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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][font=Courier New][quote] Hadith attributed to Muhammad are the fabricated material and are never the source of Islam. The corrupt people basically created these Hadith many years after the death of the prophet Muhammad. One of the aims of those corrupt people was to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice. [/quote] People created the false Ahadith to fulfill their own purposes but the scholars of Hadith developed two sciences to cope up with this. One is called “Ilm-ar-Rawayah” and the other “Ilm-ad-Dirayah”. The former scrutinizes the narrators of each of the Hadith for their truthfulness, understanding and memory etc. and the latter scrutinizes the text of each Hadith to see if it is in harmony with the Qur’an, Sunnah and the established facts. To see all and sundry with the same eye is not understandable. [quote]The corrupt people of today also have the gateway of Hadith to corrupt the religion and find the things of their own choice. They give Hadith much more importance than the Noble Quran. So you people are one of the corrupt people who believe in Hadith and do shirk with Allah. Everyone knows that the people doing shirk are never Muslims but disbelievers. [/quote] I see a severe mistake in implying that we are disbelievers. The corrupt people also corrupt the religion through the Holy Qur’an itself; they change its meanings to suit their purposes. There is no question of giving more importance to the Hadith over the Qur’an as none of the authentic Ahadith contradicts with the Qur’an. Corrupting the religion by means of Ahadith or giving them more importance over the Holy Qur’an or merely believing in the science of Hadith to acquire wisdom and religious knowledge out of it are three different matters. Does the fact that people change the meaning of the Holy Qur’an implies that the Qur’an is the gateway to corrupt the religion and everyone who believes in the Qur’an is a hypocrite? I am unable to understand this logic. No one has a right to call the other person a polytheist or disbeliever even if the one sees the other person prostrating in front of an idol. It is because the one cannot reach inside the heart of the other person to see whether the other person is doing so out of ignorance or stubbornness. [quote]They did a tremendous job to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice. [/quote] The whole Ummah has been praising the characters and religious devoution of the people like Imam Malik, Imam Jafar Sadiq, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Tirmizi etc. (RA). Accusing such personalities of adulterating the religion, without any evidence, holds no worth. [quote] E.g. the concept of missed prayers is not in Quran but only in the hadith. So why do you and your team follow the hadiths explicitly contradicting Quran? [/quote] Think for a while, if something is not present in the Qur’an, how can it contradict it? [quote] Nowhere in Noble Quran is mentioned, obey Muhammad but it is only to obey the Rasool (messenger). Despite the clear commandment of God, the corrupt people are changing the meaning of Quran and hence obey Muhammad Not the Rasool (messenger) and it a serious dishonesty with God and Noble Quran. [/quote] The Qur’an commands us to follow the religion of Abraham (SAW). That is why we follow the religious traditions of the Prophet Abraham (SAW) that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) revived in their true essence. These traditions are called “Sunnah” – the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instituted them in the lives of his followers. These Sunan have not reached us through the Hadith but the practical consensus of each generation of the Ummah. Why is it assumed that the Messenger (SAW) only gave us the Qur’an? He also conveyed the Sunan with Allah’s order. In addition to the Sunan, we also follow the uswa-e-hasana of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is simply because he best understood the Quranic directives and nobody can carry out these directives in a better way save him. [quote]YOU ARE WRONG!! How should someone truly scholastically benefit from the Hadith while they are not the source of Islam and many hadith contradict Quran?[/quote] Present a Hadith which contradicts with the Qur’an. [quote]The aims of those corrupt people was to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice. Therefore they have been scrutinized, stored and decorated. If they do not benefit the whims and the lust of the corrupt people, they (the corrupt people) may throw them into the sea.[/quote] This is your own daydream. Please talk on the basis of the historical facts. If I start saying today that the Prophet Jesus (SAW) was a Satan who came down to astray the whole mankind, people will surely send me to a psychiatrist. [quote]Are you contradicting with your own whim and the lust?[/quote] Please try to enhance your knowledge of the science of Hadith; without the proper understanding of a matter, one cannot productively criticize it. Love and Peace, J. [/font=Courier New] Edited by: JunaidHasan on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 7:32 AM[/quote]
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