). THE BELOW VERSE IS FROM QURAN U MUST AGREE: "O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves (due to the differences among authorities), refer it to Allah and His Apostle if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best and most suitable for final determination.” (4:59) -OBEY THE APOSTLE: IS THIS VERSE MEANT FOR ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE THE COMPANIONS OF THE LAST PROPHET ,HOW CAN WE GET THE COMMANDS OF THE APOSTLE ?ARE THESE TOO WR ITTEN IN QURAN? -QURAN COMMANDS US TO OBEY THOSE CHARGED WITH AUTHORITY AMONG YOU. WHO IS THIS AUTHORITY AMONG US IN THE PRESENT DAY WHOM SHOULD I FOLLOW AFTER ALLAH AND THE APOSTLE LAST QUESTION WHY QURAN ITSELF SAYS US "TO Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you" WHEN QURAN ALONE IS SUFFICIENT AND COMPLETE . WHAT ARE THOSE MATTERS FOR WHICH WE SHOULD CONTACT 'AUTHORITIES'. wassalam[/quote]
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