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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Junaid Hassan et al, [quote]I wonder why Ahadith are being called “a fabricated source”. This really is a baseless charge.[/quote] Hadith attributed to Muhammad are the fabricated material and are never the source of Islam. The corrupt people basically created these Hadith many years after the death of the prophet Muhammad. One of the aims of those corrupt people was to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice. The corrupt people of today also have the gateway of Hadith to corrupt the religion and find the things of their own choice. They give Hadith much more importance than the Noble Quran. So you people are one of the corrupt people who believe in Hadith and do shirk with Allah. Everyone knows that the people doing shirk are never Muslims but disbelievers. [quote]The scholars of Hadith have done a tremendous job in distinguishing the true Ahadith from the fabricated ones. They have had used excellent set of laws in scrutinizing each of the Hadith that was ascribed to the Prophet (SAW). Even a number of books were written down on the life history of each narrator merely to check his or her truthfulness.[/quote] They did a tremendous job to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice. [quote]Allah T’ala has entitled the Qur’an as Furqan – something that differentiates between wrong and right. Therefore, each Hadith that was ascribed to the Prophet (SAW) was checked in the light of the Holy Qur’an. No Hadith was accepted which contradicted either the Qur’an or Sunnah or established facts.[/quote] E.g. the concept of missed prayers is not in Quran but only in the hadith. So why do you and your team follow the hadiths explicitly contradicting Quran? [quote]The point that people accept certain Ahadith and reject the others to back their sect is quite true. It is also true that people extensively use weak or fabricated Ahadith for preaching and solving religious conflicts.[/quote]. Therefore I mentioned somewhere, ‘Those who don’t believe in the ‘Noble Quran’ and ‘One God’ but believe in the corrupt fabricated hadith, are not sincere with the hadith as well. If some hadith comes in the way of their intentions they call it un-authenticated by their own. If they don’t believe in the Noble Quran and totally insincere with their chosen fabricated source, ‘so then how they corrupt are!!’ [quote]I mean, people even change the meaning of the Qur’an to suit their sect and other worldly matters;[/quote] You and your team are changing the meaning of the Qur’an to suit their sect and other worldly matters. Nowhere in Noble Quran is mentioned, obey Muhammad but it is only to obey the Rasool (messenger). Despite the clear commandment of God, the corrupt people are changing the meaning of Quran and hence obey Muhammad Not the Rasool (messenger) and it a serious dishonesty with God and Noble Quran. [quote]If someone truly wants to scholastically benefit from the Hadith, it offers a treasure of wisdom and knowledge for the one. It even helps enhance the understanding of the Quranic directives as I mentioned earlier.[/quote] YOU ARE WRONG!! How should someone truly scholastically benefit from the Hadith while they are not the source of Islam and many hadith contradict Quran? [quote]We also need to appreciate the fact that no record of the history has been scrutinized so intensely as the Hadith. We can be proud of the efforts being put for preserving this record in our literature.[/quote] The aims of those corrupt people was to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice. Therefore they have been scrutinized, stored and decorated. If they do not benefit the whims and the lust of the corrupt people, they (the corrupt people) may throw them into the sea. [quote]The fact that the Ahadith do not add to the content of the religion (but only explain the Qur’an and Sunnah)[/quote] Are you contradicting with your own whim and the lust?[/quote]
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