Module 1
A. The
Classical View
Section I:
Tafsir bi’l-Riwayah
i. Methodology
a. Through the Quran
1. Brevity and Detail
2. General and Specific
b. Through the Prophet (sws)
1. Explaining Words
2. Explaining Directives
3. Adding to the Quran
4. Asbabu’l Nuzul
c. Through the Companions
d. Through the Tabi‘un
1. The Makkan Group
2. The Madinan Group
3. The Iraqi Group
A. The
Classical View (Conitnued)
Section I:
Tafsir bi’l-Riwayah (Continued)
ii. Historical Development
a. The 1st Period: Oral Transmission
b. The 2nd Period: Chapters in Hadith Books
c. The 3rd Period: Independent Tafsir Works
d. The 4th Period: Specialized Tafsir Works
iii. Important Works
a. Tafsir Tabari
b. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Section II:
Tafsir bi’l-Ra’ay
i. General Introduction
a. Definition
b. Its Advocates
c. Its Adversaries
d. The Middle View
1. Mahmud (Commendable)
2. Madhmum (Condemnable)
Important Works
a. Tafsir Kashshaf
b. Tafsir Kabir
Module 3
B. The
Contemporary View
Section I:
Authority of the Quran
Section II:
Direct Sources
i. Parallels of the Quran
ii. Language of the Quran
iii. Context of the Quran
Module 4
B. The
Contemporary View (Continued)
Section II:
Direct Sources (Continued)
iv. Theme of the Quran
Module 5
B. The
Contemporary View (Continued)
Section III:
Helpful Sources
i. Ahadith and Athar
ii. The Major Commentaries
iii. The Previous Scriptures
iv. Historical
Facts and Details
Appendix A: The Isra’iliyat
Appendix B: Ahadith cannot Abrogate the Quran
Appendix C:
Difference between Hadith and Sunnah |