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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Assalaamu 'Alaikum Brother Zulfee. Here are the answers to your questions: (Bismillah!) 1. Certainly not. And it's because of [b]this[/b] reason that I follow His Prophet (SAW). 2. Ofcourse not. And by the way, if you're referring to Muhammad (SAW), then he wasn't perfect at all. He was only a servant of Allah who was raised to honour because of being a prophet. 3. No. And it's because of the fact that I love Allah that also makes me love [b]His Prophet[/b] and which thus makes me [b]follow[/b] him. 4. Not at all. If you're again referring to Muhammad (SAW), then he never told us to do that. 5. Yes, absolutely. Why? Because [b]the Qur'an tells me to[/b]. I think you've not gone through verse 59 of Surah Nisaa which reads the following: "O you who believe! Obey Allah [blue]1[/blue], and obey the Messenger [blue]2[/blue], and those charged with authority among you [blue]3[/blue]. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger [blue]4[/blue], if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is best and most suitable in the end." In this verse, some have detected mentions of the four bases of Islamic law: the Qur'an [blue]1[/blue], the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his sayings [blue]2[/blue], the consensus of scholars [blue]3[/blue], and analogy based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah [blue]4[/blue]. Note that the verse adds, "If you believe in Allah and the Last Day", implying that anyone who does believe in these four bases of Islamic law, he actually does not believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment! That means [b]you[/b]! Talk about calling [b]us[/b] Mushriks! And please don't tell me that I'm a liar because [b]I'm[/b] not the one calling you a Mushrik; [b]the Qur'an is[/b]. 6. Ofcourse not! What makes you think I do that? I'm only following the Qur'an! 7. I've no idea what made you ask this. Certainly not! 8. No Zulfee. Only Christians call on their prophet 'Eesa (AS). I'm a Muslim Alhamdulillah, and am thus free of their Shirk. But by the way, that doesn't mean I should not [b]follow[/b] Muhammad (SAW). Following someone, especially a prophet, has nothing to do with worshipping him. And [b]if the Qur'an had told me[/b] to abandon Muhammad's (SAW) Sunnah after his death, I would've been the first one to do that. 9. Not at all! I do worship my Lord because He deserves my worship. But Zulfee, that worship would be of no use if I did not follow His Teachings. And one of His Teachings is that we should follow the teachings if His prophet Muhammad (SAW), who did not say anything of his own accord, who was inspired to teach us the Message of Allah, and whose exact same teachings have been passed on to us [b]through reliable chains of narrarors[/b]. [b]That's[/b] true worship: to [b]obey Allah[/b], and we possibly cannot obey Allah if we don't obey His prophet who was sent to humanity. And Alhamdulillah, that's what [b]I do[/b]. I follow Allah [b]and His prophet (SAW)[/b], and so should you. 10. Brother Zulfee, while I'm replying to these questions and unjustified blames on me, my conscience tells me that I'm right and that Allah is with me. Knowing that Allah supports me, why should I not be honest in answering these questions? If I weren't honest, I wouldn't have felt Allah's support. You wrote: Nida e khair, first answer these questions then give your polytheistic, erroneous and ignorance based comments. Brother, after all that I've said, do you still hold me to be a "polytheist" if I only talk about [b]obeying Allah[/b]? Do you still hold me to be "erroneous" inspite of [b]giving proof from the Qur'an[/b]? Do you still hold me to be to be "ignorant" despite the fact that [b]my source of knowledge is the Qur'an[/b]? If yes, then may Allah guide you because it is [b]you[/b] who considers the Qur'an to be a joke. (N.B. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to justify my statement) You wrote: Are you and the false argumentators of your team guided who are trying to make lawful every evil, even homosexuality? Dear brother, I'm sorry to say this but [b]that is blasphemy[/b]. Give me [b]a single[/b] proof from the [b]entire forum[/b] in which you think I've supported homosexuality. And what do you mean by "your team"? If you think I have a team that supports me, then please give me a [b]single[/b] proof that says that "my team" supports homosexuality. And for the sake of Allah, please don't quote replies from people such as "Loveall" because they are not in my [b]invented[/b] team. (I call it "invented" because uptil now, I had [b]no idea[/b] I had a team. Zulfee just invented it. [b]He's[/b] the inventor of [b]my[/b] team. Does that make sense to any of you?) You further wrote: Why don’t you say ‘May peace be upon all of US! Instead of ‘May peace be upon you all!’ Aren’t you considering yourself pious, and all others otherwise? Brother, a simple reason for this would be that if you greet someone, you don't say "peace be on us", you say "peace be to you". Throughout the centuries, Muslims, including the Prophet (SAW), have greeted each other by saying "peace be to you". Were they arrogant? I don't think so. And besides, suppose if I give you a gift, you won't attack me saying "Why didn't you give yourself a similar gift? Do you think your 'high dignity' is not worthy of such gifts?" I've tried to reply to your misunderstandings* in the best manner I could. May Allah guide you---Oh I'm sorry! I forgot to add "and me." So may Allah guide you [b]and me[/b]. Happy now? Chill brother; just relax [8D] ! *I don't know your intentions, i.e. whether you merely meant to attack me, or these are misunderstandings. To be on the safe side, I think it better to write "misunderstandings". Wassalaamu 'Alai[b]naa[/b] (Peace on [b]all of us[/b]!)[/quote]
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