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[quote]Salam, Pt.-I :- Brother, when Almighty Allah says in His Quran that He sets specific times for every prayer, then it is illogical to think that we can observe a particular prayer any time in the day if we could not offer it in its specified time!! 4:103 Once you complete your Salat, you shall remember GOD while standing, sitting, or lying down. Once the war is over, you shall observe the Salat; the Salat are decreed for the believers at specific times. The last part of the verse 4:103 says that “salat are decreed for the believers AT SPECIFIC TIMES”. It clearly means that Salat must be observed its specified times e.g. Fajr salat must be offered at its specified time, Asr prayer must be offered its specific time etc..etc.. Nowhere in the Quran it is said that we should offer our missed salat at any time in the day. If any one follow such innovation then it will be in violation of 4:103. Any salat that is missed is gone forever. However, we can ask forgiveness from Almighty Allah for our missed prayer, but we cannot say that we should offer missed (Salat Qaza)prayer. Pt.-II :- Brother, It seems to me that you did not read my earlier post carefully. I told you in my earlier post that “Anyone Can Go Astray Who Chooses Himself To Go Astray And Not The Ones Whom God Himself Leads Astray”(16:93, 2:272, 10:25) 14:4 "We did not send any messenger except (to preach) in the tongue of his people, in order to clarify things for them. GOD THEN SENDS ASTRAY WHOEVER WILLS (to be led astray), and guides whoever wills (to be guided). He is the Almighty, the Most Wise." The evidence that God means that the ones who are led astray are those who choose by themselves to go astray (and not the ones whom God Himself leads astray) is given in the verse immediately preceding verse 4: 14:3 "They are the ones who give priority to this life over the Hereafter, repel from the way of GOD, and seek to make it crooked; they have gone far astray." It is clear here that God is confirming that these people are going astray out of their OWN choice, it follows then in verse 4 where we are told that God leads astray those who choose themselves to go astray. Regarding the verse 2:26 mentioned by you please read the following clarification; Verse 2:26 does not say that Almighty Allah misguides people. The end of the concerned verse says '"What did GOD mean by such an ALLEGORY?" He misleads many THEREBY, and guides many thereby. BUT HE NEVER MISLEADS THEREBY EXCEPT THE WICKED'. God Almighty, in order to explain to us certain truths, sometimes uses analogies in the Qur'an. If there is a need in the analogy to mention words like mosquito or fly, for instance, then a serious-minded reader would readily understand the idea in the right context. However, for someone who is inclined to reject the message without considering it properly, examples like these provide opportunities to make fun of it. Thus God Almighty says that the same message guides some and misguides others. However, the message doesn't misguide anyone but those who are transgessors: those who have spoiled their innate goodness by doing what their nature requires them to stay away from. Let me give you an example of a passage where a fly has been mentioned in an illustration. The Qur'an mentions an example to illustrate the foolishness of those who worshipped statues instead of God Almighty in surah al-Hajj. (22:73) It says: "O mankind! A similtitude is coined, so pay heed to it: Those on whom you call beside Allah will never be able to create even a fly though they combine together their abilities for the purpose. And if the fly took something from them, they could not rescue it from it. So weak are both the seeker and sought." In this verse the Qur'an has effectively used the example of a fly to help the reader understand the weakness of the polytheistic position of worshipping statues. However, those who are to be misguided by this passage might claim that there was no reason why there should be a mention of a creature as mean as a fly in God's message. Obviously anyone who says that, has missed the point completely. However, he has missed the point not because there was anything wrong in the idea of mentioning a fly in the example, but because he didn't want to understand it, and in order to justify his position, he uses the mention of fly in the passage as an excuse. The Qur'an claims people who are thus misguided are those who have contaminated the innate goodness of their pristine nature by transgressing against Allah's will (which they clearly knew instinctively). You told that ‘The human makes the first choice, then Allah helps him in that direction - the direction can be good or bad depending on the person's choice”. My belief that Almighty Allah does not inspire/help the people to do something evil or bad. It is Satan who inspires for these evil or bad things. If your interpretation is right then please tell me - “How is the misguiding by Satan different from the misguiding of Allah then”? “If Allah can misguide a girl to fornicate as in this case , how is that different from Satan”? I hope now you have understood my answer. Minara.[/quote]
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