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[quote]Dear Minara, [quote]If we follow this idea and consider it as Islamic then it will be SHIRK with Almighty God, which He will never accept from anyone[/quote] Firstly, it is not shirk to follow something that is not against the Quran and word of Allah (swt); even if it comes from some other source than Quran. The believers, men and women, are Auliyâ' (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another, they enjoin (on the people) Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm orders one to do), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar 9.71 The Ma'ruf can come from any source besides the Quran. All that is good is acceptable. Quran does not say all good is limited to the Quran, does it? Please proove your claim that only the things from Quran are acceptable and all other good things not originally from Quran are not acceptable. Secondly, please don't sound like you are god, don't say what He will accept and what He will not accept. This is not for you to decide, Allah will judge in the end and He is the King - not you. [quote]Then why do people follow them and why do you opine them by saying as part of religion?[/quote] Because God says do whatever that is good and don't do evil. So we do what is good, and making late salat to make up for missed salat is doing something good. I do not see it as an inherently evil act - do you? [quote]Therefore, if late prayers would require for our salvation/religion then it would definitely be given in the Quran.[/quote] Again you put your own words in my mouth. When did I ever say that late prayers are a must and a requirement? Please don't put your own words into my mouth. If someone wants to do late prayers, then there is nothing against it in the Quran - and you have no right to stop someone from doing it. If you don't want to do it, so be it. But if others do it, don't tell them they should not do it. Allah commands us to do good and eschew evil. Doing late prayers is good, nothing evil in it. [quote]I believe only on Quran, not on any fairy tale as you believe on. [/quote] What faiy tale? [quote]I have more knowledge about this particular subject than you.[/quote] Arrogance was the downfall of Iblees. Please mind yourself. Even the great sheiks and scholars of Islam never said what you have just said. And those people definitely did have the right to say that they have more knowledge than other people, as for you, I don't know who you are, what is your background, what you have studied. And you claim to me more knowledgeable - sounds pretty arrogant. May Allah forgive you and me for our arrogance. [quote]If you will accept the Quran as your only religious source[/quote] The Quran is enough guidance for our salvation. However if we want to do more good, then the Quran orders us to do good - does not restrict us to only the things in the Quran. The Quran does not detail many things like salat, zakat, hajj; it does not say do medical research in genetics to save lives, it does not say make computers to increase production and make life easy for people. If you want to do all these 'good' things, then you need to follow other sources of knowledge which are good. However I am not saying that these 'other' things are necessary for salvation - so no one should say that these other things are cumpulsory or part of religion. If someone makes a nafl act into a fard act, then the person is doing great zulm. If you tell me that the women must wear the burqa when they go out, then you are doing a zulm - you are making a non-cumpulsory act into a religious cumpulsory one even when it is not. I am saying that these other good acts are optional and one should do them to increase their balance of good deeds for the hereafter. If you do not want to do them, it is your own loss, don't do them. But don't stop me from doing my late prayers because I missed them and would like to earn some extra reward from Allah.[/quote]
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